Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Katie and Twinkie!
  • Female
  • Vancouver, WA
  • United States
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Katie and Twinkie!'s Friends

  • Mandy&Bailee
  • Dreamydoodles Northwest
  • Kevin Poole, Penny & Ozzy
  • Nancy Markusen
  • Linda,Yankee & Finn
  • Jane, Guinness and Murphy
  • Leigh & Allie
  • HANNAH 8/2/07 & HONEY 7/2/08
  • j u l i e
  • Kemp Rader
  • Cam & Oski
  • Eva
  • Tricia,  Shiloh, Fenway & Tessie
  • Janie
  • Sue & Willy Babe

Katie and Twinkie!'s Discussions

Once again...NIPPING

Started this discussion. Last reply by 323jfej66hz9c Aug 5, 2009. 20 Replies

Banfield Vet Clinic

Started this discussion. Last reply by Allison Jul 4, 2009. 13 Replies

Nipping, any advise will help...

Started this discussion. Last reply by Maryann,Roo and Tigger Jun 26, 2009. 8 Replies

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Katie and Twinkie!'s Page

Profile Information

About Me:
My name is Katie, and I am a mother of four beautiful children, and just recently added Twinkie to the gang! She is an amazing F1 Goldendoodle. She has the brightest, smartest, personality and we just love her to death! I think this is a wonderful site, and I look forward to meeting other "doodle" owners!
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Twinkie is an F1 Goldendoodle.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
I read a lot about them and they seemed to be the perfect dog for me and my family, so far she has been wonderful!
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Right now we love playing fetch, and working on commands. Twinkie loves to play, and chew! :) Her favorite toys right now are those "loofa's" they squeek in two different places and are soft. Twinkie loves to make them squeek!
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Me, for now... :)
Favorite Doodle Products?
We use PetHead by BedHead right now. It works really well.
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:

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Katie and Twinkie!'s Blog


Posted on May 28, 2010 at 9:15pm 9 Comments

So I finally have the guts to come on here and share w/ everyone that I had to find Twinkie (Kava) a new home. At the time the schedules that my husband and I had to work just weren't giving her the time and attention she needed. Twinkie is now w/ her new people Jammie and Emerson in Portland OR. I couldn't have found better parents for her. They did change her name to Kava, and it suits her well. We keep in touch and Jammie forwarded me pictures of Kava. She is in Montana for the summer w/…


Trip to Petsmart!

Posted on August 8, 2009 at 12:49pm 5 Comments

So Twinkie and I went to Petsmart yesterday to get her some new shampoo, and treats, a frisbee, and few other necessities! We were looking around and one of the workers came up and started petting Twinkie and playing w/ her. As you might remember Twinkie and I are working on "Roll Over", the worker asked if she could have a treat, and I told him she will do tricks for them. So of course she sits, shakes, lays down, and then he worked w/ her on roll over and got her to do it w/ no problem!!! Can… Continue

Almost 16 weeks!!!

Posted on August 3, 2009 at 10:12pm 2 Comments

So Twinkie is almost 16 weeks old! (On Wednesday to be exact). She has been such a ball of fun in our household! Saturday we finished up all of her immunizations, and found out she has lost three teeth! I rewarded her for being such a good puppy while at the vet w/ a Kong toy, another rubber toy, some new treats, and a new collar! The one she came w/ was just about choking her! She now weighs 27 lbs. It was really funny because when you look at Twinkie you think 35 lbs. easy, but she is just a… Continue

Twinkie thus far...

Posted on July 26, 2009 at 8:45am 7 Comments

So, Twinkie is 14.5 weeks and I have had her for 5.5 weeks. She has came a long way! She really is such a great dog. She listens really well, and learns tricks pretty fast. She potty trained so fast, which I still can't believe, she even barks at the door when she has to go! Recently we started going on morning walks/ jogs. Twinkie is a bit lazy, rambunctious, but lazy! lol. She will jog and keep up w/ me at first but then she just slooooows down, and refuses to speed back up. It is really… Continue

Comment Wall (18 comments)

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At 12:29pm on December 24, 2009, HANNAH 8/2/07 & HONEY 7/2/08 said…
Hannah & Honey wish you:

Myspace Glitter Graphics

At 10:38am on November 21, 2009, HANNAH 8/2/07 & HONEY 7/2/08 said…
At 7:37am on October 30, 2009, HANNAH 8/2/07 & HONEY 7/2/08 said…
Hannah and Honey Wish You A Happy Halloween

Make your own Glitter Graphics

At 11:09pm on September 4, 2009, HANNAH 8/2/07 & HONEY 7/2/08 said…
Wishing your family and you a Safe and Happy Labor Day Weekend...
HannahNHoney 4th of July
Glitter Graphics

At 1:59pm on August 9, 2009, Cam & Oski said…
Wow. Twinkie looks like a miniature Oski! Are they related? Oski's parents are Brudus & Raven from Rivers Edge Goldendoodles in Chehalis, WA.
At 1:58pm on August 9, 2009, Anthony & Lori Jacobs said…
Hi Katie I am sure I know you from church. I am so glad you are on doodlekisses I just had two litters 3 weeks ago today we have been very busy.As you can see we have 8 adult dogs and we love them we have 1 older lab 3 standard poodles and 4 labradoodles. You are doing really good with Twinkie.It is a lot of work but it pays off.
At 11:36am on August 9, 2009, Katie and Twinkie! said…
So we have posted the newest video, w/ Twinkie rolling over and doing all her other tricks. Go take a peak and let me know what you think! The video was taken on my cell phone so it's a bit choppy! :)
At 6:15am on July 28, 2009, Chris & Boys said…
You are so welcome! Yes, it is hard to remember that they are still newborns at that age because they are so much fun! She is beautiful! She is going to lighten up alot - just like Fozzy. You can see how light her coat is underneath.

Also, I am guessing she is not lazy.....she is a baby. Remember when your kids were 14 weeks???????? So if you fgure in dog years she is what???? Maybe a year old in human years?? She should still be spending most of her time sleeping. I think you will be pleasantly surprised at how much her activity level will increase in 2-3 months!
At 9:26am on July 26, 2009, Nicole Wayne said…
She is adorable! Welcome!
At 10:23am on July 8, 2009, Karen & Lucy said…


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