Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

October 2011 Blog Posts (108)

we have a jumper

Lilly will be five months old on Wednesday. Our 12 pounder has learned to jump on our laps be invitation. Today I walked in the living room and she was in my rocker recliner. I didn't say anything and walked out of the room.  She started crying. I walked back in and the chair was rockin' away. I think she tried to get down and her movement started the thing going. Poor thing couldn't figure out what to do. I picked her up and put her on the floor.

It reminded me of when I was a little…


Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on October 31, 2011 at 5:28pm — 5 Comments


Hard to believe my little ones are 4 weeks old today, where does the time go...they are eating like little piglets and growing like weeds.. Gabby has been the best mom ever, I am so proud of her!

Added by Mandi Black WillowOakLabradoodle on October 31, 2011 at 7:56am — 11 Comments

Lyric's puppy pics day 32

Hi everyone who is still out there watching Lyric's pups grow. They are little tiny dogs now--playing, running and giving big sloppy kisses. These last few weeks with them are so much fun and it is so hard not to get attached! I will try, but I am sure a few tears will fall when they leave. Speaking of leaves, I am going to start this slide show with a photo I took today of fall leaves covered in snow--we got 17 inches of the white stuff today and there were some beautiful scenes. Then we…


Added by Ginny Nightingale on October 30, 2011 at 7:06pm — 16 Comments

Is that a Poodle?

I took Maggie to the groomers last year and they shaved her face.  At first I didn't care for it but it was so much easier to keep her face clean that I've kept it like that and really like it now.  Only thing is most everyone thinks she is a poodle now.  Whenever we are out in public, that's the number one question we are asked.  "Is that a Poodle"?  It's to the point now that if I'm in a hurry or busy, I just say yes because it takes some time to explain exactly what she is.  No matter what… Continue

Added by Sharlene Tupas on October 30, 2011 at 1:40pm — 5 Comments

My Husband is Never Going Away Again for the Weekend! What are the Odds it Would Snow??

My husband is out of town for the weekend. He is being a good uncle and went to see our nephew (his godson) play football in one of his last games as a senior in high school.  I actually was happy that he got a chance to go and Thursday when he left, I was even counting down the minutes until he departed for the airport.  It wasn’t that I wouldn’t miss him, but all morning on Thursday, he was in my way. I went in the kitchen to make my oatmeal and there he sat on MY seat sipping that darn…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on October 30, 2011 at 1:30pm — 31 Comments

Back safe and sound!!!

As much fun as vacations can be, there is no place like home!!!! Being away from my Lola for 2 weeks proved to be quite unbearable...even with the skyping and photo e-mailing my sister did (she was her sitter). New Orleans is an absolutely beautiful city with a great history and even better people. I experienced more in 2 weeks there than I have in a whole year in my own boring city. The people there really open up your eyes to…


Added by Sue, Lola, Pongo & Hubby on October 30, 2011 at 9:35am — 10 Comments

Just for the record

IT DOES NOT SNOW IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA IN OCTOBER!  I'M NOT AMUSED!!!  grrrr I actually hate snow, its work. Clean it up, hope it doesnt make problems to drive.  Today I had to cancel a delivery./  :(

Added by Sharon & Monty on October 29, 2011 at 5:41pm — 13 Comments

Another Pup?

I'm seriously considering bringing home a little brother or sister for Lachlan and Pixel. Raise your hand if you didn't see this one coming. Anyone? Anyone? Yeah, didn't think this would come as a shock to anyone, LOL!   There's a litter ready to go in a few weeks with the parents being Lachlan's father and Lachlan's mother's full sister, so I know the genetic makeup of both and am comfortable with it ... but this is a huge decision and I'm waffling a little bit. Part of me thinks that it's…


Added by Jen, Lachlan, and Declan on October 29, 2011 at 1:19pm — 14 Comments

Walking on a Leash

I have discovered that she's not as good on the leash as I thought. If I bring my sons for our walk she just looses all concentration any thoughts. When its me and her she sits when a car is coming, stays right beside me. When the boys come its like she has P.A.D.D.  and the boys are not doing anything to get her going they are just walking with us.


Rhonda & Marabelle

Added by Rhonda, Marabelle & Jeriki on October 28, 2011 at 8:52pm — 8 Comments

VIDEO!! OF the puppies!!

Do you need a nice long puppy fix? I made a video tonight that shows the puppies over 9 days as they go from 3 weeks to today (just over 4 weeks) Wow--have they changed! So, for those of you who love to watch puppies, there are a full FIVE minutes of video --it's a bit fuzzy and I almost dropped the camera once, but they are so cute, you might not mind. Make sure you turn up the volume to hear Patch sing at one point--you can't miss it--he does a solo.

I also made a big mistake when i…


Added by Ginny Nightingale on October 28, 2011 at 6:53pm — 12 Comments

My iPhone is in a bag of rice.

My husband is in Ethiopia. He has been instrumental in getting a well drilled in a small village about four hours south of Addis Ababa. I encouraged him to go on this trip with me six years ago, and he has gone back every year since. He has the expertise to help this group of villagers. They live in small round dung and straw huts. They had to walk 3 hours a day to get water. Now they have a well and a large garden watered by drip…


Added by Bonnie and Kona on October 27, 2011 at 8:00pm — 21 Comments

We're having a what?!?

We haven't been on DK for a while because Mom has been super tired and hasn't been taking out the laptop for us....Mom told us we're going to get either a little brother or a little sister in May......We're hoping it's a cat that we can chase all around the house....but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.    



Added by L.M. on October 27, 2011 at 2:13pm — 29 Comments

Fudge and Vern are Good Nurses, After All!!!

Last week, I had to have a tooth pulled. I had a root canal in that tooth years ago and for the last ten years I have had problems with the tooth from time to time. It always seemed to know to act up when I was on vacation, so in my opinion, it got what was coming to it the other day.  The only problem with severing my friendship with this tooth was I had to be the one to take it to the dentist for its final demise and I hate the dentist. He is a perfectly nice man, but nothing good happens…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on October 26, 2011 at 8:13pm — 42 Comments

Daisy Doodle is Two

Daisy Doodle turns two tomorrow on the 27th. I can hardly remember before we got her.

She brings joy and happiness every day.

Just look at her, is it any wonder why we love her so much? Love you big girl!…


Added by Lisa, Daisy & Dexter on October 26, 2011 at 5:30pm — 26 Comments

A day at the pumpkin patch...


Added by Elizabeth, Bailey & Bruin on October 26, 2011 at 12:24pm — 11 Comments

Halloween Light House - Sooooo cool!

It used to be you took the kids around town to see the Christmas Lights.......


Added by Carol and Banjo on October 26, 2011 at 10:43am — 6 Comments

Orvis Photo Contest-Betty White vamps for the judges

This entering your dog's photo can be addictive. I just sent a photo of Calla and Luca to Orvis. I thought the video of Betty White was very cute and expressed the frustration of pet owner's everywhere. Fear not, I did not try to seduce the judges: )

Added by F, Calla & Luca on October 26, 2011 at 8:20am — 18 Comments

Bye bye Easy Walker

Stuart has been going for his long walks using his new Easy Walker harness for about a week and he seems to have adjusted to it nicely.  He does walk pretty well just using a collar but when excited will pull so at our trainers suggestion we were using the harness.  Because we didn't get our 3 miles in this morning - I'm waiting for a yard company - I left the harness on thinking that we'll finish our walk it a little bit.  Bye bye Easy Walker - someone - I'm guessing the happy looking cream…


Added by Jane, Rooney & Stuart on October 26, 2011 at 6:34am — 27 Comments

lilly is a big girl now. surgery over.

Lilly was spayed yesterday.  I felt for her since I had the same surgery a few years back. We paid more to have the laser elective surgery and I requested pain meds. Previcox and Tramadol. We had the home again microchip put in at the same time. Total for everything 181.53. nebraska city, ne. I could not believe the cost was that low but I am still getting used to living in the midwest and living in small towns. except when you need something right now and have to drive 70 miles…


Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on October 26, 2011 at 5:21am — 12 Comments

Sophie Bear, you make me so PROUD!

Today was our last day of obedience class. The dogs were tested on all of the things we worked on in class. Sophie's class had about 8 dogs, all different kinds. She was the only labradoodle in the group. I was worried about how the tests would go since there were a lot of smart grown up dogs and she can be so excitable some times. I sort of went to the class with the attitude that we might flunk, and we'd just have to practice some more at home and come back to re-take the test another…


Added by Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty on October 25, 2011 at 6:43pm — 22 Comments

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