Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

November 2011 Blog Posts (77)

Like kids at Christmas...

Wow, what a fun day we had here.  We are getting our first snow of the year and we already have about 5 inches (even for Michigan that is not normal this time of year). 

This is the first snow since we have adopted our 2 doodles (Fozzie in April and Ember in October).  I think Fozzie has been around Michigan winters before and I think Ember has seen snow but not as much…


Added by Beth Fozzie and Ember on November 29, 2011 at 9:00pm — 14 Comments

Marabelle and the dog park

So we have been going to a really good clean dog park by our house, and Marabelle just loves it. as soon as I bring her leash out now she gets so excited. to watch her prance and run and play is so much fun. I get a kick out of her when she runs so fast, that all you can see is the whites of her eyes, because her ears are behind her head so cute. She is getting so big she is only 14 weeks and we arleady want another one, lol. just an update for everyone and a little brag session. I get so…


Added by Rhonda, Marabelle & Jeriki on November 29, 2011 at 2:18pm — 6 Comments

Please Pass the Turkey and Gravy and If You Don't Mind, Stop Coughing!!


Every year, we go to my sister’s for Thanksgiving.  I am thankful she wants to do this holiday, because without her, the rest of us would just make reservations somewhere. Everyone brings something and we all have our signature dishes. She goes all out and pulls out her fine china, silver, and crystal goblets. I would be just as happy with Dixie paper plates, plastic silverware, and those cheap throwaway wine glasses you can buy at the Dollar store, so…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on November 29, 2011 at 6:49am — 38 Comments

Cesar Milan on South Park...

I know Cesar Milan has been a great debate on DK and personally I am not a fan but I know others are.  Anyways, there is an episode of South Park on right now that depicts Cesar Milan training Kenny.  It is HILARIOUS and I am normally not a South Park fan but was intrigued when I realized what it was about.  Enjoy!!

Added by Denise & Hunter!!! on November 28, 2011 at 5:22pm — 5 Comments

A City of two Tails

I was online last night and stumbled upon a support page of people who were having problems with their goldendoodles. Across the board, it seemed like people were experiencing similar "puppy behaviour" problems.

One person posted "my golden retriever NEVER acted like this. What have I gotten myself into with this goldendoodle?!?" This got me thinking about a puppy training class I was in. One particular class we were in was much like a play that would make Dickens proud. There was a…


Added by Melanie and Girls on November 28, 2011 at 12:36pm — 11 Comments

Choodle with the Children & Thanksgiving Reflections

I have missed DK so much!  We have had a whirlwind of activity at our house the past few days and had a family of 5 stay at our house.  We have been friends with them forever (the mom's mom is my godmother) and we do Thanksgiving together every year - have since I was 5 :) 

Tuesday began our jaunt with a 7 year old, 4 year old and 9 month old staying with us!  Wow!  Keep in mind we hung out most of the days at my parents, so I didn't have cabin fever the whole week!  When Peri first…


Added by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on November 28, 2011 at 10:25am — 11 Comments

Harley's 3rd B-Day

Please read about Harley's birthday today on

Added by Cathy C. Bennett on November 27, 2011 at 8:46pm — 6 Comments

Camus and his new house

The house is painted! Camus helped me a lot with his tail and paws, he just painted wrong things. Although we were very busy, we went to the dog beach for 4 days in a row.

Camus is crazy about the ocean. Now it's a problem to walk on beaches where the dogs are not allowed off-leash. Camus pulls to the water all the time. 

Another thing, we discovered and don't know how to deal with it. Camus poops in the ocean. :( He sits where the water comes to his hips and... I feel very…


Added by Camus on November 27, 2011 at 8:24pm — 11 Comments

Elephants in the Living Room

Our home is open concept. The main floor of our house is one giant room. This has come in handy when it comes to breeding puppies. We can place a whelping box in the corner by the couch, and I can keep an eye open no matter where I am. Little did I know how critical the space would become when we planned on having two litters at the same time. Over Christmas.

As we all know, Standard Goldendoodles are not the smallest dogs in the world. A whelping box for a dog of that size measures 4…


Added by Melanie and Girls on November 27, 2011 at 10:48am — 7 Comments

A strange sound

On Tuesday of last week my son Nolan came home for the first time since he went away to college. We were so excited. He is Achilles' favorite brother. So he did his whistle (the one he used to call Achilles since he was a puppy) from outside. Achilles went crazy when he heard it. He looked out the window and saw Nolan. He made the most amazing sound I have ever heard. It was a guttural sound that I have never heard before. It was the most beautiful moment I have ever witnessed.

It has…


Added by Anna and Achilles on November 26, 2011 at 9:14pm — 25 Comments

Miley Went Home Today!!!! - DRC Cross Post

This morning watching Miley cuddle up to Edd & Sharon was very heart warming.  It was so cute to see Miley and her new sister April together.  Miley has another sister Nina that stayed home with the human one.  If you can't tell from the pictures Miley is now a Green Bay Packers fan.  Miley has always been a cheese head at heart it's…


Added by Tina, Clover, Plus 5 More on November 26, 2011 at 12:33pm — 15 Comments

Two more puppies go home!

Big day today for Jasper (formerly Nutmeg) and Pooh bear (now Uchu!) Here are the happy new families. Uchu's new parents are both professors at a major university, so he should have a very interesting life! Uchu is the word for a chiean pepper in an indigenous language from the Andes.

Jasper is now owned by Heather of Blueberry Cottage Labradoodles (a DK member) and will hopefully be in her breeding program--she is looking for a guardian home for him!!!

First Jasper--can he get…


Added by Ginny Nightingale on November 25, 2011 at 5:13pm — 14 Comments

Two puppies go home...

Here is Rosie with her new family--she looks so cute, no?

And here is Enso (formerly Kelly) with his new mom and dad--and in his new bed--he is so gorgeous, it is hard to believe that he came from Lyric!…


Added by Ginny Nightingale on November 23, 2011 at 7:49pm — 19 Comments

Doggiefood .com 10%off & free shipping

Spend $ 100 and get 10% off plus free shipping through the 29th of November at

Code Free10

Added by F, Calla & Luca on November 23, 2011 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

She is totally over it!!

Here are a few out takes from my photo shoot with Bailey today.  I do have to say she did do really well even with all her "costume changes".  It is amazing what she will put up with when she is bribbed with bites of hotdog LOL.


Totally ignoring me!



I think she is saying " maybe if I pretend to be falling asleep she will stop this…


Added by Elizabeth, Bailey & Bruin on November 23, 2011 at 8:33am — 12 Comments

Chicken jerky treats...BEWARE

This article was posted by my vets office...Doesn't mention brands but i think it means any treats not from the USA...

Added by Elizabeth, Bailey & Bruin on November 22, 2011 at 1:28pm — 13 Comments

My Third Birthday

Sunday morning my mom woke me up with "Happy Birthday, Haley!" instead of the usual "Good Morning, Haley!". I thought WTD is going on.

We went downstairs and my dad said "Happy Birthday, Haley!". Then Mom opened up the container of stuff she was making Friday and gave me a delicious treat!!!, and then another one!   All this before my breakfast. Then I got my breakfast and Dad took me out to do my business after which he left to go get the newspapers for their Sunday morning. When he…


Added by Anne & Mr. Haley on November 21, 2011 at 3:48pm — 28 Comments

The Grass is Always Greener or How to Create a Monster Without Really Trying

A while back I started adding a dab of cat food as a topper on Tara's meals. Of course she thought this was THE BEST and quickly stopped eating her meals unless they had the cat food topper on them!  Recently I bought a can of TOTW dog food and thought I would try using it to replace the cat food topper.  WELL,  when the cat smelled the canned dog food SHE wanted to try it! Soooo....I put a little on her food.  You know where this is going...


Now I have a DOG that won't eat…


Added by Ricki and Tara (doodle) on November 21, 2011 at 11:58am — 27 Comments




We’ve all seen and read DRCs rescue posts and updates here on DK….One heartbreak  turned “Happy Tale” after another. Every day Doodles of all ages, colors, sizes and coat types are being rescued from…


Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on November 21, 2011 at 10:27am — 15 Comments

Does your dood smell your car?

Every time I let Monty into the garage, he smells over the entire car. Down along the bottom and especially the tires.  It's like he is trying to determine where we have been.. If we come back from a restaurant, he smells our mouths! Does your doodle do this?  I've never had a dog that acts this way.

Added by Sharon & Monty on November 20, 2011 at 4:52pm — 13 Comments

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