Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Colleen & Abel's Blog (18)

Last Day to Vote!!

The winner is chosen tomorrow!!  Abel dropped to second place by a fair number but there is still a chance!! Please vote if you haven't.  You can only vote once so if the heart by his name is bright red that means you already voted.


Thanks, all!!!

Added by Colleen & Abel on June 23, 2013 at 1:39pm — 3 Comments

Stormy Weather and Abel is a Finalist!!

Last night we got rained out of our doggy boot camp class.  We got in the car and could barley see on our drive home!  Rain turned to hail and we had to take refuge in a parking garage.   The streets were flooded with a foot of water in some places but we finally made it home :)  I think Abel was a little nervous with all the hair pounding on the vehicle.

On a positive note, Abel is a finalist in the…


Added by Colleen & Abel on June 18, 2013 at 3:27pm — 6 Comments

Abel Is Four Today!!

Today is Abel's fourth Birthday!! Happy Birthday to my boy!

We are in a contest and are one of the top contenders!  Please vote for Abel and help us out!  Click on the link and this will take you to his page.  Then click on the heart.  That easy!! Only one vote is allowed.  Thanks in advance!!

Added by Colleen & Abel on June 13, 2013 at 10:02am — 23 Comments

October 2012

Here we are at the end of October.


Back in September we had a bit of an ear mite scare.  The inlaw's dog got ear mites!  Abel was being puppy sat by them for the weekend as we were out of town.  Not only that but he sees her twice a week.  We do not know where the ear mites came from.  Abel was never actually diagnosed but we think…


Added by Colleen & Abel on October 24, 2012 at 1:04pm — 4 Comments


Me and Abel joined a doggy boot camp type class called dogilates.

Yesterday was our second session and besides the 34 degree weather (93 Fahrenheit), it went well.

There are a couple of other doodles in our class.  Last week there was a standard Labradoodle who was under one year old.  All him and Abel wanted to do was play!  When we got home that night Abel zonked out.

My cousin  is in our class and last night she was there with her miniature Labradoodle.  All Abel…


Added by Colleen & Abel on July 19, 2011 at 12:27pm — 4 Comments

Spring Has Sprung!

Wow! I can't beleive I went all winter without a blog post!

Things are going good in our neck on the woods.

In February my Husband and I went on our honeymoon to Disney World and Abel had to stay with Grandma and Grandpa for ten whole days!  He was a sad guy but he survived.

Two days later we took him to get a dead tooth pulled.  I'm sure by this point he pretty much hated us.  Surgery went well, though, and he is home and happy.

Last week we moved into a new…


Added by Colleen & Abel on April 21, 2011 at 3:48pm — 5 Comments

Annual Vet Check Up

Today Abel went for his annual vet check up/vaccines. Last time he had been to the vet he had only been four months so a lot has changed. We had a pool going around for people to guess Abel's weight. The guesses ranged from 60 - 89 pounds. The real weight? 66 pounds! I had guessed 72. I knew he couldn't be terriblly heavy because I was on the one who had to lift him on the vet table.

All is good. His maloclusion is all gone and his teeth line up perfectly :) The only problem is that…


Added by Colleen & Abel on September 24, 2010 at 12:25pm — 2 Comments

What's Going On?

Yesterday I came home from work and found one of my shoes that I wore out to the bar on the weekend laying in the living room. Upon inspection, I noticed the heel was chewed a bit. I kind of shrugged it off. I was kind of upset that Abel would do that but it was just a tiny bit and though maybe he just smelled somthing on it or something.

So last night me and my boy go out for dinner. When we come back a couple hours later my shoe is chewed apart! Not only that, but he got a headband…


Added by Colleen & Abel on August 17, 2010 at 11:21am — 5 Comments

Abel is One Year Old!

Abel's first Birthday was just over a week ago. Can't believe it's been almost a year since we first went to look at the little guy. He is not so little anymore!

Not too much is new in our world. I tried to take him swimming a couple weeks back and he wouldn't even put a paw in the river :o I really hope he learns to be a swimming dog.

In July we will be taking him camping in the mountains for the first time. Me, being from BC, am excited to show him the mountain haha. Our trip…


Added by Colleen & Abel on June 23, 2010 at 11:38am — 11 Comments

Spring Update

It's been awhile since I posted on here so I think it's time for an update!

Abel has graduated from his beginner obedience training from Pet Smart. I'm not sure he really learnt too much from this. Most of it was already stuff he already knew or stuff we just need to keep working on but in a differen't environment. He did meet another doodle though and we now go for play dates every Saturday.

After much pondering we also decided it was time to shave Abel :( I tried cutting his…


Added by Colleen & Abel on May 18, 2010 at 1:20pm — 2 Comments

Hair and Matts!

For the past few weeks I have been trimming Abel's hair. Most evening's he is pretty good and will just lay there. He was getting pretty long and hot so I just trim him a bit every night haha. Even though we brushed Abel a couple times a week I discovered he has matts! His armpits, ears, and beard/moustache had some pretty bad ones. There were a couple random matts that were easy to cut out. I had to spend A LONG time on his ears and beard though. I think he may still have some. I am quite… Continue

Added by Colleen & Abel on April 1, 2010 at 12:58pm — 4 Comments

Abel's First Day of School

Today we took Abel to his first day of beginner training at Petsmart. I wasn't planning on taking him to Petsmart cause I really don't know how good they are but I talked to the trainer and the hours worked the best for us. Plus, Abel is a pretty good puppy (well he is nine months old now), and we just need to work on him controlling himself in excited situations. He will listen to us when the mood is right but add anything into the mix and he lets his curiosity and excitement take…


Added by Colleen & Abel on March 13, 2010 at 6:45pm — 5 Comments

Happy Holidays!

Abel survived his first Christmas.

We put up our tree at the beginning of December. I was expecting that he would either knock it over with his bum while looking out the window, would knock it over while playing with the cat, or would want to eat some of the ornaments. None of this happened.

Next came a Christmas party that I hosted. He loved it all! He loved the company, he loved the snacks, everyone loved him!

Then Christmas morning finally rolled around. He got spoiled with… Continue

Added by Colleen & Abel on December 27, 2009 at 8:21am — 1 Comment

December Update.

Abel is almost 6 months old. Where does the time go?

Last month he was in major tooth loss mode. I was begining to wonder if he would have any teeth left to chew with! In one week I think we found about 9 teeth. There was one day his breath smelt like blood and he was sulking around the house. Poor guy. Happy to say he now has a mouth full of new adult teeth!

I weighed him the other day. He is about 45 pounds. He also knows how to roll over and loves to go for runs off leash in the… Continue

Added by Colleen & Abel on December 2, 2009 at 7:00pm — 6 Comments

Five Month Update

Abel is growing like a weed. He must be close between 40-50 pounds right now. For the most part he is a good dog. The things we need to work on include:

* Heeling.

* Not moochin.

* Not jumping up when he gets excited.

* Not piddling when he gets excited to see the neighbour or my sister.

* Not to steel socks!!

Well now he doesn't sound so good but he really is!!! I am planning to take him to obediance classes soon. Has anyone ever been? Will they help with…

Added by Colleen & Abel on November 8, 2009 at 6:58am — 5 Comments

Pet Stores and Parks!

Last night I ran into my boss and her 2 year old daughter at the park. I had been trying to run into them so Abel could get more socialization with kids. For the most part he was good. He was a little excited with the child running around and squealing and he was still pretty full of energy due to it being the beginning of his walk.

On the weekend I took Abel to the local Petland. He is well behaved in pet stores so far. This is the second time I have taken him to a pet store and he just… Continue

Added by Colleen & Abel on October 7, 2009 at 12:23pm — 1 Comment

Abel Had His Surgery!

Last Thursday Abel got neutered, got two baby canine teeth pulled, and got his last set of shots. I though he was going to hate us for sure!

When I picked him up at the vet at the end of the day he seemed a little droopy. His tail wagged and that was about all the happiness he could show. Outside the vet he took a pee that must have lasted a good 40 seconds! He must have been holding it all day! That night I waited an hour or so to feed him just like the vet told me. I fed him half the… Continue

Added by Colleen & Abel on October 7, 2009 at 12:19pm — 2 Comments

My First Blog Post

I thought I would write a blog post and let everyone know what is going on with Abel. Abel is now two weeks shy of being four months old. He is fully house broken as far as we can tell. He sleeps through the night and goes to the door when he wants outside. He just needs to start barking so we know he is there! It was my goal to bell train him when he was younger but I kept forgetting to ding the bell. He is still not the best in the yard alone. If I leave him out there alone, even for a… Continue

Added by Colleen & Abel on September 29, 2009 at 10:30am — 6 Comments


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