Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Yesterday, our guest dog Scout had a series of accidents, of both the pee and poop variety (she went to the vet this morning - she has a UTI, got some antibiotics, and she will be fine...poor little girl!). I evidently missed an area in the guest room where Scout had diarrhea, and only discovered it because Callie jumped in my lap and started lavishing my face with poop-scented kisses. I just didn't know what to do first...scrub my face or wash Callie's mouth (she's given to wandering around and randomly licking walls, picture frames, furniture, etc), I had to be a little selfish and deal with my face first. My house was still in odor recovery from all the accidents and didn't smell fabulous to begin with, but I couldn't take it smelling like I had poop in my nose! I gave Callie one of her dental chews, washed my face off, and got prepped to clean Callie up (this involved a good face washing and then a toothbrushing. I really wanted her to gargle some listerine, but couldn't figure out how to instruct her do that).

Callie has never eaten poop before. I hope she never does again! Ick ick ick!

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Comment by Frannie & Callie on February 10, 2010 at 5:40pm
Update on Callie's gross poop made her sick! Now she's having diarrhea and vomiting :(. Thet vet gave her some fluids and an anti-nausea shot, along with some meds and bland canned food. Poor little girl!! I do hope some part of her doodley brain connects the two events...eating poop=being sick.
Comment by Michele Barton on February 10, 2010 at 8:06am
Our former dog, a lab, ate poop all the time. Then he'd come begging for people food, give me those sad eyes, and I'd say "you're not a gourmet, you eat poop, you can eat your dog food"!
Comment by Frannie & Callie on February 10, 2010 at 6:35am
Callie knows I called her the "A" word, but she was too busy licking her poopy chops to care. I LOVE hearing stories like this from other DK peeps - agreed that it's way funnier when it's happening to someone else! Donna - Callie has never eaten one of my bras ;)
Comment by Adina P on February 10, 2010 at 5:20am
Aahhh Ha Ha... It is funnier when poo happens to someone else. I would be scrunning both faces with bleach! Ok not really but would be tempted to!
Comment by Adrianne Matzkin on February 10, 2010 at 4:20am
Does Callie know you called her the "A" word??
Comment by Donna K & Quincy on February 9, 2010 at 5:34pm
I love the Callie stories. They are so funny, maybe because they happen to someone else. Quincy just chewed up my favorite bra. Not so amused.
Comment by Kendra K. Rhoton on February 9, 2010 at 3:01pm
Goodness, Remi ate poop once and I about died! YUCK! What was he thinking!
Comment by Ann Kendig on February 9, 2010 at 2:10pm
I know I would have definitely washed my face first! I have found that even though the poop is washed off completely and the smell is no longer on my skin I still suffer from phantom poop smells! Eeeewww! I try not to let the dogs lick me in the face because I see where they lick....and often!
Comment by Frannie & Callie on February 9, 2010 at 12:16pm
I'm going to need a little time before Callie gets to give me kisses again! I'll also be going around the house with my black-light, making sure all the gross germies are gone. Poor Callie...she doesn't really know what she did was so flipping gross!
Comment by Lesley, Wellington & Bingley on February 9, 2010 at 11:54am
well said... Eeeeeeeeewwwww! I love doodle kisses too, but it's always a good idea to sniff first! :)


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