Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Rooney here - just wanted to let you all know that the K9's have not come to break me outta here yet. I remain hopeful but in the meantime I have been having a whole bunch of adventures. Last night "mom" & "dad" gave me my dinner - Orijen just like Breeder did, yum yum. Then mom took me outside to "get busy" several times but I just wasn't ready so I showed her my zoomies, she calls this frapping - what ever. So no poop. And mom wants to go for a bike ride with dad and take me in this cart that goes behind her bike. And here is the funny part. While mom gets her bike ready, she tells dad to watch me, but he decides he needs to pee before we go - so I think "hey maybe they'll take me back to Breeder if I get naughty" so while dad takes 3 seconds to do his thing - I do mine - ha ha. Off we go for a bike ride and I am happy knowing that there is a suprise waiting for them at home. The bike was actually pretty fun but I don't think mom is used to pulling the cart thing and she doesn't always drive the best and she could lose a few lbs if ya know what I mean so I figure this is good for her.

So when we got home dad found the suprise. It was on something called an or-i-ent-al rug. So I am waiting for them to get mad - and guess what - they started laughing! Laughing and laughing, mostly at dad for not watching better. Being naughty didn't help anything so I am back to my normal good boy self.

I walked mom on my leash, she did pretty good but I know she is a bit nervous about doing it right. I'll keep working with her, she is slow but shows potential. I had a great treat before bedtime, frozen yogurt with fruit - it was the best thing ever! Then I slept in my kennel all night from 9:00 - 6:00 and never cried and didn't mess. Mom was very very happy about that. Jeez, what does she expect - I'm a big boy now.

Today has been awsome - dad and mom took me to Petsmart and Petco - I have lots and lots more toys now. These people are crazy about me. I had to stay in the cart though as mom says I can't be around the other dogs till I get all my shots - I get more tomorrow at my vet. I don't like the way this sounds.

Mom or dad stays right with me when I go outside of the house. They have a neighbor who I guess really likes dogs and they are afraid he might come and get me. His name is Al E. Gator. I saw him today taking a swim in the lake behind our house. I wonder if he likes CATS - lol.

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Comment by Susan and Sasha on November 1, 2010 at 8:53pm
Hey Rooney..
I Love your new cart!! It's Sooooo Cool...
I might be a little Too Big for it...even though I'm a girl...(smile)
I think I might like to pull you around in it...what do you think??
I mean...who needs a bike anyway?

Well...I've been reading your blog...and it sounds like you still might need some of my know...I did offer it to you..

I'm not sure how your Mom and Dad found your "Little Surprise"??
I mean...if you did it on the Oriental would have disappeared by the time you got home??!!
So...I have a question...did you tell them....or...did they "step in it"?? LOL...
Oh...that must be it...they must have stepped in it...and they didn't see it...they must have "Felt" it!! LOL...

Roo...the way to get around to make sure that you Don't do it in a place where they would normally walk...
Oh...don't don't learn these things until you get a little older...
You'll just takes time...

Now...about your know...Al E Gator...
Well...I live on a lake...and I"m Really happy to say that we don't have him as our neighbor...But...I do love chasing some of the neighbors that we have around here...
We have a family of foxes really close that I'm Really Big...they never even come close to our property anymore!! Hahaha...
Guess I'm a Really Big Girl Now!! (smile)

Have to run for now...I think I hear my Mom coming...and I'm using her computer...shhhhhhhhh...

Keep me posted on your next adventure...

Your Friend Sasha...
Comment by Linda and Murphy on November 1, 2010 at 1:16pm
Rooney, Murphy here..
I'd love to pull your roundabout. That sounds cool. Everyone sez I look like a horse (whatever that is) so I think it will work.
Do you like to go fast? I can run really really fast...nobody can catch me. Do you have a seatbelt?
Your friend,
Comment by Ricki and Tara (doodle) on November 1, 2010 at 8:44am
Rooney Boy!! It sounds like you have a GOOOOD thing going there!!! These people are obviously PUSH OVERS!! I say RUN with it!!!!! Wooo Hooo!!! Your friend, Tara
Comment by Frannie & Callie on November 1, 2010 at 8:30am
Rooney - I love hearing about your days in captivity. I'm definitely thinking you have Stockholm Syndrome at this point!
Comment by Smita, Ollie and Juno on November 1, 2010 at 12:08am
Welcome Rooney! Ooh! The cart looks like so much fun! I wish my mom took me for a ride in one of those, but she is lazy and her bike never even moves from the garage :-( May be I should show her this photo to motivate her. My mom also showed me the part where you say you slept from 9 to 6 and she is asking me to do the same!! Where's the fun in that? I love to go romping and laugh at their bleary eyes at least twice every night! Have fun getting pampered dood! These humans are easy to train.
Your buddy,
Comment by Kaytlin and Cooper on October 31, 2010 at 8:18pm
Ooooh that cart thing looks fun! Maybe I can get Mum to go in there and I can pull HER around! Cos when I walk HER on the leash - she never walks fast enough and drags behind.
Licks, Cooper
Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on October 31, 2010 at 7:08pm
Oh Rooney, we would be scared of your neighbor too. We saw him on TV and he sure has big teeth. I want to ride in your cart sometime maybe, even though I am a grown=up boy, but Clancy has to walk - he needs the exercise.
I do not, I just prefer walking.
Love and doodle hugs,
Ned and Clancy
Comment by F, Calla & Luca on October 31, 2010 at 4:39pm
Maybe someone will kidnap me--no such luck I guess.
Comment by Camilla and Darwin on October 31, 2010 at 4:26pm
Rooney, you sure look like you are having fun in your cart. I asked my mom if she would pull me in one so I don't have to walk on our walks (too much work!). She said no because I'm too heavy. I think she's just lazy! - Darwin
Comment by Jane, Rooney & Stuart on October 31, 2010 at 3:47pm
Murphy - you are right - I think you might be too big even for the extra large houndabout. But I have an idea, how about we harness you up to the houndabout and you pull it. Kinda like those horses in central park. Then I will invite Rua over for a cart ride, what do you think? I'd owe you big time buddy.


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