Dear Wiggle Worm,
I know that you're not scheduled to arrive for another week or so, but please know you don't HAVE TO wait that long. Really...after all this're welcome home at any moment. Your room is ready see?
This is where we'll sit while you eat:

And this is where you'll sleep:

Look at your pretty quilt...

And your pretty curtain...

You even have a play mat named after you!

This silly looking guy is NOT a bald Norm McDonald impersonating Burt Reynolds, but YOUR DADDY whose grown a fuzzy upper lip for forgive him in advance for the bristly whiskers...he's VERY excited to meet you =)

And last but not least...your big brother and sisters are asking me every single day "WHEN IS WIGGLE WORM COMING?"

So join us anytime...we're ready for ya!!!
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