Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Doodles, doodles, blah blah blah. Wiggle Worm your room is ready...c'mon home!

Dear Wiggle Worm,

I know that you're not scheduled to arrive for another week or so, but please know you don't HAVE TO wait that long. Really...after all this're welcome home at any moment. Your room is ready see?

This is where we'll sit while you eat:

And this is where you'll sleep:

Look at your pretty quilt...

And your pretty curtain...

You even have a play mat named after you!

This silly looking guy is NOT a bald Norm McDonald impersonating Burt Reynolds, but YOUR DADDY whose grown a fuzzy upper lip for forgive him in advance for the bristly whiskers...he's VERY excited to meet you =)

And last but not least...your big brother and sisters are asking me every single day "WHEN IS WIGGLE WORM COMING?"

So join us anytime...we're ready for ya!!!

Views: 63


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Comment by Kai Doodle (Kathy & Keith) on November 19, 2009 at 9:00pm
beautiful room!!!
Comment by Tamara & Giada on November 19, 2009 at 7:33pm
SO fun! I like the tittle.......when our first was born we used to say she was better than a pet : )
Comment by Rose on November 19, 2009 at 3:33pm
Adina this is adorable! Her room looks beautiful. What a lucky little girl she is to have such a wonderful family!
Comment by Ann Kendig on November 18, 2009 at 7:34pm
Adina this is such a sweet post. I got a teeny bit teary eyed looking at it. The nursery is lovely! How excited you (and Clark) must be! It's almost time!!!! Yeah!!!!! Again, best wishes to all of you!
Comment by Maryann,Roo and Tigger on November 18, 2009 at 6:07pm
Sleep Adina sleep. This waiting period is Mother Nature's way of getting you ready for the next adventure in your life. Enjoy every minute of this last week or so - even the uncomfortableness. You will never pass this way again. (First pregnancy) The room is darling. The dogs are wonderful and just the right age for a baby to arrive. Sleep Adina Sleep.
Comment by Kathie and the gang on November 18, 2009 at 12:00pm
This is such a wonderful journey you all (I’m including the dogs) are about to take. Embrace each moment, saver each new experience, and keep laughing. It may feel like the last nine months has taken forever, well time is about to fly faster than you ever thought. I feel like it was only yesterday that the kids were little, but their turning 39 and 34 shortly. I'm not sure where the years have gone but it has been fun (well most of the time).
Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on November 18, 2009 at 11:06am
Amazing that Wiggle Worm has a gym named after her, and she isn't even here yet. Again, I'm not surprised....after all, she is the Princess of Doodledom. Her brothers and sisters are looking a little "shell shocked". It's as if they know their world is about to be "rocked". Rest, rest, rest, Adina.
Comment by Louise and Toby on November 18, 2009 at 9:27am
It's so hard waiting! I remember so well even after all these years!

Come on little girl - everyone is ready for your debut! And your room is adorable!!
Comment by Lynda Kamrath on November 18, 2009 at 9:12am
She is just waiting for Thanksgiving. Enjoy the quiet time for now. It will soon all change. The dogs look very anticipatory and are just wondering what is the world is going on. They will know soon enough.
Comment by Debbie, Brianna and Duncan on November 18, 2009 at 8:48am
Adorably cute room, and family too! Come on Wiggle Worm!! The entire DK crew is excitedly waiting for you!


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