Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Lilly is 7 1/2 months old and this was her first major car ride.  Let me start by saying she is a drama queen. If a tiara would stay on her head, I would buy her one. When we brought her home at 8 wks, I should have had a clue. She cried and yelled for the first 45 minutes of the two hr trip. This little thing just tossed back her head and let it rip. She also still hates her crate and will cry when she has to go in it.  That being said, I was well prepared for the trip by stealing a few of my husband's valium from his last ER trip. 

We put her in the crate in the back of the car and started our 3 day road trip. She started in with her wrining and crying and at times, I swear it sounded as if she was saying "hhhheeeeellllppppp". After 20 minutes, I couldn't take it and with visions of popping valium, I let her out of the crate and held her. Luckily, she is still under 20 pounds and I have a large lap. She set on my lap and looked around as if to say " if you would have done this first, it would have been easier on both of us." she settled down and was good as gold from brownville, ne to st. louis. mo.

That night we stayed at the Marriot Airport. 50.00 non refundable pet deposit. As soon as we walked in, one of the managers came up to us and asked "Is that a labradoodel?" I said that Lilly was a goldendoodle. Well, he has a labradoodle and we hit it off and got a great room onthe first floor. We put the bells on the door and she rang them to go out.  WE put out her food bowls, toys, and her blanket on the bed. She was a jewel the whole time.

Let me say that our little SUV looked like we were the Clampetts moving to Beverly Hills (movie stars- swiiming pools). Full to the top with crap to last a month in three different climates. Her crate was behind my husband's and my down coats, she was getting tired of being on my lap 1/2 through the second day, so I just put her inthe back on the coats. She settled down and slept for 3 hours. I know that safety was at risk with her being on mylap in the front or on the coats at the back and just prayed that we would not get in an accident.  I haved to admit that sanity was over safety and I threw out the valium when cleaning out my purse the night before because I forgot they were wrapped in tissue paper.

That night we stayed at Town Suites- Marriots in Knotsville, TN. 100.00 non refundable pet deposit. The manager did not have a doodle and must not have gotten laid for many years because she was a bitch when I asked about the difference in pet deposits. ( We are in Hunterville, NC- Residence Inn- marriot's 50.00 pet deposit for the wk) she said blah, blah, blah.. Marriots is going to get an email from me asking about the pet policy..

Anyway, the next day we drove through the smokey mnts and Miss Lilly got car sick on DH and my down coats. So being the idiot that I am, I pick her up and hold her to make her feel better and she upchucks all over my shirt and pants. We finally get to a truck stop where DH goes inthe bathroom and brings out a bit of paper towel. A BIT OF PAPER TOWEL??? really? so my bitch kicks in, I had had it after two and 1/2 days of sitting in the car and yell " do ya think this is going to clean up anything?" and other things that I won't post here. I guess he doesn't remember driving with car sick kids. After the second trip to the men's room, he came back with enough to wipe it up and we continued for the next couple of hours with the smell of vomit in the car. Lilly was feeling great I may add.

So here we are for 5 days, in a hotel in Huntersville, NC then on to our house in Florida for a couple of wks then to Tucson for a few days then back to Brownville.

What I learned on this first car trip; pack all Lilly's things in a her very own suitcase. I had food in one bag, toys in the other, blanket in a third. I was not thinking on the day I was packing. I will put enough food for one feeding in a zipclock baggie so I can take out only one for the feeding instead of a big container each time we stop at a hotel for the night. Keep treats up front for potty stops and a towel if it is raining. Also keep babywipes in the front of the car for potty stops to wipe her paws.  After the first truck stop where people don't clean up after their dogs, we would pull off at an exit and drive to a bank or somewhere where there wasn't tons of doggy smells or poop. She went and did her thing and didn't have to smell all the wonderful doggy smells of days gone by.

I also discovered that puppies open doors where once a cute girl did. The cute girl became a grandmother and became smart enough to get a doodle:)






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Comment by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on January 17, 2012 at 4:39pm


Comment by F, Calla & Luca on January 17, 2012 at 7:12am

Well it sounds like it was an adventure and we do live and learn. I'm hoping your return trip will be easier.

Comment by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on January 17, 2012 at 6:28am

i will get the raised car seat. I had thought about this when Lilly was a paupy but didn't know how big she would get. we have a harness, but with the seat laid down, it wont work. thank you everyone.

Comment by BG and Gavin on January 16, 2012 at 8:19pm

Sounds like a fun adventure, minus the barfing.  I third the dog seat/harness idea.  Too important to gamble.  I have witnessed a horrific car accident and loose items within the car were strewn for a quarter of a mile in all directions as well as the driver who I found in a farmer's field over a hundred feet from the car.  Buckle up for safety :)

Comment by Deanna & Desi & Cori on January 16, 2012 at 6:39pm

I'll second the suggestion of the raised doggie car seat and harness idea.  That's how Sedona travels in the car - she's safe and comfortable.  Because she's a "medium" we went with the biggest seat available, but it's perfect for her.

Sorry about the puking.  My daughter was a major thrower-upper as a kid.  I have so many throw up stories that I could probably fill a book, but I'm not sure there'd be much of a market for that kind of literature!

Comment by Doris, Knox & Flash on January 16, 2012 at 3:17pm
I was thinking all was good until Paragragh 6! Yuck! Poor Lily for getting sick...and poor you!! Here's hoping that the rest of your trip is puke-free! Lol!
Comment by Jennifer,Chloe & Myla on January 16, 2012 at 2:48pm

Sounds like a great time! LOL!! At least you have Lilly with you!!!!

Comment by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on January 16, 2012 at 2:38pm

Or belt her in with a harness and put her doggy bed on the seat.  That's what we do for Peri!

All in all, doesn't sound too too bad :)

Comment by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on January 16, 2012 at 2:21pm

Sounds like it wasn't too bad for your first road trip.  I'm wondering if Lilly wouldn't benefit from one of the raised type car seats that Jane uses for Rooney (and stuart when he was a puppy).  It would raise her up so she could see out, as well as give her a place to snuggle down and nap.  Just a thought.

We are getting ready to head out on our longest trip yet.  We are going from Cincinnati to Orlando/Cocoa Beach.  Only one overnight stay on the road and then a week in a Condo.  We have done a couple trips to Alabama previously, so I think I'm pretty well prepared for the road trip, but I''m wondering how the condo week is going to go.  Hopefully all will go ok.

Comment by Christine & Shelby on January 16, 2012 at 1:24pm

Wow... what a trip!  Shelby and I haven't done a long road trip, but I will make some notes based on your experience.   Hope the rest of your trip is smooth and that there is no more car sickness incidents!


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