Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly's Blog (32)

Five! When did they get to be five?

Seems like yesterday that I was reading all about bringing home a puppy and how to train them.  Just like with my kids, they turned out well even if I didn't know what I was doing. They jump on company and bark in greeting. They sleep with us and will do anything for a cookie .

 Do not hesitate to get a second doodle. The best thing we did besides getting the first. They are best friends and have to touch when they sleep.

We are semi…


Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on June 29, 2016 at 7:37am — 5 Comments

Lilly and Lolly's new adventure

I used to write all the time when Lilly was a puppy and then life got in the way. We got Lolly for Lilly at Christmas because we are those kinds of people that buy a dog for their dog. Lilly is an F1b and about 15 pounds. Lolly is as F1 and about 25 pounds. Lolly is a month younger then Lilly and they are the best of friends. Lolly was going to be used as a breeder, but has hip issues so the breeder did not wan to pass that gene down and asked us if we would like her rather then a puppy.…


Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on May 23, 2013 at 7:39am — 17 Comments

Lilly and Lolly

We brought Lolly home a few weeks ago. She is an F1 goldendoodle and the cutest little snuggle bug. We were going to get a puppy from our breeder but Lolly's hips were a little off for breeding so Tera asked us if we wanted her. She is a month younger then Lilly and even though I missed the puppy was nice to have a girl already house broken and passed the chewing.  Lilly has not been around many dogs and Lolly grew up in a pack.. so what Lilly lacked in dog manners , Lolly has…


Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on February 11, 2013 at 7:00am — 18 Comments

the second addition

Happy New Years to all.

We just returned from Tucson (back to nebraska) where Lilly got to meet new desert dog friends. She had never been to desert and did just fine. Silly me worrying about her peeing without grass. forgot the puppy stage of her peeing whereever she squatted.

New news. I had written that we were getting a puppy in Feburary and was going to name her Sophie..well plans changed and we are getting a goldendoodle that was born in July of 2011, just a month after…


Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on January 8, 2013 at 10:57am — 18 Comments

new sister for Lilly part 2

I posted that we were getting a puppy for Lilly and we were going with a labradoodle this time, well plan b- we are going to stick with a goldendoodle and have one of the litter that Lilly's mom and dad are going to have. We are second for a girl. We talked with Lilly's trainer and she suggested a second golden based on Lilly's personality. Personally, I think she suggested that because of me and my personality:)  Deposit check is sent it and the waiting as begun. I bought a collar and leash…


Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on November 28, 2012 at 7:03am — 8 Comments

New puppy for Lilly

I have been MIA on doodle kisses for months. We made the move from Florida to Arizona and have settled into our cottage in Nebraska. It has been a hectic year. We will be in Nebraska full time for the next two years and then do the 6 months each place until we get to old to drive it. As many of you know, I have COPD and could not do the Florida coast- too humid, but I do miss the ocean.

So here is the new news- Lilly is getting a puppy!! I don't know how many dogs get a puppy for…


Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on November 24, 2012 at 4:33pm — 15 Comments

invisible illness week. lilly made CNN.

Hi everyone,

In a blink of an eye the summer is over. Thank you baby Jesus. it was so hot in Nebraska I went batsh&t stir crazy and couldnt get out of the house. felt like winter cabin fever. So grateful the it is cooler.

Her is an article on Invisible Illness Week and miss Lilly is in the slide show. i don't know what I ever did without her. She is my constant companion and has turned into such a wonderful dog.

love to all,

Mimi Linna



Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on September 11, 2012 at 10:00am — 4 Comments

Lilly 10 months

It seems like forever since I have been on Doodlekisses. The cottage has been all consuming and I am busy making a prayer shawl for a friend of a friend that has cancer.

This time last year,I was buying puppy things like they were going to quit making them and looking forward to our little bundle of fur.  As I write this, Lilly is sleeping next to me on top of her stuffingless fox that is all but a rag. She has distroyed all her wonderful toys. She can find the squeeker and pull it…


Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on April 4, 2012 at 10:55am — 12 Comments

Lilly 8 months old-3rd day doggie daycare

We are still in Vero Beach and I decided it would be good for Lilly to be around other dogs. It is hard in a community of 120 and 70 miles from Omaha and her friend Rua to find doggie friends. Lilly started this Monday for 1/2 days. On the first day, her tail was between her legs so far, I was surprised that she could walk. She stayed close to the attendant. The doggie daycare that I took her to has the dogs divided by puppies and small dogs, med dogs and large dogs so she was was puppies…


Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on February 1, 2012 at 6:54am — 12 Comments

first road trip

Lilly is 7 1/2 months old and this was her first major car ride.  Let me start by saying she is a drama queen. If a tiara would stay on her head, I would buy her one. When we brought her home at 8 wks, I should have had a clue. She cried and yelled for the first 45 minutes of the two hr trip. This little thing just tossed back her head and let it rip. She also still hates her crate and will cry when she has to go in it.  That being said, I was well prepared for the trip by stealing a few of…


Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on January 16, 2012 at 7:23am — 10 Comments

Lilly got a new house for Christmas

Lilly turned 7 months old on January 2, 2012.  We finally finished the cottage and have moved in. I was concerned about how Lilly would cope with new surrounding since she has been in one house for her whole life. I had nothing to worry about. She acted as if she always owned this place.  We put up her bells on the door and she rings then to go outside. No accidents so far. When it is her time to go to sleep, she just goes in the bedroom and hops up on the bed. Doesn't matter if we are still…


Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on January 5, 2012 at 7:50am — 9 Comments

Lilly 6 months old today 12 02 11

We made it to six months. It seems like forever till we got her and now she has big girl teeth, goes potty outside all.the.time. and knows the word NO and un un un. She can sit, down and stay..thanks to her other mother Dori of Dori and Rua.

I dont think much has changed from last month to this month other than the biting has really slowed down. Thank you baby Jesus. She know what she shouldn't have and when she is lucky enough to score a no-no she runs like the devil is chaising her-…


Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on December 2, 2011 at 8:19am — 9 Comments

so ready to move

Some of you may not know that we are restoring an 1870 house in Brownville, NE. population 120. located 70 miles south of Lincoln. When I told my daughter that we bought a fixer upper in  Nebraska, she asked if we had started smoking crack. I told her that if we had, I would be much thinner.  We hired a local guy as a contractor to restore it last year. Scott finally had enough and fired him the end of September. We are at the dry wall, paint, floor and move in is scheduled for December.  We…


Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on November 3, 2011 at 3:29pm — 10 Comments

Lilly 5 months. Raining

Today our Miss Lilly is 5 months old. I bought her a fancy rain coat a few months ago and waited for the rain. It came today. I was so excited that we were going to be in our matching raincoats walking down Main St.  I took the coat out of the package and then showed it to Lilly who mistook it for a new yellow toy. I explained to her that it was her brand new raincoat and we were going to go on a WALK. I am an idiot. she does not know many words, but W>A>L>K is one that she knows…


Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on November 2, 2011 at 1:46pm — 11 Comments

we have a jumper

Lilly will be five months old on Wednesday. Our 12 pounder has learned to jump on our laps be invitation. Today I walked in the living room and she was in my rocker recliner. I didn't say anything and walked out of the room.  She started crying. I walked back in and the chair was rockin' away. I think she tried to get down and her movement started the thing going. Poor thing couldn't figure out what to do. I picked her up and put her on the floor.

It reminded me of when I was a little…


Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on October 31, 2011 at 5:28pm — 5 Comments

lilly is a big girl now. surgery over.

Lilly was spayed yesterday.  I felt for her since I had the same surgery a few years back. We paid more to have the laser elective surgery and I requested pain meds. Previcox and Tramadol. We had the home again microchip put in at the same time. Total for everything 181.53. nebraska city, ne. I could not believe the cost was that low but I am still getting used to living in the midwest and living in small towns. except when you need something right now and have to drive 70 miles…


Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on October 26, 2011 at 5:21am — 12 Comments

where has the time gone?

I can not believe that Lilly will be 5 months old next week. Tomorrow she is getting her first hair cut at the groomer's and then on Tuesday my baby is getting fixed.

I was in DC for 10 days in grandson land. Lilly and DH spent the time really getting to know each other. Up until then, I was the primary dog keeper and he just had fun with her.  They did great. She trained him to listen for the bell to go out and had him walk her everyday. She only had one accident (in the bedroom on…


Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on October 23, 2011 at 7:39pm — 10 Comments

another bites the dust

I fell off the curb today. I guess it was only a matter of time before I ended up in the gutter.  Lilly and I just started on our walk when I saw the swan (?) truck parked in front of the Bailey House. I thought-great I wll get stuff for scott to eat next week while I am in DC with the grandsones.and I started walking faster aimin' for that truck.  Before I knew it, I had gone from the pavement to the dirt and down I went. knee, hands,… Continue

Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on October 4, 2011 at 6:54pm — 16 Comments

Lilly 4 months old tomorrow, puppy shots complete, look out world.

We made it through the first few months pretty well. A few bite scars but overall it has been a loving ride minus the first few nights. Nothing a few glass of wine didn't cure. 

 Lilly had her first vacation at Dori and Rua's  Doggy Resort and Spa. I would highly recommend it. Rua is the best hostess and shared her toys and her mom and dad. I can not…


Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on October 1, 2011 at 8:58am — 12 Comments

Lilly 3 months

Lilly turned 3 months old on the 2nd. She had her third round of puppy shots on the 1st and weighs 7 lbs. She has settled us into a routine. She gets up around 6 and some days before the rouster across the street starts his crowing. she goes outside and goes pee/ comes in and eats a bit of food and then has to go out "right THIS MINUTE" and poops, then she comes in and finishs eating. She plays for a bit then decides it is nap time. She is up for about 2 hrs and sleeps for 2hrs. She like to…


Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on September 5, 2011 at 7:08am — 9 Comments


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