Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hey doods, Clifford here and I'm looking for some advice. My Mommy came home from work and dropped the F word - yep, she says I'm getting a Foster sister on Friday...hey wait, that's today! Everything seems normal this morning but Mom has a different leash out and some blankets and towels - this doesn't seem right. The last time Mom said the F word she came home from work late and had this little pest called Cadi. She bit my ears, pulled my tail, took my toys and tried to eat my food. She even put her girl cooties in my water bowl - yuk! She was small so I put up with it plus she only stayed for a week and then went to pester Sheba and Duke. Mom says this girl is bigger and she mentioned to Dad he should talk to me about the birds and the bees (duh, the birds fly by and I can't catch them and they always say to stay away from the bees). Why is Mom wrecking my perfect home by bringing this new pest in here? Are there any tricks to getting her to go away real fast and to leave my stuff alone? I know there must something I can do and hope someone can help out with brilliant ideas. I'll keep you posted about how I survive this ordeal...if I survive.

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Comment by Clifford, Cloud, Jake..and Kim on September 20, 2010 at 2:55am
I was ready to throw a party last night! Mom and Dad took Latte (that's my F sister) for a car ride - I was outside so I couldn't give her a proper sendoff - and when they came back she wasn't with them. At first I thought she was just hiding in wait to jump out at me when I wasn't expecting it but I looked around and she wasn't anywhere. The invitations were ready to go out for the party when my mom says "don't worry, Latte will be back tomorrow. She just had to go to the vet to get fixed." Ah ha, I knew she was broken. Anyway, now that I know she is coming back I cancelled the party and am back to finding a way to Rosey and Bandit's house. Geez, just when I thought I was really lucky and she'd gotten adopted already.
Comment by Suzann, Rosey & Bandit on September 18, 2010 at 6:29pm
Sure! Girls and Boys!! Although, femalesbeware, Bandit is taken, has a Girlfriend already so paws off!! Don't let his gorgeous coat and long eyelashes, 1.5" at last count fool ya! And ya' gotta be fixed to join this house, we don't need any of that kinda play goin' on!! Rosey is courting suitors, but you have to go thru DH first:) We have 5 TV's so no need to bring more, our electrical system can't handle any more "appliances" anyways! So bring your favorite toy & blanket and swimsuit. Yahooo!! R&B are waitin' at the door with their bandana's on!
Comment by Clifford, Cloud, Jake..and Kim on September 18, 2010 at 6:18pm
Hey everybody - I don't want to exclude the girl doodles from Alpha Doodle House after all we must stay united against the "F"s. We'll make it a joint fraternity/sorority and Rosey and Bandit's mom has just donated her house complete with indoor pool! Samantha you sound like a pro with getting things packed and ready to go - can you organize snacks while the rest of us pack up the coolest toys to bring along. Can anybody bring a flatscreen tv? I'm kind of hooked on a couple of shows and would hate to miss out on them. We'll teach our parents!
Comment by Clifford, Cloud, Jake..and Kim on September 18, 2010 at 5:51pm
Murphy we'd better make a run for it. I read what your mom has planned for you! We'd better go before you are brainwashed by bootcamp!
Comment by Linda and Murphy on September 18, 2010 at 4:10pm
Clifford, I forgot all about the PIZZA! We don't get that here with my brothers gone. YAY! Alpha Doodle House.
Comment by Suzann, Rosey & Bandit on September 18, 2010 at 2:24pm
Oh Cliffy!!! You make me laugh, I was sneakin' doodle kisses in while we were out to dinner last night (DH was in the BR) and I thought you were up to something that made your mom really mad!! I was even tellin' DH about you being all out of sorts cuz your mom cursed!! But this is good news that you and your mom are helping little F Latte:) I think you will like having another k9 companion around ya know share stories, tell jokes, play chase! Enjoy it while it lasts!!! and give xtra DK's to your mom for helping the little girl!
Comment by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on September 18, 2010 at 8:24am
Harlow here, I kinda like having the "f's" coming to stay for a while. My big brothers (or I should say older brothers since I am bigger than them) are starting to slow down and can't play fox and hound too long. But when the f's come to visit I get to play fox and hound all day. I usually have to teach them how to work the stairs and the proper way to protect your chew bones from my piggy brothers. But the f's get the hang of it pretty quick. Try to enjoy your foster sister.
Comment by Diane Marra on September 18, 2010 at 4:44am
Hey, this is Bailey and Bella chiming in on your story Clifford! My mom is a great mom, she loves us even when we counter surf, eat and shred toilet paper and get in her lap. She even lets us sleep with her on her queen size bed. I guess she thought a queen size was for her being the queen and all, but we have clued her in that we are the king and queen and she is just the princess around here. She just went and got another one of those "foster" kids. The first one was fine, she just stayed by herself and then tried to take all of our moms attention. We showed her pretty quickly that we are the king and queen here. She was doing good at staying away from us, but then the 2nd week she was here, she decided to play with us, well I mean with Bailey only! How dare her steal my brother! I let her know pretty quick, that i was the only queen here. Well she left pretty quickly and now this big black "f" is here. He is the ugliest thing we have ever seen! So what that she had to shave him down, he is giving us doods a bad rap with the junkyard dog look! Yea, and he wants to play all day with Bailey too! I don't like the "f" kids coming here ( Bella talking you guys). I am not leaving to go to any frat house, no matter how cool it sounds. They just have to learn that this is our house, and we rule! They can come and stay a while but they have to leave soon!
Comment by Clifford, Cloud, Jake..and Kim on September 18, 2010 at 3:18am
I almost forgot to mention the good part! She doesn't eat her food very well and when she walks away I sneak in to eat her food!!! That's something I learned from Cadi (Petunia) so I guess you can learn things from these foster siblings. (Don't tell anyone I said that.)
Comment by Clifford, Cloud, Jake..and Kim on September 18, 2010 at 2:07am
Everybody - thanks for the help. Another GIRL - yuk! She arrived smelly and so dirty she had to have an hour long bath...hehehe. At least this one doesn't pull my tail or bite my ears but she always wants my mommy to pet her - that's MY mommy but I'm letting her get petted a little bit because mom's got two hands after all. She does take my toys and my bone but the worst part is when she takes my new soccer ball. Mommy gave that to me tonight and now SHE wants it. I'm gonna be walking around with it in my mouth until she leaves, I can tell.

Maybe I will pack a bandana, I just got one last week at the dog walk-a-thon, that will teach my mom. Murphy - I've heard guys can have a great time at a frat house too...all the pizza you want, doing whatever you want, don't have to clean up my toys just when I get them in the perfect spot. I'm on my way dood. HEY, maybe we should make our own frat house where we could go when the F's arrive. Alpha Doodle House - anybondy want to join?

I sure hope she finds her forever home soon...and it isn't here! I think I'll start to blog about her, telling everyone what a good girl she is, I know they'll believe me cuz I live with her and I would know. Wow, I am one smart cookie!!


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