Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hey friends! My mom took me to grandma and grandpas cabin this weekend, I was so excited I could barely sleep! I woke my mom up early Saturday morning, she mutter that it was only 7am or something and gave me the stink eye, but was still nice enough to get out of bed with me.  Dad stayed in bed, I am a little worried he might be going deaf because he never hears me when I want to wake up!  Anyways,  I forgot about dad pretty quickly because mom mentioned something about a beach and water.  Next thing I know Im packed up into the car for a car ride.  Grandma and Grandpa even came!


When we got there I jumped out of that car so fast and pulled my mom all the way to the edge of the wet stuff, mom muttered something about "ouch" "arm" and "socket", but I didnt care, this was the biggest water bowl Ive ever seen!


Mom tried to pull me in, but I was NOT having it.


So Grandpa took my leash and led me onto this long piece of wood and I thought that he was going to save me from mom trying to pull me into the water..

But all of sudden he pushed me in!


I wanted out of there! The shore was too far I need up, NOW!


I was so not happy

Mom started saying that the beach was too flooded or something so we would try another lake later on today.  All I cared about was going home. But when we got there I was happy again! My best friend Medo came over! We didnt even have time to play, they packed us up into the car and off we went on a LONGER car ride to "the other" beach.  By this time we were both so hot we werent scared of the water.  I jumped right in and took a swim, all by myself! Mommy was so excited she asked Daddy to take a video of me... turns out he never pushed on, so now mommy's upset we didnt get my first swim on camera... Oh well..


Heres a picture of Medo!


And us playing so nicely...



I was so tired by the time we were done I thought it was time to put on my shades and relax. 



After a long day at the beach the only thing better is a nice cuddle on the couch



In the end I learned that water is not so scary! I cant wait to go again, someday soon! Thanks mom!

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Comment by Bonnie and Kona on July 22, 2011 at 4:13pm
I'm sure you can rock the shave-down too!
Comment by Chelsea and Bailey on July 22, 2011 at 3:23pm
Thanks everyone! I did forgive grandpa, I mean I had too, he's the only one that feeds me treats as a meal! And yes mommy did forgive daddy after a whole bunch of scolding! And thankyou Bonnie for commenting on my cuteness.. I tried to tell mommy that I looked fine the way I was, but apparently she saw some dog "Lola's" summer cut and decided to try it on me.... Needless to say I am so ashamed I cant even show myself outside- plus I'm freezing now that mom took all my furtection away.. She just laughed and said I looked like a boy, then whispered "i hope it grows back soon...." grr
Comment by Traci -Bexter & Maggie on July 22, 2011 at 5:35am
That's great!  I love the pictures!  Has your mommy forgiven your daddy yet for not pushing the on button?
Comment by Jennifer,Chloe & Myla on July 21, 2011 at 7:30pm
Great story-thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures and your 1st swim. Did you forgive grandpa yet for pushing you???
Comment by Dori & Rua on July 21, 2011 at 5:27pm
Fun time at the beach.  What a cool thing to be able to do...romp and play in the water. Good going Bailey!
Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on July 21, 2011 at 4:54pm
Very nice story. Glad Bailey ended up liking the water.
Comment by Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*() on July 21, 2011 at 3:59pm
What a cute story. It is so fun to watch them play in the water. And such good exercise for them in the summer heat. I am so glad he took so well to the water. Looks like the trips to the cabin and beach will be so much fun for everyone.
Comment by Camilla and Darwin on July 21, 2011 at 1:45pm
Looks like a blast!
Comment by Doris, Knox & Flash on July 21, 2011 at 1:44pm
Thanks for sharing your beach story, Bailey! You are a lucky dood!
Comment by Bonnie and Kona on July 21, 2011 at 12:39pm
Bailey, You are as cute as can be wet or dry! Sounds like a great trip.


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