As of a few days ago poor Holly has been sneezing constantly! Her nose is always running and she's itching more than ever. I'm looking in to starting benadryl or another allergy medicine to help her feel better. I'm starting to think it is the grass or something else outside, because it's so much worse when we take her out to go potty or after we've let her hang out on the deck for a while. Last night we gave her a cool bath and that seemed to help the sneezing for about an hour, then she started up again! I thought we were finally starting to get this so called "food" allergy figured out, but now I'm thinking she has food and environmental allergies. Her list of symptoms so far includes monthly diarrhea and vomiting, sneezing, biting paws, pulling fur out of tail, itching face and body, ear infections, and a smelly face. That poor dog! I hope we figure this out eventually, but I feel we have a long road ahead of us. Thanks for letting me vent!
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