Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Reese is now 13 weeks old and weighs 21.2 pounds ... tall and lean. He is three feet tall standing on his hind legs.

Reese is my shadow and wants to be everywhere I am at. he sleeps beside me as I am on my computer also.

Reese now knows ... come, sit, down, up, back, off, up, go around, touch, high five to say hello, ... and we are working on loose leash walking and retrieving. Reese has also gone to the Tractor Supply and Pet stores and loves everyone. He is proving to be fearless of everything. He has not hit a fear stage yet. Waiting though. Then we must be very careful that he has no traumatic experiences.

He is a clown too. He loves to grab my slippers every morning and carry them around in his mouth all proud and wagging that tail to beat the band. :)  Lol!

He loves snow and water both. He lays down in the bath tub to be rinsed off after a romp in the mud. He drinks from the bath tub faucet and my rinse cup too.

This coming week we are going down to the lake here and are going to explore it for the first time. It should be interesting. we are going to have a couple of nice days finally.

Reese only has one more dhlpp vaccination and he will be done for a year. he had his Rabies on the 10th of this month and his third dhlpp. He did well with no reactions and was a perfect gentleman at the Vets office ... actually everywhere. He sits to be petted. :) Good Boy Reese!

I will leave you with a few of this weeks photos and last springs photo of our stomping grounds at the lake where we live.

Until next time ... have a great week ... take care ... and thanks for looking! :)

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Comment by Darlene S Bentley on March 19, 2014 at 6:11pm

Thanks again everyone! I can hardly wait for spring to get here! I want to see if Reese will swim! Lol! :D

Comment by Camilla and Darwin on March 19, 2014 at 5:39pm

Reese you are the best!

Comment by Tracey & Spike on March 19, 2014 at 5:23pm
What an amazing little dood! And example to the rest of ours! Haha
It really is amazing how quick these guys can learn.
Reese is such a cutie
Comment by Miss Ellie on March 19, 2014 at 8:22am

What a good boy you are Reese...sounds like a real sweetheart and he is a very handsome the pics:)

Comment by Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau on March 18, 2014 at 7:40pm

Reese is so darn cute!  It sounds like he is a very smart boy and you  are doing a terrific job training him.  He is a lucky boy to have you as a doodle mama!  Keep us posted on his progress.

Comment by Ricki and Tara (doodle) on March 18, 2014 at 5:03pm

My last two dogs loved to retrieve retriever rolls. You might give it a try.  I got a little one for Tara but she would rather pull the stuffing out of it. :(

Comment by Darlene S Bentley on March 18, 2014 at 4:16pm

Thank you everyone! :)  Reese and I have much training to do .... we need to be sure and always practice what we already know .... and get that retrieving going too ... other than my slippers. Lol! He also drags my snow boots to the door when we go outside. I wonder if I should get a retriever roll .... or whatever they are called Lol! :)  Suggestions anyone?  Thanks!

Thanks! ;)

Comment by Robin and Libby Louise on March 18, 2014 at 10:46am

He's gorgeous!!!!!

Comment by Becka on March 18, 2014 at 8:35am

What a beautiful boy!

Comment by Pat and Traveler on March 17, 2014 at 1:04pm

Good dog, Reese!  Ask your mom for a treat, and tell her it's from Traveler.  :)


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