Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Heidi is a four month old Maltese-Poodle mix. Her owner called Judy before the owner found Heidi at a backyard breeder. The lady wanted to adopt a puppy from us but, she was in her eighties. Judy suggested that a puppy might not be a good match for her. In fact, her doctor and her vet had recommended against her getting a puppy. Judy said that if she had a family member as a back up in case physical conditions prevented her from caring for a dog, that an older dog might be a better idea. Judy told her that we would not allow her to adopt a puppy from our Maltese Rescue organization. She became quite huffy and said that she only wanted a puppy, not an older dog!
Judy received a call from the lady who said that the puppy she purchased from a local backyard breeder was "just too much to handle" and asked if our rescue could take Heidi and find a home for her.
We are glad that the lady was responsible enough to swallow her pride and contact us to help her. However, we are also glad that we did not adopt a puppy to this lady. People often complain that rescue rules are too strict. However, it is cases like this that illustrate how necessary rules are. After all, we are advocates for our dogs. We want each adoption to be successful!
Joyce, I think that rescue groups have stricter rules than breeders is that our dogs have already had one loss of a home and we want to do everything to ensure that the second home is as secure as possible. I realize our policy is age discrimination but we are advocates for our dogs and cannot be politically correct. If we deny our rescue dogs to ten homes in order to prevent one dog from needing to be re-homed, so be it.
However, in your case we would not have needed to make an exception. We usually judge the age of our adopters by the age of the younger of the two partners.
She is adorable! I'm glad the woman contacted you, instead of just dumping him. My mom's rescue, Barley, a maltese-poodle mix, was just left in a shopping cart. It's so sad to think of him alone and scared, so I'm glad this pup didn't have to go through that.
I can't imagine taking in a puppy in my 80s, I barely have enough energy in my late 20s :) Glad she reached out for help.
She is too cute! Glad that the lady saw the light and did the right thing-at least in the end!
So true Richard!
Good call, Richard! Oh what a cutie!!!
One more lucky pup rescued by the Crowes! She is adorable and very lucky that the woman swallowed her pride and called you! Rules rule!! :)
I always wonder what people were thinking in the first place. Makes no sense to get a puppy at her age, but I am glad she called the rescue. What a cutie!
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