Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Elizabeth, Bailey & Bruin
  • Jacksonville, FL
  • United States
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Elizabeth, Bailey & Bruin's Friends

  • Stacy, Winnie,Chewy & Pongo
  • Michelle Crews
  • Carol & Olive
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  • Lisa and Tucker
  • Kristen Eric Lacey and Paisley
  • ToniWilliams
  • Jordan & Daisy
  • Melissa Lowman
  • Sunny Hartigan
  • Jeanine A
  • Katie Seybert
  • Dawn Ross
  • Cindy Bowles
  • Robbie, SAYLER

Elizabeth, Bailey & Bruin's Discussions

Calendar Submission Potentials 2018

Started this discussion. Last reply by DJ & Chance Sep 2, 2017. 12 Replies

I thought it might be fun to see some of the potential calendar submissions for the 2018 calendar.  I know Adina hasn't posted the rules yet but I thought it might be fun to start the discussion.I…Continue

Cool and fruity idea!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lori, Daphne, Lucy & Pippa Apr 14, 2015. 7 Replies

While cleaning strawberries last night I had an "ah ha" moment. Bruin loves all types of berries and fruit ( well, really he likes anything edible and non-edible LOL) and with the  summer almost in…Continue

Hi, my name is Elizabeth & I'M an official HOPELESS DOODLE ADDICT

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lynda Kamrath Feb 26, 2015. 65 Replies

I was so excited when Anne and Mr. Haley contacted me and told me I was the next chosen to receive the HDA medal.  I received the most amazing and generous box of goodies for me and my doodles.  The…Continue

Doodle Presents

Started this discussion. Last reply by Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau Dec 30, 2014. 10 Replies

I thought now that the holidays were over, it would be fun to share our doodle related Christmas/Holiday presents that we received.  Make sure to include websites and/or stores if you know where they…Continue


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Elizabeth, Bailey and Bruin

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Profile Information

About Me:

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We have a new F1 Goldendoodle, her name is Bailey. Her mom is a american golden ret. and her dad is a standard apricot poodle. Look how she is growing

10 -12lbs
11 -14.25
14 - 20.75
18 - 27 lbs
20 - 28.5
10/2/11 5 months 33.5 lb
10/30/11 5 months 3 wks 40lbs
11/16/11 6 months 42lbs
12/21/11 7 months 3 weeks 54 lbs
9/5/12 1 year 4 months 60lbs
4/17/2013 1 yr 11mnts 65lbs
9/12/14 3 yr 4 months 66.6lbs

Bruin came to live with us on April9, 2014. He is our second doodle. I have only been a 1 dog household so this is going to be a totally new experience for me. We got him from Cowboy Country Doodles. His momma is named Sky and she is an English golden ret. and his dad's name is Peanut Butter. He is a cream standard poodle. We are so excited to have Bruin join our family!!

Bruin Born 2/11/2014
4/9/14 11#3 8 wks
4/28/14 16.5# 12 wks
5/19/14 22# 14 wks
6/13/14 28.3# 17.3wks
7/7/14 34# 21 wks
8/5/14 41# 25 weeks
9/16/14 47.6# 28 weeks
10/15/14 50.8# 8 months 4 days
11/6/14 55.4# 8 months 3 weeks
01/02/15 59.0# 10 months 2 weeks
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
We had a sweet spitz-a-poo named Winston for 15 years. He developed heart failure last October and had to be put to sleep...Broke my heart. He was the sweetest boy ever.. I missed not hearing the pitter patter of puppy feet at home so starting in February I felt it was time for a new "fur baby".

I saw an episode of Dogs 101 on Nat Geo. Fell in love with the "doodle". I also adore goldens so what could be more perfect...
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
4/17/13 I love to take Bailey to the beach, local parks and festivals...And anywhere she is welcome!

Sleep..since I just got her yesterday LOL Looking forward to going to the beach and the parks.

9/26/ going to the parks for long walks and visiting any store that accepts pups
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Still looking for a good groomer
Favorite Doodle Products?
Bully Sticks. Happy Tails Fur Butter. Freeze dried beef liver YUCK!
Relationship Status:
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:

Comment Wall (60 comments)

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At 5:07pm on November 17, 2015, Michelle Crews said…
Thank you! Looking forward to meeting you guys!
At 11:30am on July 14, 2015, paulina salas said…
Hi Elizabeth. I saw your picture of your puppie when he was a baby and now. U think u could tell me what u think of my cooper ?
At 5:46pm on January 2, 2015, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

Thanks for your great Howl-a-days card!! Bailey and Bruin are such cute Doodles. Hope you had a Merry Christmas. Happy New Year!

At 2:05pm on August 28, 2014, Leslie, Yogi & Maci Bear said…
Elizabeth, I enjoyed looking at your newest pictures. They are just beautiful doodles!
At 12:34pm on July 9, 2014, Becka said…

Elizabeth, your new pup is the cutest! I am now even more determined to make my way to north Florida to meet your doodle family!

At 10:42am on April 29, 2014, Jordan & Daisy said…

Hi Elizabeth! I friend requested you as I would LOVE to hear how it is going with your second addition to the family! My husband and I are considering a second doodle once Daisy is about a year (so same situation as you) but I am also nervous and have no idea what to expect!!

At 6:02am on March 3, 2014, Linda, Webber and Seda said…
Josh has rented a place at the beach In Jacksonville beach. I will be driving down to help him move in and then may stay a week to take care of his dog while he goes on a business trip. Probably be there the last week in March to the first week in April.
At 8:46pm on January 20, 2014, Linda, Webber and Seda said…
Elizabeth, his territory is all over Florida and Georgia. As of tonight, he is trying to decide between one of the beaches close to Jacksonville or possibly Savanah. Last week it was Jacksonville. At the moment I am not sure where he will land. I will keep you informed. We would love to meet you!!
At 1:49pm on December 17, 2013, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

Loved getting my beautiful Christmas card of a very happy Bailey!! Merry Christmas to all of you!

At 9:04pm on December 14, 2013, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

What a beautiful holiday picture of Bailey.  Merry Christmas.

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Elizabeth, Bailey & Bruin's Blog

Bruin is getting so big!

Posted on April 25, 2014 at 7:38pm 27 Comments

Hard to believe it's been 2 1/2 weeks since we got Bruin.  He won our hearts on the first day!  He is such a sweet puppy. Don't get me wrong, he has a little devil puppy in him too!  We have been working on the typical nipping and biting.  So far he is getting the idea that nothing tastes good with Bitter Apple sprayed on it, even yummy fingers and pant legs LOL.

Crate training is going well.  He is sleeping much better in his crate at night but does prefer to sleep in our bathroom…


Introducing Bruin!!

Posted on March 23, 2014 at 4:23pm 31 Comments

UPDATE...Could this be to good to be true???

Posted on September 13, 2013 at 5:00pm 36 Comments

UPDATE:  I called the breeder to see if "nature took it's course"..  It's a no-go ; (  And they have decided to not move forward with any more litters of goldendoodles.. 

Back to the drawing board we go!!  I am sad but I know it will happen when it's supposed too!!


I have finally convinced my DH to get a new baby brother for Bailey...  So I contacted the breeder where we got Bailey from last month.  She said she had taken a break from breeding but was planning a litter…


UPDATE PICTURES Guess who's meeting Rosco, Guinness and ...Honey?

Posted on August 1, 2013 at 5:00am 30 Comments

Tomorrow (8/2) is a big day for me, Bailey, Lori, Daphne and Lucy...  We are getting to meet the famous Rosco, Guinness and Honey doodle!  

The 3 doodles and their human parents are stopping in Mayport Naval Base FL for a few days before heading home.  So the Florida girls once again are meeting some of their DK friends... 

We are all so excited and can't wait to share…



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