Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I know that the weight of a dog will depend on it's age but I am curious to know what other Doodles weigh. Dougal is 18 weeks and weighed in at 33.3lbs yesterday. I am trying to gage what he might be when fully grown.

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Our GD Thomas weighed 37 lbs at 18 weeks. He is now 5 1/2 months old and weighs about 45 lbs. I am told he will be about 75-80 lbs as an adult. Looks like you will be in for this too!!! I must say that I have seen and met several doods that weigh 75-80 lbs and they are SO cute. They really don;t look as big as their weight. They are so well proportioned and streamlined looking.
I have one more calculation to add to the formula of double the weight at 4 months and add 5+ or 10+ lbs.
I found this same formula, but they also added a weight for 3 months. 3months x 3.
My doodle weighed 17lbs at his 3 month vet visit yesterday. 17 x 3 = 51 lbs. I was told he would weigh 50-60 lbs when we got him, so this would also work.
I am not sure, but ours weighs somewhere between 50-55# !
Actually I just took Max to the vet yesterday and he weighs 49.9 lbs and he will be 1 next Thursday. So hopefully this is as big as he gets until his mid life spread!
Just got back from Grady's 10 week 1 day appointment he was 14.9 pounds. I will update at future weight in points. I am particularly interested in the “3 month” and “4 month” calculations. If I do the 3 month now it looks like he will be a good size pup :- )
Darwin was sixteen pounds at twelve weeks... and he is now sixty pounds at eight months...
Chewie was estimated to be between 25 - 30 lbs. He is 9 months next week and weights 23 lbs. He has been at this weight for a couple months, so I don't expect him to get much bigger.
Agnes was expected to be 55-65 (closer to the lighter end). She's one year old today, and she weighs 50 lbs.
at 7 months my dood weighs 45#s. I think the main part of their growth is done around 12 months...
My boy at 3 weighs between 75-85lb depending on activity level and season. Right now he's on the thin side (as he's running around like a maniac with his dog walker & dog friends) but in the summer when I'm off work he'll gain weight as he won't be with the walker as much. Don't know what he was like as a pup as he's a rescue...but I can say that he's not the biggest doodle I've met by any stretch of the imagination.
Just to update my response from March-Thomas 37 lbs. @ 18 weeks, 45 1/2 lbs at 22 weeks and NOW (just got home from the vet) 85.6 lbs. @ 16 mths.
Porter weighed 25 lbs at 14 weeks and at 14 months he weighs 63 lbs (steady since about 11 months). AND his new vet does not think he is fat -- at all -- woo hoo. He has a lab body and is on the short side, but he is deep not wide darnit.



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