I know that the weight of a dog will depend on it's age but I am curious to know what other Doodles weigh. Dougal is 18 weeks and weighed in at 33.3lbs yesterday. I am trying to gage what he might be when fully grown.
Our GD Thomas weighed 37 lbs at 18 weeks. He is now 5 1/2 months old and weighs about 45 lbs. I am told he will be about 75-80 lbs as an adult. Looks like you will be in for this too!!! I must say that I have seen and met several doods that weigh 75-80 lbs and they are SO cute. They really don;t look as big as their weight. They are so well proportioned and streamlined looking.
I have one more calculation to add to the formula of double the weight at 4 months and add 5+ or 10+ lbs.
I found this same formula, but they also added a weight for 3 months. 3months x 3.
My doodle weighed 17lbs at his 3 month vet visit yesterday. 17 x 3 = 51 lbs. I was told he would weigh 50-60 lbs when we got him, so this would also work.
Actually I just took Max to the vet yesterday and he weighs 49.9 lbs and he will be 1 next Thursday. So hopefully this is as big as he gets until his mid life spread!
Permalink Reply by Ken on February 4, 2010 at 6:14am
Just got back from Grady's 10 week 1 day appointment he was 14.9 pounds. I will update at future weight in points. I am particularly interested in the “3 month” and “4 month” calculations. If I do the 3 month now it looks like he will be a good size pup :- )
Chewie was estimated to be between 25 - 30 lbs. He is 9 months next week and weights 23 lbs. He has been at this weight for a couple months, so I don't expect him to get much bigger.
My boy at 3 weighs between 75-85lb depending on activity level and season. Right now he's on the thin side (as he's running around like a maniac with his dog walker & dog friends) but in the summer when I'm off work he'll gain weight as he won't be with the walker as much. Don't know what he was like as a pup as he's a rescue...but I can say that he's not the biggest doodle I've met by any stretch of the imagination.
Porter weighed 25 lbs at 14 weeks and at 14 months he weighs 63 lbs (steady since about 11 months). AND his new vet does not think he is fat -- at all -- woo hoo. He has a lab body and is on the short side, but he is deep not wide darnit.