Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Four times in the last two days I have run into an unleashed dog with an owner trailing behind him and I never know what is the appropriate thing to do--do I stand still with Phoebe or do I continue along my merry way making no eye contact (my personal preference for a few reasons)? I have always thought that in moving along, I would give the owner the opportunity to focus on their dog and to limit the distraction so the dog with follow their command.  I must be doing somthing wrong though because three of the four people started to yell at me that I was walking away from the dog and not 'helping them."  I am frustrated because I do not want to seem unkind but my concern is one of safety for Phoebe first--I have no idea who these people are or how their dogs will react to Phoebe--and me second as I am not a fan of dogs I am unfamiliar with.  I was wondering if there is a prescribed way to handle this situation and how other doodle lovers handle themselves in similar situations. 

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Just remembered another incident.  We were walking Rosco and Thule down the sidewalk on our street when, from across the street, an acquaintance's dog got loose and crossed the street straight for us.  It was a bully-mix type breed and at first I think my heart stopped in fear...but even though it was super rambunctious and sort of a tough looking didn't seem quite 'aggressive' just out of control.  So we STOPPED walking and waited for the owner to cross and leash up his dog while my dogs occupied it enough so it wouldn't cross the street again.   That's one thing I'm sometimes afraid of that the loose dog ACROSS the street will be tempted by me and my dogs to cross and get in those cases I try to stay far so it doesn't see us.


I just hate hate HATE seeing dogs loose on streets and get so scared they'll make a wrong move and get killed or hurt.  I just always feel compelled to help if I can and it doesn't appear to be a dangerous idea.  I was almost bitten once by a dog Clark caught (who was running trailing a long leash).  He was in a hurry to get to a meeting and I remained outside with it leashed an attempt to look at its collar it snapped at me in fear.  So I then ignored the dog until Clark returned but stayed outside with it to be sure it didn't somehow escape the tentative tethering I did.  Luckily we DID find its owner.

Exactly, Adina, the dog was across the street and that is what prompted my dilemma of do I stay or do I go.  I was so afraid that the dog will be tempted to meet Phoebe and race across the street.  I really hate to say it but I sometimes wish everyone would keep their dogs leashed when walking down the street because it seems everyone has a different definition of consistent recall.  When I asked her why she had him unleashed, she told me that he loved to run ahead and she usually doesn't run into people with dogs on that block  plus he always comes when called in his backyard.  Argg  Apparently, she did yesterday and both she and her dog were not prepared to see us. 
This is total irresponsibility.  I am from a crowded Jersey suburb and just about everyone keeps their dogs leashed....if the dog is unleashed, 9 times out of 10, the dog got off accidentally and the owner is trying to get him back.  I agree with you (Phoebe's mom) that in many locales, dogs absolutely should be leashed on the street!  I have really never experienced any differently.
If I see the unleashed dog and owner ahead of me, I call out to the owner to put on a leash, mentioning (if I get any flack) that it is a local custom.  We have a leash law and it applies even though we are walking on a bike & walking path.  Like you, I have had dogs come running before I can say anything.  Then I turn and walk away.  I don't care if the dog's owner is calling after me to stop because the dog is following.  I feel no responsibility for the decision they made in leaving their dog off a lead but I do feel very responsible for keeping Sandy safe.  I don't know the dog and have no reason to trust that he or she is friendly.  Even when the owner calls out that the dog is friendly, I have no reason to believe that Sandy will be comfortable with an unleashed dog running at him.  Why should I put him through the discomfort.

I am sorry they yelled at you.  I think that is just rude and uncalled for.   If you didn't feel comfortable helping at the time, it is your decision.   

It's a tough call for me, because I have been on the other end of the stick.  Cooper has gotten away from us a couple of times and I would have appreciated any help I could have received.   It's not that I am a terrible owner that doesn't know how to "control" my dog.  Training is an ongoing process for us.  Once I tripped on a crack in the sidewalk and dropped the leash and Cooper just took off. Another time, he slipped out of the gate when my hubby was taking the trash to the front. He is so fast.  He was/is still a puppy and thought it was a game.   On the other hand, I am leary of dogs I run into when we are walking and have yelled at other dogs to "Go Back" and turned around to walk a different direction, all the while keeping an eye on which way the strange dog is going.    I would never yell at their owners, but if one asked me for help and said the dog was friendly, I would probably do what I could.   I have taken a lost dog into our garage until Animal Rescue could come and pick him up.  He had a tag and I knew they would contact the owner.   It was freezing cold outside and this little Rat Terrier was camped out on our front porch.   I felt so sorry for him.   He found his way back home, because I saw someone walking him a couple of months later.    

This has happened twice while we were on walks with Buddy.  The first time the dog was unleashed in his yard.  The owner was outside.  I don't have a problem with being unleashed as long as you have control of your dog.  Well we were walking on the sidewalk past the house and he came right for us and Buddy.  I think he was about the same size as Buddy, but it kind of freaked me out.  He started rough housing with him and I quickly grabbed him up, as the other dog was getting tangled in his leash.  The owner came and got him and apoligized and of course said it never happens.  We seem to get that a lot. 


The second time we were walking by this house and a little dog was wandering around the front yard and saw us and started for Buddy.  I wasn't as worried because it was small and did not seem vicious.  There was no owner around.  We started to walk away but the dog was coming with us and wanted to play with Buddy.  So we knocked on the door and asked if it was their dog.  Some guy in his early 20s said yes.  We said you might want to watch him or he will run off or get hit by a car and he said ok.  We started to walk away and the dog stayed around us and was getting tangled in Buddy's leash I finally said, would you come and get your dog.  These type of people really get me mad.  Why have a dog if you obviously don't care!  He did pick him up and take him inside. 


Anyway, I guess my point being, I just never know about other dogs.  Are they aggressive, are they healthy, could you be accussed of something if you touch the dog and the owner sees you.  I hate to even think that but unfortunately we live in a crazy world.

We went for a walk on our local golf course today and came across a dog with no owner in sight, he soon proved himself to be friendly and he was beautiful black and white kind of doodley looking but not a doodle. He followed us and he and Quincy played for the first 30 mins of our walk with still no sign of any one looking for him. I slipped Quincy's leash on him and got the phone number off the tag he was wearing. We went back to the car to get my phone and called the number no answer. I stayed where we were at the point where we first met him and waited to see if anyone would show up. About 20 mins later his owner showed up, turns out she works at the golf course and Fenway is out on the loose all the time. I was relieved to find out he wasn't lost and disappointed at the same time, I had already decided that if I couldn't find his owner he was coming home to live with me. As for stopping so someone's off leash dog doesn't follow us, that's their problem, if they can't trust their dog not to follow strangers he shouldn't be off leash. Quincy will always follow me even when there is another dog involved. I have to admit I do get a little nervous until I know the dogs are friendly. I will put Quincy back on his leash if I see another dog that is off leash until I can tell if they are friendly or not.
If the dog is close to Darwin and I then I usually stop. That way the dog stays next to Darwin and the owner has a chance to catch up and grab the dog. If the dog is trailing behind a ways but heading towards us I'll just keep moving...
I don't think I've ever seen a loose dog with an owner in tow where the owner hadn't taken it off leash deliberately or just didn't believe in leashing their dogs.  A young couple with a cane corso just moved in next door, and the two times I've seen the dog it's been on their driveway sans collar or leash.  It appears to be a very nice dog, not prone to wandering or aggression, but it scared the hell out of me the first time I saw it.  Traveler wasn't with me at the time.  So far, when seeing unleashed dogs heading our way, I just keep walking, keeping Trav close to me.  If the owner was actually trying to catch the dog, I suppose it would depend on circumstances and the demeanor of the dog.  I did catch a Jack Russell terrier a couple of months ago--it had a harness, no tags and no visible owner.  Found the owner on Craig's list--the little guy had traveled 12 miles from home through heavy traffic in about 24 hours!

We usually stop to let the owner catch their dog. But we have the advantage of having a small dog that we can pick up and keep out of harms way!  Often, if you don't stop the dog will just keep following you and the main thing I want to do is just get rid of the DOG!!    But let me just add that we do carry pepper spray when we walk which hopefully we will never need to use because I know there are some dogs out there that I couldn't protect Tara from without something like that in my hand. 


The people yelling at you is strange!! I'm more like Karen-the one that usually is the first to yell at the person to "call" or "get" their dog!!  I don't think you have any implied responsibility to stop and help them and should be concerned with Phoebe's and your safety first!

During a section of our daily walk - through the marsh on a paved or wooden trail - lots of us let the dogs go off leash.  I am training Rooney that if a biker comes he is to step to the side and sit.  When I hear another person (with or without dog) I leash Rooney up.  Then when we are in hearing distance/seeing distance - I'll yell "is your dog friendly"?  This is my hint to then that I have some concern about THEIR dog as by now mine is leashed.  They all say "yes, very friendly" but then some of them leash up too.  Others don't but I put myself between them and my puppy till I am sure.  Your concern is to YOUR dog.  If they can't be responsible - not your problem.  I'm always one to help in an emergency but these people just sound lazy.
I don't think there is one prescribed way to handle this.  For me it depends on the approaching dog.  If it seemed friendly I would help, but if I was the least bit concerned about it's approach I would put myself between my dog and the oncoming dog.  Mine is usually on a leash unless we are walking the trails in the forest..  Usually, the other owners leash theirs and I leash mine, when we see one another approaching.  If the dogs are friendly we often unleash them.  I wouldn't hesitate to ask someone to keep their dog away from mine if it looked aggressive and I would lead my dog to the other side of the street or trail until they got by.  My first obligation is to my dog but if I could help with my dog or I getting hurt, I would try to do that.



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