Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

What was your favorite song as a teenager?... You know, the one that drove your parents and siblings CRAZY!


My friend just made a GREAT CD for me with lots of my favorite current songs...then... right in the middle she threw in "I Think I Love You" by the Partridge family...It just cracked me up.  Even though I was only like 7 or 8 yrs old at the time. I totally remember the song. One of my friend's older sisters had it and we played it DAY AND NIGHT!


I think I'm going to upload it to my


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You know I'm crazy about you two lovlies...No age restrictions here :) I just think it's funny because I think of any music that is a few years old as still being fairly current because it still gets air play....I think people (myself included) forget that you two WERE teenagers a few years ago.

My question is this....Am I allowed to date myself if I'm already married? BAM!
Post on baby!

I don't remember driving anyone crazy but off the top of my head:

Debbie Gibson - Lost in your eyes.

??? - Toy Soldiers

Various snoop dog 'songs'

Boys II Men


Tiffany - I think we're alone now


Oh gosh so many late 80's / early 90's songs!

I remember NKOTB-Step by step :-) Drove my brother crazy with that one!
Adina's were my favs too!!!!  Loved Debbie Gibson and Tiffany!!!!
I definitely agree with NKOTB and Tiffany :)
When you get old enough, it is your kid's you drive nuts with your songs....believe it or not, I love the song Just a Dream by Nelly and I always throw my hands up and they get so tired of it.
ha ha - we live to embarrass our children!
lol...I played Beggin' by Madcon for a week straight...I thought my son was going to dis-own me. sister and I were Motown girls.  A little Marvin Gaye...Stevie Wonder...And my favourite  Smoky Robinson.  BUT  we also played the rock music and the ones my parents hated were always on those albums like KISS...Led Zeppelin..the parents hated the screatching noise of bands like these.
I loved Diana Ross...she did so many great duets too. I still love "missing you"  I also love Earth Wind and Fire.
Earth, Wind, and Fire is good:)
I know I am not an adult yet but I can tell you what my favorites are now. I love Stevie Wonder, Louis Armstrong, The Temptations, Simon and Garfunkel, and of course Michael Jackson (but I like everyone of his songs-I think). My favorite song by the Temptations is- My Girl. My favorite album from Stevie Wonder is The Definitive Collection. It has all my favorites. My favorite from Louis Armstrong is Summertime (with Ella Fitzgerald). It was from a play called Porgy & Bess. My favorite from Simon & Garfunkel is called- At The Zoo. I have lots of favorites though.:)



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