Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am so excited to welcome our new goldendoodle puppy into our home in a few short weeks.  I have researched and researched and researched, trying to prep myself, and my family to become the best puppy owners ever.


I made the mistake of joining a doggy forum(not here), and posted a question there- and got SLAMMED for wanting a goldendoodle.  Then I read tons of negative things online about them being a designer breed. 


Makes me sad.  I didn't buy my puppy because he is a "designer" breed.  We got him because we truly feel that he would make a great addition to our family.  I love the typical goldendoodle's temperament, posssible low shed, happy go lucky demeanor, and their cute look.


Do you just ignore people that say these things?  Have you ever been approached in real life while out with your dog and confronted?  





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Ignore'll love your goldendoodle and that's ALL that really matters.    And you'll get FAR more positive comments from those you meet than negative.   We've been vacationing at the beach for the past week and I can't tell you how many people have come up to us to gush about how cute Banjo is and take pictures of him.  People have stopped in their car to call out the window to ask what he is and say how cute he is, they actually cross the street to come up to ask about him and pat him.   In the past week I'd say at least a dozen different people have pulled out their camera to take his pic.  It's a riot!    I do the same thing when I see someone with a doodle....I just have to go up and talk to them and meet their dog.   Seriously, don't let the nay-sayers bother you.    All dogs at one time or another were "designer" dogs!
Tara is an ALD but we have had very few negative comments about her. At least to our faces!! LOL!!  I would just take it on a case by case basis as to how you respond. Sometimes it is an opportunity to educate people if they are open to hearing. And you know the doodles just win them over anyhow, like they did US!!
I think that people who breed dogs are also afraid of the competition--the doodles have made a serious dent in the number of people who are buying purebred dogs. But others seem to want to show off their knowledge about "designer dogs" based on what they have heard or read (most of it untrue) and the fact is...they don't know what they are talking about!!
I once went to a community dog show (not AKC--just fun) and a lady said to me "Oh, I would never own a doodle"--I walked away and said to my husband (a bit too loudly) "I didn't think there would be AKC snobs here." She later tried to approach me and tell me that she meant that she wouldn't want to have to maintain the coat--she was trying to be nice and make up for her mean comment. I told her that Mattie (the only doodle I had at the time...) was so easy to take care of compared to the terriers I had owned. That shut her up, but I am sure she still had prejudices. People just like to look down on others and it isn't just over what type of dog they own!
I have to agree, most of the bad press seems to come from the purebred snobs (I admit I use to be one of them).  I think it may be a combination of jealousy and envy.  Jealousy because they can't understand why anyone would want to improve on the breed they love so much and envy because of the price point GS & LD are commanding at the moment.
Yeah-we get funny looks especially because ours our minis they get this look on their face and we jus t look at easchother and smile-I think they be jeaolous! Anyway we have heard th ewhole designer breed thing also but it doesn't matter, I never heard of a goldendoodle before I saw Chloe in the petstore, I just fell in love with this puppy and wouldn't leave without her. Plus-I have pet allergies so when they explained her breed to us, we picked her up the next day. Now we have 2-this is a way too exciting time to worry about those people, enjoy every minute preparing for and getiing your doodle. Congrats!
How are your allergies with the dogs?  My son has allergies/asthma so we are hoping he will be ok with the puppy!

I have had a few bad comments, but not too many. The worst was a dog trainer who comes into the pet store i work at occasionally to drum up business. When he heard i had a Labradoodle he said "good luck with THAT". He went on to say labradoodles are too intelligent and therfor hard to train, very stubborn, aggressive and dominant.

Well, Cooper IS stubborn, but shes not the others. Yes shes intelligent and because of the stubbornness she may appear to be hard to train, but she actually picks up tricks REALLY fast. yeah she pulls and doesnt come in from the yard always when we call her, but that OUR problem not hers (we need to be stricter). She does ALWAYS come when we call her in the park, off leash trails etc.

As for aggressive and dominant! Well, anyoneone will tell you Cooper (60lbs) rolls over in submission for our 3 cats (10lbs), our neighbours toy poodle, and any other dog we see!


Yes she was expensive, but thats because she was carefully bred, parents were health tested, all our breeders dogs and puppies are raised on Raw diet, and they have a huge space to romp in. Cooper arrived crate trained (we had to teach her not to potty inside but she loved her crate and never had an accident in there) and was well socialized (the breeder had young children and cats around) and was used to being poked and pulled (our breeder is a groomer). And she was hand delivered to our door. She also came with a 2 year guarantee, and I have full confidence our breeder is always there for help and advice if we ever needed it (I email her photos every so often).  I think thats worth every penny we spent (2500)


on the flip side - anyone who sees Cooper comments on what an amazing dog she is (personality and looks)

I have even had some kind of nasty comments from my Aunt (who has a collie) about Cooper being a designer breed. She of all people should know Im not one to follow fashion or trends! She even commented about my lynx siamese (siamese mixed with a tabby cat at some point in the history (1960s i think)  to make a white stripey "tiger") being a new designer cat. I told her he is a rescue cat and I dont know if he is from a "designed" line of cats or is hes the result of a pure bred siamese mating with a tabby moggy on the streets. that shut her up!

Alli, I have heard of sites that are very biased and often mean in their comments, however, since being on Doodlekisses, I have never looked any further for a site about my dog. I have not had many nasty comments, some questions that were hedging toward rude, like "How much did you pay for him, I heard they are really expensive".  Comment by me: He is worth every penny and then some."  None of your business is more like it, but I like to take the high road when talking to people like that.  And that is the best advice I can give you, is that when confronted, if ever, just take the high road, whatever that looks like to you, and at least we can show people that doodle owners are intelligent and considerate people who love their dogs and don't stoop to their uneducated levels.   Most of what they say are uneducated opinions only anyway, so who cares.

I have had tons and tons of "Ooo's and Aaahhs" over my two and like others have had many people stop to ask about them,  And when they are seen by others at the dog park or on our walks and runs, it is quickly obvious that they are smart, obedient, playful and happy dogs.   Just ignore the comments, those people are nothing but a bug on the windshield of your life!




[self-rahy-chuhs, self-]

confident of one's own righteousness, especially when smugly moralistic and intolerant of the opinions and behavior of others.

So far luckily we've not had any negative reactions to Ollie or his breed. He has however been lovingly called mutt by some but in a way that it did not bother me. Usually people just love how cute he is and how soft his coat is. Most have never heard of an australian labradoodle so I educate them. ;-)

I am however on guard for unfriendly comments from people's experiences and have a few answers ready such as how most pure breeds originated as mixed breeds.

I don't know why these people have such nerve to say things like that.  What makes people think they have the right to say anything about anyone's dog??? Ummmm... ignorance perhaps!

So glad to have you with us!  Welcome and enjoy that beautiful little puppy!



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