Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Ginger, who is 5 months has started to bite. Whenever I try and pet her, she tries to nip at me. If a say her name, she barks at me and goes into the play bow. Next she starts zooming around. If I am sitting on the sofa, she jumps on me and tries to bite me. If I stand up, she still tries to nip at me.
If I ignore her, she continues to bark at me, with different octaves. She jumps on us and tries to bite us, with purpose. She jumped on my son, 11 today and ripped his sweatshirt. She also nipped at his hand it hurt him. She did not break the skin, but it hurt just the same.
This sounds wierd, but she gets a "different face" which kinda scares me.
She is teething, but has ample chew toys and it's not teething, but actual biting. Ginger recently started going to Doggie Day Care for 7 hours on Thursdays. I wonder if this has anything to do with this new behavior.
She is walked and played with...She eats well and sleeps in her crate at night.
I don't know what to do, or how to handle this challanging behavior. I am feeling very frustrated. I have to admit, I am a little envious when I read all the posts about all the doods and how nice they all seem.
Any advice is welcome.
Oh I don't know, it sounds like since you are saying they are doing the play bow that they are just trying to play but don't know the limits, or forgot them or something.
When Jack would play bite us, we would stick our thumb in his mouth and push down on his jaw and yelp no bite. Dogs get the zoomies, Jack used to jump up on people's night gowns and bite them. I can see it in his eyes at two that he still wants to do it.
I am sure someone with better experience will chime in.. Just wanted to let you know, you are not alone. My little Jaws stopped at about 8 months with the occasional attack of the night gown
Pam - you are not alone. Our puppy is 3.5months and had my 9yo daughter in tears today with the nipping. We also have a 2yo doodle and I recall at 6 months, hiring an in-home trainer because my 2 children and husband were tired of getting nipped in the butt (literally....the dog would follow behind them and constantly nip at them...MANY shirts have small holes near the hips/butt area). The trainer gave us some advice but truly, I think Boomer would have outgrown it and we didn't need to hire that in-home trainer. Now, I fear our 3.5mo puppy will go through that same phase....he does it some now and my daughter will run from him (naturally, he'll then get worked up and chase her)....I tell her to stand still and fold her arms but she just wants to run from him and tell me that she "hates him and I want to get rid of him"....but I know this will pass (just as it did with my 2yo doodle) but its hard, especially with children. My children both love the 2yo doodle now and lay on him and FINALLY enjoy him...but they didn't enjoy him as a puppy - just as they aren't enjoying the 3.5mo puppy yet either.
Thats not very encouraging, is it? I can just say it will get better. Sounds like he is trying to play with you and/or get your attention.
Best wishes!
i am going through the same thing my son is 8 and he nips me and him but not my husband people say it will end but its wears me down my puppy is 11 months :(
My doodle, Seamus, who will be 2 in May, was VERY mouthy and nipped constantly until he was about a year old. If he got wound up for any reason, he would nip. We tried time outs with him......we would remove him from the room we were in and put him in a free standing pen until he calmed down......this sort of worked but was kind of a pain to always follow through with. We then began to always keep him on a leash or training collar (choke collar but no prongs). I know some people refuse to use these, but we were desperate. Anytime he nipped...or misbehaved at all....we tugged the collar and put him into a sit. This was the method that worked best and quickest for us. This, combined with him simply calming down and growing up worked very well and now we have a well-behaved (well...usually pretty behaved lol but non-biting) doodle.
This behavior, by the way, is completely normal. I know it's easier said than done, but try to stay calm.....I often got super frustrated with Seamus and it only made things worse because he sensed my crazed energy which only increased his. She will calm down and will learn as she grows up.
Rosco was similar to Seamus. There were points I was really afraid of him. We just stepped up training and got very strict with obedience expectations and that's what seemed to do it for us. I highly recommend you and Ginger join a beginning obedience class (or higher if you've already been through that) and keep at it through several levels of obedience.
Pam, I remember when Trav went through a horrid stage of biting at me and barking defiantly if I tried to correct him. If I turned away from him he would jump up and try to nip at my hands or arms. It wasn't a stage that lasted very long--I think about a month--but it seemed like forever. I was worried that I had a dog that would be borderline vicious. What seemed to work best was removing him from me--if he was outside I went inside and closed the door. If he was inside, I went to a different room. And yelping loudly if he touched me when he was nipping or jumping. It was a stage, and it did pass. It sure worried me while it was going on, though. This was around the same time he started grabbing things he knew he wasn't supposed to have--the remote, a credit card, shoes, whatever--and running with them. Pretty much had to chase sometimes as I didn't want what he had to get destroyed, and he loved that. Yuk time. Good luck with Ginger. I think if you just hang in there and do whatever you can, this stage will pass.
Pam - DON"T FRET! Tori was just like this and I DO know EXACTLY what you mean by 'the face'... it's really scary... Tori actually bit me and DREW BLOOD! I wanted to open the door and let her out and and didn't care (at the moment) where she went... but somehow sanity set in and I just locked her in her crate and screamed at her (real mature, I know). Try to tuck your hands in and turn your back when she does this. I know.. Tori lunged up and tore many articles of clothing too... leave the room and don't look back... if you could barricade her in as you leave that would help. Don not give her any attention - positive or negative... just a firm LOUD NO!
What also helped me was tethering her to me at all times. Making her sit and wait for EVERYTHING... food, water... play and out. don't let her leave or enter the house for potty until YOU have gone in or out. When people told me this, I was like yeah - ok. - won't work with THIS monster.. but it WORKED! she has to know YOU are boss. Good luck! Step up the training and you will soon be giving advice to someone else who comes along with the SAME 'problem' as all of us!
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