Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Guys - I'm outta here - where is that button - I saw it once and now can't find it. Rooney and I have made some wonderful friends here but this issue over cats - I don't want to be a part of anything that places a lesser value on cats than dogs and DON'T even go their - re-read your posts and oh yes you did. We have two doodles trying to kill a kitty and NOT a one of you is calling the owner to task. Oh my it would be too hard to close the dog door, too hard to train your animals. A bunch of hypocites - "don't BYB, don't just give your dog away" blah blah - but I guess when it comes to cats - tough poo. Well, as a dog lover and a cat lover, DK is no longer the place for me to spend my time. Where is that button?*************Clarification*************
I am going to try to clarify a few things in regards to this post and the the post about the cat.
1. The poster had 2 doodles that have unlimited access through a dog door to the yard where 2 cats live outdoors. The dogs had tried to kill the youngest & smallest cat.
2. The majority of responders thought she should "re-home" the cat. I tried to say that this was a training issue - not a "re-homing" issue. That a cat (even an outdoor cat) is NOT a disposable item. Cats like dogs have attachments to their family and that to just assume that getting rid of the cat would solve the problem didn't make sense.
3. I did not have any comment about the cat living outdoors other than to say in response to another poster that I would not have it living outdoors myself. I, having lived on a farm am used to outdoor animals and the cat living outdoors wasn't even an issue to me.
4. I wasn't attacking anyone - but I became the attacked for pointing out that this cat has value as a family member too and that why do these dogs deserve un-limited access to the yard if they are not trained/supervised. Then I feel that my honesty was being called into question by one poster.
Once again I will say - that if this person doesn't train their dogs that cats are not prey - and I'm setting in the Vet's office waiting room with my cat, harnessed and leashed setting on my lap when those 2 dogs come through the front door - what then?
The fact of the matter is - the owner doesn't want to put the time and engery into supervising these dogs outdoors, starting with the obvious - shutting the dog door - and no one wanted to be honest and point that out, the simple way is to just re-home a cat. Which by the way - might not even be possible, there isn't exactly a shortage of cats around. It is very sad that we hold ourselves to a high standard here on DK in regards to our doodles but are other animals not worthy? And yes I have a cat, that was a rescue and I'm not even a cat lover, I'm allergic. But I believe the moment that I kept that kitten from being hit by a car - I had a responsability to it, like this owner has to her cat. Hate to let some of you down - I'm no longer looking for that button, but a break is called for and my friend list is going to be shorter.
I have not been on DK a lot during the last 2 months (just can't keep up), so I am not up to speed on what is going on, but it doesn not sound good!
I am sure a lot of people would hate to see you leave (I am one of them) as I have enjoyed getting to know you and consider you a friend. Hope you reconsider, but understand if you don't.
Can't find it - oh well doesn't matter. Those of you that care to keep in touch can reach me on my email.
DK out.
You have to go to Settings on "My Page" at the very bottom, Delete your DoodleKisses Membership
Jane, I haven't had time to read the latest posts on that discussion, I read the original post and the responses about three hours ago but had to tend to a sick child since then. I TOTALLY get your point and feel the same, I have been thinking about it since I read it. In fact I was incredulous reading the original post - the image of dogs on either end of a poor cat is haunting me. I am an animal lover, I have two cats and a dog and I feel I have an equal responsibility to all of the creatures to give them a loving and SAFE environment. In fact, with Georgia still being a puppy and not trained she is never without a leash in the house because I need to protect my human babies and my kitties equally, and teach Georgia to never lunge at them. I get that they are animals but I am with you, it is part of responsible pet ownership to teach and if that means inconveniencing yourself and closing the in/out door and supervising all contact with other animals and to always remain in control, then do it.
Not to mention the whole they live outside vet would have them reported asap.
No No No Jane...I would miss you and Rooney stories tooooo much. I have 3 cats and 2 dogs...I agree with loving them equally.
Louie can sometime chase the cats and other times, the cats rub against him. He grew out of his pouncing on them as he matured...
I haven't read all the posts, but just skimmed over them. This is a dog forum but should be all pets friendly!!!!
Don't GO!!!
Jane -
Part of DK is educating people and explaining why there is a better way of thinking. I have been in many discussions that I felt uncomfortable about the opinions being expressed.
Please don't leave - If you leave you will not be able to bring this kind of thinking to the forefront. Without your voice this issue may have gone unnoticed.
I would hate to see you leave just because you disagree with some posters on a discussion. Surely that has happened before? I honestly don't think the posters (including me) were saying that they value a kitty less than a dog, although maybe some do. I think people were responding to what sounded like a crisis situation--get the kitty out of harm's way ASAP, and don't know how faithful or successful the owners would be about restraining the dogs. After all, you just called me a hypocrite, which could be considered a direct and personal attack, and which I'm taking with a grain of salt and not leaving DK about. :)
Jane, I really don't know what to say. I don't want to see you leave DK. You have become a dear friend of mine, and while I know we would continue to communicate, I would miss reading your wonderful posts, blogs and seeing all of those pictures of my future SIL.
Your participation here at DK would be missed greatly. You have my cell phone, I"ll email you my email. If you leave here, I understand...wouldn't like it, but would understand.
Your friend, Dori
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