Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
So there are about 4 cute pet shops, boutique types, in my local area within a radius that I am willing to drive for shopping. I'm not talking the Petsmarts, but the individually owned stores. They are the ones that sell the recommended food brands, plus a lot of other high end stuff. Basically all these stores carry the same product lines. So I was doing a pet shop tour today to check them out, mostly for the helpful staff and anything unique that would bring me to one store over another.
I walk into this one. Owner hanging out in his empty store. We say hi and all that. He asks what I am looking for. I tell him I am getting my first puppy who will be born in a couple weeks and I'm looking around for the things I might need. He asks me what kind of dog. I say cheerily "A Goldendoodle!" I might as well have said "pit bull" by the way he looked at me. Then he goes on to say how half of the goldendoodles that come into his shop are ok but the other half are completely insane and he never knows what to think when he sees one coming in through the door.
Nice, huh? So I am totally taken aback. I have 5 different response in my head that I don't have the guts to say. I kinda come out with "Well mine is going to be one of the nice ones." I'm not discounting that that has been his experience. Sounds like a lot of spoiled brat doodles, which wouldn't surprise me. Sounds like half the doodles he sees are poorly trained. But that didn't make me feel welcome as a customer. I continue to look around.
Same collars, same bowls, same blankets, same beds, same toys, ok no big whoop. I go to the food section. Not a vast selection, but not the worst. I didn't recognize some brands. He asks me if I had chosen a food. I say "Yes, I'm leaning towards Fromm." (which I see he doesn't carry, so ok). He again looks at me as if I am a complete idiot. "Fromm? What's Fromm? Never HEARD of it. You BETTER make SURE that that brand is decent and do some REAL research. I only carry brands that I am sure are.....(yadda yadda yadda). I had stopped listening at this point. I just starred off at the bags thinking, "How soon can I get out of here and you will never see a penny out of me. I can get this stuff anywhere."
I rarely am able to speak up in those kinds of situations, especially if getting out of there just ends it. And seriously, as a new dog owner there are an awful lot of basics I need to buy and I am excited enough to splurge on some quality items. He missed that part big time. Good news is I did find another great shop, super helpful staff, down the street from kids' school, and carries my Fromm! Woo hoo!
Unbelievable....some people are CLUELESS on how to talk to customers without looking like a fool. You are right....he lost out! There are too many good people who own stores, and that cherish your have to deal with someone like him. Good luck with your Goldendoodle!
Wow! I guess he thinks ignorance is bliss???? Doesn't sound like that store will be around for long.
I have found a REALLY great pet store one mile from me that has a fabulous selection of premium dog foods and many, many other really great products. And they carry FROMM Gold puppy food. I went into another really high end pet boutique and they said they don't carry FROMM because it has grain and they are a grain-free store!! One extreme to another, right? It's a good thing that we have choices. :-))
Julie, I am so sorry for the terrible experience!!
I had the same exact experience a year or so ago, at my local pet store. I went asking for donation for our romp's prize basket, so we can raise $ for the IDOG. The owner start saying bunch of negative things about doodles, so guess what? They lost my business.
I had the same experience with a local shop and trainer (same person) Hadn't even met my dog! I have never bought another thing there and have told others how I feel about that persons business practices. Sadly my friend did use him for training his doodle. I don't agree with all the philosophy there either.
I would now write a letter to that store owner signing it ONE LOST CUSTOMER, and also ask if he knows how many lost customers he may have had with the way he presented himself to you. It could be the best favor you ever did for that person. It may be a lost cause? I would write it without the emotional attachment that you obviously felt at that time. But as a person who could help this person see his error in customer service.
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