Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

*************New photo of Stills taking a nap*****************************

I have a happy annoucement.  We are about to be the new parents of a male baby goldendoodle.  This all happened within the last 5 hours and we just got the phone call.  This is a rescue situation, very sad and our new little guy is only 7 weeks old, too young to be away from his mommy.  I need all the advice I can get.  I'll leave very early Monday for the drive to Atlanta to adopt Crosby, Stills or Nash.  I must not put Rooney in harms way till I find out the medical condition of our new puppy.  Rooney will go to our dog sitters till I get our new little guy and get him to our vet.  Please please please say a prayer that our new little guy is healthy.  I'll be in Atlanta (thank goodness my daughter lives there) Monday and Tuesday evening.  Wednesday and Thursday I have to stop in Ocala and I am looking for a good vet there to start the check up.  I had already planned to be there for a nephews graduation and I can't get out of that now.  Does anyone know of a good vet in the Ocala area?  This has happended so fast, yes we were on the wait list for a puppy from our breeder but my heart goes out to these puppies - they need us more than we need them.  Our paws are crossed.  I'm scared, excited and nervous. 



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How very exciting! Can't way to hear which pup you got, and see pictures.
The puppy is adorable as I'm sure all the brothers are. Good luck!
Congratulations Jane! That is so exciting. Wish you the best of luck with your new puppy. We'll be eagerly waiting for photos.
OMG, Jane! Can't believe your news! I can see why your heartstrings were pulled by this situation! Little Nash is absolutely darling and I'm sure his brothers are too! My best friend has a tall, beautiful, blonde son named Nash (a family name that goes back several generations) so I'm partial to that name! Have fun and please keep us posted!!! God bless!
I can tell you have a lot of love to give this new little guy.  Lucky for you both.  The first few days may be an adjustment for all of you but it all settles down.  Are you ready for puppyhood again?  I will keep your family (and also his former family) in my prayers.  Hope it all goes well.
Since I live in California I am of no help with finding a vet.  But, I just want you to know that we got Gracie Doodle at 6 weeks old and she was fine from day one coming into our home.  You will be just fine with a 7 week old baby.  I hope everything goes perfectly for you so Little Rooney can meet his new brother!  How very exciting...good luck!
Jane,,Im sooo excited for you..Your head must just be spinning right now!  But I have a feeling everything will be just fine with him safely in your arms!
Congratulations, Jane!  You are an angel to this little baby!  I can't give any expert information, but I have researched that the type of doodle you are getting tends to be really laid back with more golden retriever tendencies.  I am actually glad you are getting him early; since he's had a rough start, you'll want to start socializing right away (as much as possible without risking his health of course).  Bexter was 7 weeks old when I got him...He's almost 8 weeks now (time flies), but he's doing GREAT!  He had no problems with the crate and he now sleeps all night!  He's got a great temperament; not scared or shy of anyone.  Your new baby will be fine!  Rooney will be awesome too!  Just get a new baby boy AND you didn't have to wait very long!

I will definitely go so far as to say he is so Quincy!  OMG it is such a good thing that you did all that extra leash and collar shopping yesterday while you still had the time. Be sure to keep the little guy away from your Daughter as we don't want this one deserting you like Roonie did.  I would ask you vet if he has a recommendation for a vet in Ocala.  I'm guessing there are tons of vets there because that is big time horse country.Good luck.  Can't wait for updates.

Jane, I am just reading your post early this morning.  This is really exciting new and so unexpected!  Like you, I believe that everything happens for a reason and this little guy has been given a real gift to have you as a mommy.  

I had to laugh when I saw Crosby, Stills or Nash.  My oldest son is named 'Graham' because my ex and I were big fans of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young and we thought Graham Nash had the coolest first name.  Back in 1970 the name 'Graham' was a very English name and not one that people in the States named their boys.  We got a lot of flack from our parents for naming our baby such an 'unusual' name but my son loves his name.  So my vote for your puppy would be 'Nash'.  I just think that's a really cool names.  But whatever you decide to call him, he's going to bring much love and joy into your household.  And with Rooney as a big brother, how could this puppy lose?

I will be thinking about you as you make your trip to pick him up tomorrow hoping he will be a happy and healthy little puppy.



This is so very wonderful!  We made the trip to St. Petersburg, Fl, just last February for our rescue.  Granted he was already a just-turned-one-year old, standard poodle, but I'll guess the feelings were just about the same as yours.  We were supposed to have a choice, too,  but when we arrived we were sort of guided to Pepper; the others being already promised, including the pup I was told would be ours. This was definitely good thing as he is absolutely wonderful.  We got him home, only a five hour drive from St. Pete to Ft. Lauderdale with no real problems, aside from our being tired from the ten hour round trip.

 He did need frequent stops to be walked, so be sure to bring along a leash and collar. I don't remember if they had a leash as we had one from home with us which we used, but he did have a collar and tags.  And some food and water for the trip, just a tiny bit so he doesn't get car sick, but you have Rooney so you no doubt already know this.  Also a small crate or pet travel bag for him to stay in while you drive; something safe and secure so he doesn't get into problems while you are driving.  (I'm sure you already know all this, but sometimes in the excitement of the moment we forget the easiest things.) 

Our vet is here in Ft. Lauderdale/Hollywood.  He was checked the following day and found to be in fine health, a minor problem with his eyes being full of goop was not considered  to need treatment.  He did, however have hookworms and was treated for that.  Apparently his background was that of "backyard breeder" who obviously couldn't sell the entire litter and unloaded them on the rescue when they were too big to handle. The story on the rescue site was different from that so I was a bit unsure about his history. The real concern was when we brought him home, about how Mitzi would react.  There was a bit of uncertainty at first,and she was a tad bit jealous, but they are best of friends now and we are certain we did not make a mistake bringing another dog into her life. 

.Again, Congratulations!  This is fabulous!  (p.s. the pup in the pic is adorable!)

They have Promised me either Crosby, Stills or Nash - kinda hoping for Stills but as we get whomever isn't selected today by two others we'll take who we get.  Today is going to be nuts what with planning, packing, etc.  I would have been planning this for weeks and now I'm afraid to forget something.  Here is my list - if I've left anything off please let me know.

Rooney's car seat

Large kennel, clipped into the back of the suv

Portable kennel for daughter's apartment

Baby sized collar and leash (Rooney's baby one)

Small harness

Poop bags

Puppy kibble


Snuggle Puppy with the heart beat insert (was Rooney's)

Chew toys

Paper Towels

Old bath Towels to line crate

Puppy wipes

Plastic garbage bags for soiled towels, etc.

Plastic Gloves (in case of worms)

Gulpy water bottle

food/water dishes




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