Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

That's what a vet tech said this morning, when the conversation in the examination room turned to hairy ears.  The vet hastily said, "Or the best!"  But this comment by the vet tech was just a reminder of how polarized opinions seem to be about our doodles.  The first groomer I took Trav to informed me that she couldn't understand why anybody would mate two perfectly fine breeds to create a...labradoodle.  (I could almost hear what she REALLY wanted to say instead of labradoodle.)  That groomer shaved Trav's nose, not once but twice--even though I specifically asked one time that he just be bathed, not clipped or trimmed in any way.  We don't go there any more.    

I know there have been discussions before about how people react to labradoodles and goldendoodles.  Seems to be love 'em or hate 'em.  But nobody has ever said 'the worst of both breeds' in my presence before.  Trav was there too, but he didn't care.  :)

Has anybody else's doodle been called something derogatory?  And why do people think it's okay to make comments like that to a dog's owner?   



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Mandy, Max sounds like such a delight.  Must have really made you smile when he converted your mom.  :)

Trav is the only dog I've ever had, and I waited to get him until I'd retired so I wouldn't have to leave a dog alone in the house all day while I was working.  He's been a wonderful companion, and quick to learn, just like Max.

I didn't have any preconceptions about groomers or training or anything else, being a complete novice.  Sure wish I'd been fortunate enough to find a groomer like yours!

Pat, your comment about the groomer reminded me of the groomer I took Max to a few times. Her first comment was very similar and basically this was a very bad breed. That said w/o my approval she took his picture and used it in her advertising!! I should have sent her a bill!!

However today at the farmer's market several people asked about him and were interested in the breed.

sandy, I've realized that doods really are challenging to groom, something I certainly didn't know when I got Trav.  Even so, a groomer is a business person, and making unkind comments about your bread and butter just seems to me a poor way of doing business.  Dood owners talk to other dood owners--I know I wouldn't go to a groomer if somebody told me that he/she disliked our dogs.  Interesting that the groomer used Max's photo!  You'd think she wouldn't want any more 'bad breeds' in her shop.  Groomers, at least if they have their own shop, have a right to refuse to groom doods or any other other breed, but they should make that decision known up front, in their advertising or a note in the window or both.  Why use a dog you dislike in your advertising?  Strange.   

We have the best of both breeds!  oy vey.  Amazing what people will say.  There are some humans that I think shouldn't breed either - but I don't say it.   


Sylvia--that really made me laugh!  Better to just not say it...  :)  Malley is adorable, by the way..
Linnea--you are absolutely right.  All dogs are mutts, strange that people forget this.  And what you paid is indeed your business, to share or not as you chose.

All breeds are a mix of other breeds. People have their preferences, but to say that is terrible. I work in a pet food store, and believe me, I see so many pure bred dogs (and mixes) that are not well bred - you can tell just by looking at then (eg pronounced underbite). But do I say anything? No, because that dog is that persons baby!


We have a trainer who comes into our stores every so often (not at the owners request) to drum up business. When he found out I have a labradoodle he said "oh dear". He told me doodles are extremely difficult to train, aggressive and dominant. Cooper is definitely NONE of those (the exact opposite actually, especially in the latter 2)! She not perfect, but no dog is! Shes perfect for me!

Of course it's a silly thing to say.  It's entirely possible to get the 'worst' of two breeds in any one puppy when combining breeds, but it is not the most likely possibility.  And one person's 'worst' is another's 'favorite' so I just say 'whaaaatever.'
I just have to post a comment I got yesterday.......from a standard poodle owner while walking in the park with her family and poodle, Cinnamon.  She commented on how WONDERFUL our doodles are!  I have to she was approaching, I was nervous...expecting to hear some criticism or something negative.  But not the case at all!  She commented on how beautiful and friendly our doods were and that she loves the breed (she actually used the word "breed") and that she would consider getting a doodle in the future.  She also commented that doodles get the BEST of both breeds..the poodle energy and the golden's loyalty. So, lucky for all of us, not everyone feels this way about our doodles!  =)
Lindsay--WE know how great our doods are, but it's refreshing to hear this sentiment from nonowners.  Thanks for a look at the flip side.  :) 
I probably am not as sensitive.  My goldendoodle DOES have the "worst" of both breeds in that he has significant allergies and he has repetitive ear infections.  Both poodles and goldens are prone to both.  I wouldn't take such a comment as a criticism of the breed mix but rather a simple statement of fact.  Genetics are unpredictable, it is true.  Yet in breeding, one always has to be careful about combining bad traits.  Perhaps my breeder wasn't as careful as she could have been.  OTOH, I wouldn't trade my bright, happy, enthusiastic, willing-to-go-anywhere-anytime, gentle, loving, devoted Paddy for any other dog.  I have had nothing but purebreds my entire life, yet this goldendoodle is by far the best mix of traits (mentally, psychologically, physically) of any dog I've owned.  Still, I wouldn't take offense at an offhand remark by a vet tech.  I definitely would take offense at the remark from the poodle owner.  Every poodle owner I've met has found Paddy charming.  But that's because he is!



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