Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I know we have alot of DKers in these areas.  We've all been saying prayers.  Please let us know how you guys fared, ok?

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Linda, Webber and Seda...good :-)  Power is back on.
We lived in Cary for over 4 yrs. I am sooo glad you guys have power!!!! The hot factor down there now would REALLY make it miserable for you guys. Love your doodles. Love the salt and pepper look.
Thanks, Dee Dee.  They are great doodles.  The power was off for about 14 hours and I am glad it came back on.  It was hot and humid without the air conditioning.  This storm wasn't nearly as bad as Hurricane Fran.  I am grateful.
Yea!  Glad to hear you are good.
We are ok. Lots of tree debris to clean up. Had to dry out the garage. No power since 11:40 AM Saturday and are running a portable generator for water lights and most importantly refrigerator and freezer (probably the best money we spent when we moved here 16 years ago).  Haley was a angel yesterday.  He was quiet all day and only went out to pee and poop after his breakfast and dinner.  Came back inside drenched both times.  Out once again at bedtime and slept the night through until 5AM when he got restless.  Hope everyone else is ok.
Very smart to have a generator.  My sis in FLA has one too.  She owns a couple of Allstate Agencies and I go down (I used to have a State Farm agency and independent agency) whenever there are hurricanes.  Nothing to joke about.  I would work so her employees could go to their homes and suck out all the water, tarp roofs, etc.  I'm so glad Haley is OK with storms.
Ronna , Murphy and Wilson..all is well...didn't even lose power.  Potty training in a hurricane is delightful, by the way :)
Doing fine in VA.  Ginger went on a walk this morning and was fasinated by every blown leaf and stick!  She had no problems going potty in blowning winds and teeming rain. Thanks for asking!
Laurie, Fudge, and Vern and family all fine. Just a lot of tree branches, etc. down, but power stayed on. Thanks for asking.
Glad to hear that it doesn't seem like anyone had MAJOR damage.  Just alot of wet doodles.  Power off could be awful.  All our little dogs AND owners seemed to have fared well.  Thank goodness.
We're good here in Sayreville.  I can't say the same for many surrounding towns, but we made it pretty easily through the storm. (It was very scary though to watch.) Didn't lose power...just some branches and leaves down in the yard.  It's really windy now, so maybe a power outage is yet to come.  But thanks for checking in!!  =)
I'm down in SC close to the GA boarder.  Everything is fine.  We didn't even get any rain or anything.  I hope all is well for you guys.



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