Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Just heard from the vet that Winston has hypothyroidism. This explains why he always looks so sad. I call him Winnie the Pooh but he is actually more like Eyore. It also could be contributing to a number of other problems, like the skin irritation, the dry fur with the oily feeling, being prone to ear infections, etc.


I am actually kind of relieved to have this diagnosis, in a strange way, because I know that now he will get the treatment he needs. I am so glad I insisted on the initial blood test when the vet said it wasn't necessary. Doodle-mommas know best!


I'm off to get his meds. The vet said he is going to be like a whole new dog when he starts this treatment. I can't wait to see him blossom!


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HOpe he'll be feeling better quickly!
I am glad you listened to your instincts and got your Pooh Bear the blood tests. He is going to feel so much better. I look forward to future posts.
I think we might be on to a new t-shirt here ---- "Listen to the Doodle Momma"   Hope he is feeling as good as new really soon.
Hopefully this will be an easy fix. Good luck.
Glad to hear you got a diagnosis and Pooh Bear is on his way to getting better
Feel better soon Winnie Pooh!!
I love the spin on his name - Winnie for Winston and of course bear!!!  Very cute...Sophie Bear & Pooh Bear!  I am soo glad you are such a good doodle mom & poor Winston will get the help he needs.  It's sad his previous owners didn't figure that out.
Our old cat was having thyroid issues.  He was losing weight, was beyond lethargic, and we thought he was in the last stages of his life.  Now, my husband rubs a dab of thyroid supplement into one ear each morning and the other ear at night.  He's like a brand new cat!  Hope the treatment for Winston is as easy and as successful.  :)
Let's hope we are saying "Farewell to Eyore" Very soon. What a terrific doodle mom you are. Winston is SO lucky to have you.
and I'm lucky to have him :)
You are a great doodle-mom, Sherri! I am so happy to hear that Winston is on his way to good health. You have given him the best care.
Thanks :)



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