Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
As you all know, I plan on adding a second dog to our family in the somewhat near future. I started thinking about something. Bexter is a total velcro dog. He has to be with ME wherever I go, follows me in every room, and sometimes gets tripped on. My question is - If I add a second dog, is it possible that he will follow the other dog around and not need me as much? Part of the appeal of a 2nd dog is to keep him company while we are gone at work or whatever. But...I don't want to be replaced. Does anybody have any experience with that? Thanks for any input!
Sorry, but I had to laugh at your post. We got Ethel Mae a year after we had Lucy. Lucy too followed me EVERYWHERE. We were glad to get her a friend that would run in the yard and play with. The bad I have TWO that FOLLOW ME EVERYWHERE.
I call them my body guards. At night I get up from the couch to go make popcorn and before I stand I say, Let's go body guards, and up they go and they sit in the kitchen until I'm done.
I think you will be very happy with two.
Hahaha my experience is identical to yours. I now have an 86 pound "tail" at all times AND a 43 pound "tail" no matter where I go. Seamus hasn't changed much since we brought home his sister, Stella. It's nice that they have each other's company during the day, but in terms of more independence when my husband and I are way. lol they are both big babies.
Having 2 has its ups and downs....especially in the beginning during training. I have had many (and sometimes still have) those days when I wonder why I did this to myself, but with doodles, I'm convinced they're happier dogs with a companion...and of course I wouldn't give up my 2 crazies for the world.
Good luck with your decision, Traci!!
Not with a doodle, but a chihuahua. We had the chihuahua, my velcro dog, for 5 years before Peri came along. I know it's different for everyone, but it has worked out beautifully for us. When Peri came alone, Taquito was mad for a few days - then they became fast friends. Even though they like to play and definitely entertain eachother, Tacky is still my little snuggler. He has not changed much at all. I will be interested to hear what others say about two dood situations.
Oh and he cries, literally howls, when I take Peri to daycare and he is left alone. It is kind of sad. But he hates daycare and loves the full reign of the house.
I do think adding dogs to your family influences the other dog(s) that are already in your family. I don't think you can predict how though. When I got Zach, I had hoped that my existing three dogs would show him the ropes and that he would be easier to train. Quite the contrary, one of my bulldogs was a juvenile delinquent for many years, and in the last 3 years has really become a well behaved dog in the house (no longer climbs on the table, doesn't go after garbage...) Zach has reintroduced him to the joys of being naughty. He is back up on the table, Zach (a counter surfer) pulls things off the counter and out of the sink for him. I did not plan on this!! I now have an 8 month old puppy and a 7 year old puppy.
That was not my experience with a Doodle that was a momma's boy. He still is a momma's boy, but he was/is jealous of the second dog. He still will whine, on occasion, when I put Seda on my lap and she has been here over a year and a half. He still pushes her out of the way when she comes up to love on me. He is still bonded to me more than to Seda. They do play together but if getting a second dog as a playmate for the first dog is your main reason for getting #2, have you considered the extra work and expense of having two. It is not as easy to travel with two. They are a bunch of fun to watch and I wouldn't give either of them back, but it still takes more time, energy and money to take good care of two. I think being replaced is the least of your worries :-)
You could never be replaced. Their relationship to you is wholly different than their relationship to each other. I think in home where two pups were brought in together there is that high chance of the dogs bonding to each other MORE...but I think you will always be the one followed around, except it will be by two dogs.
None of our 3 dogs changed with the addition of other dogs. I think it's possible for a dog with a very strong personality to possibly stir things up or perhaps a second dog can reveal a side of the first dog that was always there but hadn't had a reason to show itself.
But my guess is your Bexter will behave very similarly toward you. Especially if you maintain fair rules and boundaries for both.
No, I find I still have a very close relationship with Luca. In some ways Calla clings a little less but she still comes round to be scratched and petted. I think having two dogs is great.
Jane...Your response made me laugh too! I can just picture your "body guards" following you around the house! I picture them with matching cute security outfits on! That sounds great to me! That's why I wanted a dog. I wanted a companion no matter where I am! I love it! I will lead the doodle parade around my house!
Linda...I love hearing about your Momma's boy. That is definitely what Bexter is! When I talked with a breeder, she said that boys were like that, but girls tend to be more independent. As Jane's post shows - you never know!
We also attempted the "let's get a playmate" for our toy poodle, our first was 1 year or 2 yro and we brought in another toy poodle puppy - the oldest did enjoy the playing aspect of it, but pretty much "tolerated" #2 all other times. The older they got, the worse it seemed. #2 maintined her puppy like behavior / playfullness, and as they aged, #1 didn't care for it at all. This wil lbe our first doodle, and I have been told that toy poodles can be slightly more posissive of their owners, so that may have factored in a bit too. The golden personality may make for a more laid back transition. I would work closely with your breeder and be very specific about your current doodle's personality. I am sure a great breeder can spot the puppy with the perfect personality / disposition (possibly more laid back, as not as much dominant tendencies) as a great second companion. That is something we brought up to our breeder, that our doodle will be surrounded on occasion (holiday gatherings vacations, etc.) by older femail toy poodles, and she is helping us take these factors into condsideration when choosing our puppy! Just in my past experiences, if we ever decided 2 was the way to go, I'd try and do sibling, at the same time, instead of our previous experience, I know it's not always an option though.
I had a Yorkie that was like my baby. I did not have kids yet and he was super spoiled. He was my shadow up until he passed away last August. When he was one I went and got another yorkie puppy thinking they would like to play and keep each other company. Bailey could of cared less about this other dog. I had them together for 5 years until I had a human baby and the puppy did not like the baby and attacked her when she was 12 months old so I had to rehome him. But those 5 years they never laid together or played together. Bailey would play fetch for hours and it was his favorate thing to do but Riley never would run after the toy and steal it from Bailey causing a fight that I would have to break up... that was as much interaction as they had. I did lock them in a cage at night together once they were older and I knew Bailey would not hurt the puppy and I only gave them one bed and you could look in the cage and just see a big black ball as they would lay together but other than that out of the cage they never cared much for each other. When I rehomed the one for bitting my daughter Bailey did not seem to notice he was gone.
The only thing I did notice was it seemed the second dog potty trained really easy as he just went out when the other did and watched him. My mom said the same with her Scnauzers that the second puppy seemed to almost potty train her self.
I agree with the other I have two velcro Doods instead of just one.....double the love.
my doodles absolutely ADORE each other, but judging by the greeting I get every day when I come home from work they definitely haven't replaced me. I have no doubt that you will get double the love!
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