Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Today I decided to share my childhood and the reason I have such a passion and bond to animals. If you have time...please read Hurleys blog. You will understand my story...I didnt expect to ever write this...but I felt overwhelmed to share. You all have been so amazing that I want to share why Dogs are so wonderful and how a dog saved me from a tragedy...

Thank you all for everything,

love Regina and Hurley

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Thank you for sharing your story.  Dogs have an amazing ability to know when we need them and they are there.



Regina, thank you so much for sharing your story.  I am so sorry you lost both of your parents so young. I am sure Bonehead was sent to comfort you and can see why you fought so hard for Hurley. 

Regina you certainly have been through a lot and have written about it so beautifully. I ma very glad that you and Hurley have each other.

I pictured your story through the eye of my childhood...I also have a dog that helped me through that time, not tragic like yours but not a typical childhood either. My hero dog is Katy.

Thank you for sharing Regina, I too believe dogs are a gift from God.

Thank you.. It took about 4 hours to write it...i could of wrote a book! Just wanted to share my story...I have been surrounded with so much love and Hurley is healing...I wanted to let everyone know how much this means to me. I have been through a lot. We all have a story. I just want Thank you all for keeping me so strong this whole time...

Dear Regina. Thank you for sharing your story. It was extremely poignant yet incredibly tragic on so many levels. I am currently reading A Dog's Purpose and truly believe that animals are with us for a reason. The comfort you both gave and received from good old Bonehead was definitely Heaven-sent and the passion in which you are able to write and share with others is also a gift. I am so glad that you finally found peace in your life and are sharing wonderful times with your children and your beautiful dog. I'm so sad your journey with all his medical problems has also been challenging but it looks to me that you are on the home-stretch and will soon be able to just spend quality moments with him, without having a vet involved. I wish you happiness and joy for the future and hope you never allow your sad past to ruin your wonderful today's....Your own children are beautiful by the way :)

Regina, thank you so much for sharing your story.  Tears of happiness are pouring down my face.  Bones  (I love how you started calling him that) helped you deal with the death of both parents, grow strong and with a loving heart. It was indeed a miracle.  If that is not God's hand, what is?   Now you have repaid Bones through fighting for Hurley.  Even though I did not know why, somehow you called to me.  I, too, was helped through difficult childhood by an animal - in my case  three horses.  Like Lisa, my life was not tragic, but certainly not typical. 

I cannot help but wonder what life has in store for you?  You wrote beautifully, perhaps one day you will write a book a share your story with more people. 


Your story is so very tragic and so very touching.  Thank you for sharing it.  You have certainly overcome a great deal of adversity.  I am glad that Bonehead and Hurley came into your life.  BTW Hurley looks really good.  So glad he is healing well.

Thanks for sharing your beautiful and touching story. Dogs really are amazing, as all animals are. I'm so glad you had Bonehead and now Hurley. You are doing such a good job with Hurley, your love for hime really does shine through in all your posts. :)

Thank you all for your kind words when reading my story...
You all understand the love of an animal. You all have one. I agree that they are here for a reason.
What an amazing journey I have been on...!! You all have been so comforting and so very loving towards Hurley and my family. Words will never express my gratitude in helping to save my dog...

Regina and Hurley

Thanks for sharing, your childhood must have been so hard, I'm glad Bonehead was such a comfort and joy to you. 

Regina, I always look for Hurley updates. Your story and what you have gone through is truely amazing! I really feel God matched up the right dog and owner with you and Hurley. I can't imagine losing both parents so young. God bless you and your family!!! After reading your story it remained with me long after I turned off the computer. Your life could be turned into a movie with a healthy Hurley as the ending!!  





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