Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi, Skylar my doodle eats grass. Why is that? She is on ORIJEN PUPPY LARGE BREED food.


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Nothing to worry about.  I think most dogs eat grass--not sure why, they just do!

Mine do!

Because she can  :) 

An age old question that no one knows why. 

Very common, many dogs do this, regardless of what they eat. I would of course try to discourage it, which can only be done if you don't leave her outside alone for any length of time. But I wouldn't worry about it unless it starts to affect her, i.e. diarrhea, vomiting, etc.

My Shelby has always eaten grass.... I just view it as her version of salad!

I like that thought

I have one who loves grass and another who wouldn't touch it if he was starving.  Who knows why.  I do discourage it, but I don't worry too much about it.

Darwin LOVES grass. 

One of mine does, the other doesn't.  It's not a problem.

Luna eats grass and grass roots... she doesn't even vomit afterwards (which seems to be a normal doggie reaction).  

We joke that Luna might be part cow :) 

All three of my doodles eat grass, but one really likes it--the other two follow her around and copy her--they figure she must be on to something....Never gets sick.
Zoe loves grass!



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