Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hello again

I wanted to update you all on the situation since I received so much encouragement from all of you.  The whole experience was a definite eye opener for me and in the end it worked out AMAZINGLY!


We no longer have Jack :( What a roller coaster but I am  happy with how it all ended even though I do miss him a lot and have pangs of guilt!  

So last week, after so much thought, no sleep, tons of stress and tears, I had decided that it didn't matter what he looked like, open faced or not he had a great personality and whether or not I ended up 8 months from now vacuuming everyday because he did in fact shed, so be it, I was ready to accept it, we were all really falling in love with him.


That afternoon I got an email from the breeder saying someone had called her and was interested in Jack and better yet, they live in the same town as I do!   Long story short, they came and saw him, fell in love, already had a mini doodle at home and did not mind in the least that he was an open face doodle.  I think it was meant to be.  They are a great family and will keep in touch, since they live in the same town and since my mom has Abby, they can still get together every once in a while for a reunion.


Despite everything it was an extremely hard decision but they have since told me Jack is adjusting wonderfully and fitting right in to their family.   So my search will continue with the goal of finding another puppy the beginning of next summer.  In the mean time, we will enjoy Abby which is why I posted her picture in my profile!


So...until next year....well I may pop in from time to time to ask a zillion questions! Thanks




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I guess I didn't see this as loving/not loving based on looks. I fell in love with doodles because of their looks. And I fell in love with my husband, partly, because I, at some point after we'd met, decided I was attracted to his looks. If that hadn't happened, I wouldn't have fallen in love with him. That is different than saying that all it takes is looks.

Marketed as in how they are portrayed in the media and by breeders. She should have known better but she didn't.

Sounds like Jack got lucky, I'm glad he found a home that loves and accepts him. I hope your next puppy is exactly what you are expecting.

I know it already has been said but the cause for concern is "What will happen to the next dog?" . (I have read the prior discussions and Roxygirl73's profile.)  From her first post it was obvious that she didn't want this dog. 


We didn't give Shayna back because she turned out to be 45 lbs instead of 25.  We didn't give Boomer back because he is much taller than expected.  And we didn't give Mariner back because his medical condition was much worse than we had been told. expected.

No dog is perfect.  If you are looking for a specific look you are better off getting a pure breed dog.  Anytime you get a mixed breed dog you are playing the "lottery".  The variations and expected outcome become more unpredictable when you are not dealing with a reputable breeder.


Perhaps this discussion can serve as a good learning example for anyone looking for a puppy.

I'm hitting the LIKE button!

I had and I guess have some mixed feelings, too.  Roxy was honest about her feelings, but to me once she committed and took Jack home, he should have been home.  But that's me.  She did not abandon Jack to a shelter, but did take the opportunity that later presented itself for Jack to go to a home that either did not really care exactly what he looked like or better yet was exactly what they wanted.  It was a little tough for me to relate to "trading in" a pup because of his looks when he is such a beautiful boy, but it's not like he was dumped at a shelter or worse.  So, I guess my Pollyanna says, alls well that ends well.  I wish you luck, Roxy, in your next quest.  I hope you go really slow and do your homework.  Next time it might not be such a seemingly happy ending.  Keep us posted on Abby!  

Another idea would be to adopt not a puppy, but a doodle that is 10-12 months old.  At that point, 'what you see is what you get'...& a dog needing a home will get one.  Just a thought.

All I know, if I lived in her town I would have been knocking at her door and I would have bought that adorable "Doodle looking" dog!  just sayin'  

All I can say is wow. I'm glad Jack found a forever home with someone who can love him for who he is.
Well I think you guys are being a little harsh and a wee bit's not as if she dropped the pup off at a shelter. Maybe it wasn't what you all would have done in the same situation but everybody is different, and the main thing is that the dog found a good home...
At least she was honest about it.

I think the thought of getting an older dog and not a puppy is a great idea since "what you see is what you get."  So no surprises in their looks and if they shed or not.  Glad to hear Jack is in a loving home.  Good luck to you!

I thought that was brilliant when I read the suggestion about adopting an older dog!!
And I think it's very inappropriate to write nasty comments about what Roxie did & felt,, she did the right thing by trying to get ahold of the breeder...she never suggested doing anything incorrect. She was always up front and transparent! This website is so great & chock full of info...that prospective dog families can learn also.. but not with judgemental opinions and nasty barbs. Lets keep our positive reenforcement working with people also...not just our doodles



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