Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

MIDAS IS STEALING EVERYTHING OFF THE TREE!!!!! he is worse this year than last year!!!!!! what is going on??? i just put it up..he steals something.. i take it..put him in my room for time out... he comes out..gores right back for it.. theres only so many times i can do this!!! doesnt he get it??? doesnt he care? or he still like this attention?? he goes on walks.. less then in the summer but he does go everyday... and he plays in the yard.. he only does this when i sit on the couch and watch tv or something and he isnt getting attention he wants me to chase him around.. he wouldnt touch it if no one was home.. this is just when im here to get a game started.. its really so annoying tho.. ill i have been doing all night is saying "midas NO, leave it" he doesnt all! anyone have this problem?? i actually had to get his leash out and hold him close to me so he would stop... he finally laid down... sheesh.. hope hes over it tomorrow..

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Hurley would do this with shoes and socks for attention. I said no the first time, and the next few times would just go up to him wait for him to drop it them casually take it away without saying anything. Eventually Hurley understood that I wouldn't give him the attention he wanted and gave up. 

I'm sorry but this made me giggle. Is it just ornaments he is taking? Maybe just have decorations on the top half where he can't reach, or would he jump for it? I guess I'm lucky because my 7 month old has pretty much left my tree alone. 

lol i know it is funny but its terrible!! lol hes been stealing my ornaments the balls.. they are plastic and are shatterproof thank God!! but i have these little teeny presents on tree and he keeps stealing those!!! lol ill try now to post a video of midas stealing a "believe pillow that i had hanging up lol.. the weird thing is he was 8 months old last christmas and is now a year older and is starting this now!!! lol.. ps he was left home alone the longest he ever was today.. my husband had to go to work earlier and i came home later he was alone from 1-7... didnt touch a thing.. he saves all his mischievous behavior for when i get home lol

So then it's next Christmas I have to worry about! Crush did bring in a little tiny present and dropped it on my bedroom floor. I told her "no" and she didn't do it again. She didn't leave a single teeth mark in it, she must have been gentle lol

Charlie is fine with the tree and ornaments, but it's in front of the window. Now he has to sneak around it to howl at the passersby. His downfall is the packages and bags under the tree- I've found a few unwrapped.

I also put an xpen around our mainChristmas tree and decorate it with non breakables. Now I have a beautiful Christmas tree in my library with the breakable stuff but the entire room is blocked off with a baby fence with a lockable gate. No dogs and kids allowed while the tree is up without invite and strict supervision. Lol!
I also put an xpen around our mainChristmas tree and decorate it with non breakables. Now I have a beautiful Christmas tree in my library with the breakable stuff but the entire room is blocked off with a baby fence with a lockable gate. No dogs and kids allowed while the tree is up without invite and strict supervision. Lol!

Man I sound like Scrooge!

We've used the x-pen for the past 5 years. This year I'm going to try it without now that Lucca is 5 and Izzy is 3. Hopefully they're mature enough now.....NOT:) But it was never a problem. I hung their stockings on the fence and the presents were safely under the tree with the pen protecting them from curious pups!!!

We typically put our tree up inside an old playpen. Decided this year to use an x-pen as a fence - - but surprise, surprise, the boys looked at the tree then just walked off. They have been in the room with the tree, but pay no attention to it. Last night while Cody was playing with his ball, it got away and rolled under the tree. I was anxious to see what he was going to do. He stood there and looked at it a minute, then got down on his belly and crawled carefully until he reached his ball and snaked his was back out. SMART boy. Now once the wrapped presents begin to appear, I think that may be another story. I anticipate the fence will go up then.

I've been going about it all wrong, I put my dog inside the X-pen.  What was I thinking???  I'm just cracking up with everyone that is putting their X-pen around the Christmas tree.  Thanks for the chuckle this morning!

last night I only had one I didn't have him on a leash...but I kept the treats on my lap..anytime he went near the tree I shook the treat bag and he came back to me.. but then he started learning that a sniff of the tree results in a freeze dried liver treat... little rat!! lol



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