Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Ok wise doodlers......

The PB&J gang are getting big. Seriously I currently have 140 lbs of doodle running around on 12 legs and the poundage is only going to grow as Pickles gets bigger. while the doods have runof the house during the day they all sleep in crates. They even go into their specific crates when they take naps with the door wide open. They also go in if they want a break from the other two rough housing. Currently I have Brisby in a XL plastic crate that I used many years ago for my rottie mix before went to the rainbow bridge. Jake is in a plastic crate that is a Large which worked when we got him at 8 months but at almost a year he has outgrown it. Pickles is in a medium plastic crate that I used for my beagles before they passed. But at 13 weeks, pickles is now 24 lbs and 16.5 inches at the withers so I'm thinking he won't be a medium size when he is full grown (1 parent was a standard and 1 was a medium) but probably closer to Jake or Brisby. So I'll have three big boys.
Last night the latch on Brisby's XL crate broke. So I need to get something new for him, a bigger one for jake probably the same size as Brisby's since he's only an inch shorter and then I need to upgrade Pickles.

Ok do I go with Plastic or Metal crates? For those who like and use crates what do you prefer and why? I am cringing thinking of 3 XL sized plastic crates in hubby and my bedroom but honestly metal or plastic it's gonna be big. I'm going to need to invest in 3 XL crates of some kind. I can get nice covers for the wire crates if I need but I want something secure and comfortable for my dogs.

I want to make a decent decision here.

Thanks for your input.

I and PB&J greatly appreciate it.


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Rose, we bought one of the canvas type for taking on vacations, but Lucy hates it! She simply refuses to go inside. I've been waiting for Oscar to mature a bit more before using it with him. He loves it!

My pup has a wire crate. 

My issue with this crate in the bedroom is that my bedroom is small with hardwood floors and when she moves around or decides to scratch in the middle of the night the crate rattles and disturbs my sleep. Even with a pad underneath it is an issue. I can't imagine what 3 dogs could do.

If I had to do it over I might opt for a plastic crate because it would be more quiet.

She's getting a lot bigger than predicted and outgrowing her current crate so I will probably do away with the crate. I don't have the space for a huge crate, and she doesn't care for it. She doesn't put up a huge fuss but doesn't go there if given a choice.

We have 2 Precision XL wire crates. Never had a plastic one, but I find the wire crates very easy to clean and fold down, as Karen mentioned. What I like about the Precision brand is they're very sturdy and come with more than one door. I have one sitting lengthwise and the other butting up against it running width wise, and there are doors on both crates that open facing the same wall. That makes it convenient. I had thought of sewing decorator fabric to cover them but I've read that can make it too warm inside. So I've left them as is.

We use the wire crates. When we were working on crate training we put a blanket over the crate but now that they all love their crates we have no blanket covering it. They have a nice view of the mountains and like having the sun shine in on them! 

Chloe had Vari Kennels for the first two years. I had one in the bedroom and one in the living room. She started sleeping on my bed about one year ago but I still keep her crated when I am out.  I switched to a wire crate in the living room. She seems to like it so much more than the plastic. She goes in it on her own all day and night to take naps. She never did that with the  plastic. I also think it is less instrusive. I have the one made by Precision.

I have always used the plastic type, currently happy with Pet Lodge and the two doors on them make cleaning a breeze, as well as placement.   When we got Journey we discussed the wire crates, collapsible and all that made sense to hubby and we like to travel - had hoped to find simple solutions, but no amount of looking delivered one that met my criteria. I found too many sharp edges, thin wire, some were too heavy and so on.  There are many variations on the wire gauge, heaviness of the liner pan, and latch systems.     We reverted to plastic and found these       I hate plastic, but it's easy to clean and  contain things.   

When my doodles were crated I used the large wire crates.....I like the wire crates for the same reason F does, less intrusive, better ventilated and the doodles could see each other.

We use wire as well.  Have the XL one that we got when Lucy had her CCL surgery and have used that one for AnnaBelle.  Love the fold down option as we took it recently when we traveled to FL and it packed in the Van very easily.  I bought this one on ebay, new, but much cheaper than in the stores.  Shipping was free.

I have a plastic crate that "came" with Bodi when we adopted him.  We stopped using it a few months after he arrived.  Now I keep it in the garage and get it out if he needs to go overnight to a friend's house. (she has two dogs and two cats and he puts himself in the crate!)  He hasn't been there in over two years.  I find it very hard to clean that crate.  If I were to buy a new one I would get the wire mesh so I could collapse it and keep it indoors and clean!!

If you do put a piece of plywood over the top you will have one big laundry folding table!  

Ah great idea!

We used a wire crate for Hanna.  Mainly because she wwould get too warm in the plastic ones. Also, ours came with a divider, so I could just buy the big size kennel, and gradually move the divider as she grew into it.  It collapses nice and flat for storage and travelling too .



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