Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Hello everyone! I'm the proud owner of 10 month old black doodle boy named Brisco. We had been looking into doodles for a while now when he just happened to show up, it definitely was meant to be.
He was a rehome, I was lucky that he had a great owner before its just her circumstances were changing and she had another much older dog, a toddler and going thru a separation so it was overwhelming.
He has immediately won our hearts even my fiance who was a little reserved about having a dog in the house. Now they nap on the sectional together and Brisco is a great buddy for his runs.
I haven't figured out how to change my profile yet but have uploaded some photos thru email. I was wondering what you guys thought about him being an F1 or F1b or if I'll probably never know? The previous owner didn't know there where different types when she got him so she didn't ask. Oh I forgot to mention she got him at around 3 months from another girl who underestimated caring for a dog. I hope having moved around a lot so young will cause problems later.
Even though at 10 months he has had 2 previous owners 3 including me (which is his last) he is amazing! A great personality, only thing that has came up is some hand nipping but just trying to play immediately stops when I say ouch. I've read that is pretty common at this age? He is so smart and picks up on our training so fast. I am home mostly all day and have been working on training him at home, he can sit, down, paw, drop it and stay (for a min we are working on that now). Also have a friend with an 8 month doodle for play dates. Do you think classes are a must?
Well, I could go on forever as you can see (proud new momma) but I'll stop, just wanted to introduce ourselves and a little history.
Whitney, congratulations on your beautiful new boy. Our Meg was also a rescue, she was in two homes and then a foster when we got her at four months. We frequently say too bad for the first owners that they had no idea what a gem they had, but we are ever grateful that she was passed over until we got her. I believe that is one of the things that makes her such a great dog, truly one of the most loving dogs I have ever had.
If Brisco is learning that fast and responding that well you may not need a trainer at all, sounds like you are doing very well at it. We ended up using one to help Meg walk well on a leash (first dog I couldn't train to leash), then she turned around and trained Polly for leash...who knew we had a trainer of our own?? Some people and their dog are born to work together. I wish you continued good luck with yours and look forward to hearing more about him.
Congratulations and thank you for giving Brisco a good home. I don't think that training classes are a "must", but after he gets a bit older he may go through his "teenage years" and you might want the help of a trainer or an obedience class. Also, sometimes when a dog is in a new home it takes a while for them to comfortable and they're on their best behavior. Anyway it sounds like you are doing a great job of that may be all he'll need. Has he been neutered...that also helps to keep them calm and well behaved. Welcome to Doodle Kisses!
Welcome and congrats on your new fur baby. He is gorgeous.
This information is correct and a good guideline is usually 18 months. Since these guys are prone to hip dysplasia, you want to give them every chance of letting those growth plates develop without undue stress. I started with short run/walks, maybe 2 min running, 2 min walking for a mile at a time in the beginning. My Murphy let me know when he needed a break, so I just paid attention to his cues as we went. Which were pretty easy to follow as he would just STOP and lay down in the shade. He gradually built up to 3-4 miles non stop and that was all I ever needed him to do. Bella on the other hand should have been named Forrest Gump, cause she would run forever with me !
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