Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

What is your doodle's personality more like? A Poodle, or (fill in the blank)...?

Hello everyone. I'm glad to be back on here again. I haven't been on here in a while because I haven't really had a need to be (which is good!), and college started back up.

Orwell is rather unremarkable as far as behavior goes right now. He still needs lots of exercise, but is a cuddle bug. He has a best friend (a standard poodle) that we play with a couple times a week. He also had his 1 year shots and check up. He is perfectly normal and healthy. 

Anyway... the real reason for this thread is that I've been curious about how other people identify their doodle's personality. Since these are mixed breeds, I was wondering if you consider your doodle more like a poodle or whatever the other breed they are crossed with is (lab, golden, berne, etc.)

As for Orwell, I definitely identify him more as a poodle. I say that mainly because he prefers me over anyone else and is my constant companion. He's really nice to new people when he meets them, but after about 30 seconds he could care less about them. He's not like a lab were everyone he meets is his new best friend. I don't mind this at all, though, because it makes me feel special. :P

Now, it's your guys' turn to share. :)

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Well, my last dog was a purebred Poodle and she loved everyone. Everyone she met was her best friend, too, lol. She was fearless and very outgoing.  She was also extremely independent and not only didn't follow me around the house, she wouldn't even sleep in my room until she was old. So I don't think you can really stereotype breed personalities. I've never lived with or spent much time around Labs or Goldens, so I have no idea if JD's personality is Retriever-ish (other than his obsession with playing fetch), but he's definitely nothing at all like the Poodles I've had. I think most of his personality traits have more to do with his being a puppy mill/pet store dog and a rescue than they do with his breed mix. 

I guess I'd fill in the blank with "Doodle", lol. 

This was my late yellow lab to a T. Very independent until she got older. 

So it seems Labs and Poodles have a lot of traits in common. :)

Lucy and Oscar are our first dogs (both Labradoodles), and as I'm not overly familiar with Poodles or Labs, except those I've met at the dog park, I'd be taking a guess as to which breed their personalities are most like. My best guess for Lucy is that she's more poodle-like. High strung, too smart for her own good, very playful and not super cuddly. She does love people, though, and being close to them, especially people she sees regularly, but not every day. She's also super sensitive to change in her daily routine, which shows up in her eating habits (she often goes on a hunger strike when we go on vacation... even when we take her with us). She's very independent and downright headstrong on occasion. Pleasing her owners is NOT her first priority! LOL

Oscar, I'd say, is more Lab-like. Mellow, easy going, very food motivated, loves to retrieve, and super cuddly. Smart and lives to please. Not overly sensitive to change; he goes with the flow (the one exception to that rule is when he has to spend a night at the vet's office. I think due to his having an intestinal obstruction at 7 mos. and going through all that that entailed at the emergency vet hospital, he's very nervous about anything vet related.) He's our constant companion, and is found lying by our side or at our feet.

Both dogs love their family members equally, I think. As to their interaction with one another, they're the perfect complement to each other's personality/temperament. Sometimes Lucy's super high energy spurts (which ultimately manifest into her constantly biting and pulling Oscar's ears and legs or nibbling his neck) become too much for Oscar to handle and he seeks refuge from her, but thankfully, those times are short lived. He's much bigger and stronger than her and can, and often does, give her a dose of her own medicine, so to speak, and put her in her place. Never in an aggressive way though. Man-handling is the way I'd describe it. Physically putting her in her place, showing her who is top dog, at least in a physical sense. I know he hates to do it, as its just not in his true nature, but sometimes I know he feels he has no choice. He does love his big sister, and tolerates a LOT from her. Sometimes she just crosses the limit one dog can take.

So, one hyper and high strung, the other mellow and easy going. Two of one type or the other would be too much or too little energy for us. So we lucked out, ending up with a perfect match.

As I started to think of how to describe my two, I read this and saw that you've already described them perfectly, LOL!  Though mine are Goldendoodles, your Lucy sounds just like my Eloise - right down to the hunger strikes away from home, and Oscar sounds like Beasley.  Eloise is Miss Independent, though she's become more cuddly over time - she loves hugs and will sometimes sit next to me and snuggle her head onto my shoulder, which is her signal for she wants a hug. :)  Beasley is my Velcro Dog, because wherever I am, there she is - and she can't get close enough to me when she cuddles.  I also like to call her a tripping hazard, since she's usually underfoot and constantly in my way.

There is one difference - with regard to the playing, mine switch places with yours.  Beasley is the one with the energy spurts and I can't count the number of times a day she starts with the ear pulling and neck and leg biting, which I call the equivalent of her shouting "IT'S TIME TO PLAY, ELLIE!!"  Eloise is the bigger and stronger one - and while she sometimes puts Beasley in her place, she doesn't do it as often as I think she should.  Beasley is so rough and tumble that, even though she's smaller, she can knock Ellie around pretty good.  Eloise is more tolerant than me, because I often find myself thinking, "Let her have it!" - and I'll intervene when I decide it's too much.

Mine share many similarities with each other, but overall their personalities are like night and day...and I'd call mine a perfect match, too.

I'm not sure. I haven't had either before :), least not as a purebred.  Previously we had a rescue, who had some poodle and schnauzer - we think - she was definitely a crazy ball of energy.  Kona on the other hand is mellow. She is reserved, non-aggressive, and very bonded.  She is very affectionate, and super smart.  She is very sensitive.  She loves lying around the house and cuddling, but also is up for exercise and play when roused.  She is quite athletic, especially for her size.  She's not too big - a mini 27 pounds, and a little over 9 months. She's not built like a miniature poodle; she's more stocky and muscular in build.  She's non-aggressive like a retriever, laid back like a retriever, smart like both.  She's sensitive emotionally like a poodle.  She is quick to sense moods.  She is sensitive also about her food - whereas our rescue wolfed down her food.  Not Kona.  She requires a soft sell. I guess her behavior is like a mix of poodle and retriever, at least from what I've heard and read about.

Ned is more poodle-like.  He is more independent and reserved; quieter when by himself and you can see the wheels turning while he decides whether to comply with a command.  He also has a very sensitive side and if he is 'worried' he becomes a tiny bit clingy.  Clancy is much more retriever-like.  He is eager to please us all the time.

Poodle. Many people think Ruby is a poodle. She is smart, snuggly, silly, soulful and funny...

Both mine are different personalities. Riley has springs in his feet, loves everyone and is very very smart. Boris is more cautious but very gentle, he just sidles up for a chin rub or a pat when he wants some love but at night likes to be very close to me. The only 'trait' that relates to breed type maybe from Boris who always greets people with a present in his mouth, a stuffy or a chewy, whatever is nearby. He also loves to play ball.

I have two "present givers". I just love that!

Loki has a complete Berner personality. He's a huge couch potato and so mellow even as a puppy, not much was really exciting to him except a squirrel lol.  He is very cautious and likes to "feel people out" at first and is glued to my side all the time. He also will do some things that berners do (i'm sure other breeds do too but I don't have experience with those breeds lol) like leaning into people to the point of the person tipping over or the dog. I grew up around a few Bernese and I could go on with how similar they are. Moose on the other hand acts more like a lab to me, he's 50% Bernese and 50% poodle so I know this makes no sense. I don't have any experience with poodles so I would assume that this could be the poodle part of his personality but to me he acts like the labs I was around as a kid. Everyone is his new best friend and he could fetch a ball (or whatever) 24/7. He's much more high energy than Loki was ever. I have never owned a poodle though so maybe they both have some poodle-ness to them as well!

Im excited to see everyones comments on this though!

Rosco = labrador through and through but less high energy than some labs.

Boca = pretty middle of the road I'd say but bouncy the way I imagine a poodle is.



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