Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

***** UPDATE ******

We have been to the vet every day since Tuesday....The vet was convinced that it had nothing to do with the spay and kept telling me that it would get better well it has now been 4 days of scooting and her Bum is so irritated.......after 2 different meds, a cortizone shot , anal glands checked twice....they have now discovered that it most likely is due to the thermometer that they inserted in her bum during surgery to check her temperature......LExee is now on more antibiotics and an antiinflammatory.....So....anyone every heard of your dog reacting to a rectal exam.....Pls let me my pup is now wearing a cone and a medi shirt.....arrrrghhh.....:(


Lexee cam home last night after having been spayed. She was extremely groggy and slept the whole night with a little bowel movement and a few pees but very quiet and sleepy. She cried a lot throughout the night and peed once. The problem we are having is that she is constantly scooting her bum...she is acting like she has ants in her pants. She is wearing the cone and is trying to get to her anus and sometimes her stitches but we have the cone on often to stop her from licking. Have any of you ever heard of your dog having issues like scooting and seeming very irritated, itchy after a spay?

as an FYI - went to the vet this pm and they are clueless as to why she is doing this....They emptied her anal glands which weren't full just to make sure ( cost me 27$ and I knew that they would not be full)......

Pls give me your thoughts as I am at a loss as to why my Lexee can't settle down after her surgery...

Thanks for any input..

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Aww is she starting to feel better? I'd give her Proviable DC while she is on all the meds, too, to help her. Best,

Awww, poor puppy!  I've never heard of a reaction like that so I have no help to offer, but I agree with Cindy on the Proviable. I know it's no fun, but she couldn't look more adorable in her cone of shame.  Both mine had to wear them for more than a week - they were stitches-botherers.  The first was a statue who was traumatized by the cone and would barely ever move, the other a little bulldozer who slammed her cone into every wall, doorframe and piece of furniture that got in her way (and her cone even terrified the older one). ;-)  I hope the new meds help and Lexee starts feeling better quickly!

Oh, she looks so pitiful! Im sorry!

All I can think of is that she might have been irritated by the disposable plastic sleeve that they probably placed on the thermometer or if they inserted it incorrectly and jabbed her with it. Regardless of the actual cause, I just want to say that I'm sorry you and Lexee have had to deal with all of this. I really hope that she begins to feel better soon. 

I hope you both had a good night and Lexee is feeling better this morning. Please keep up updated. And I agree with the Proviable as well. I also give it to Bella whenever she is in a new, strange, stressful environment and it works well for her usual reaction of loose stools when she is exposed to stress. So I love Proviable for more than just antibiotics.  And keep her medicated so she will be as comfortable as possible and heal better by not disrupting the site as much. 

Just got back from the vet AGAIN and they say it looks better than yesterday but have decided that I should apply a gel to her irritated bum....We have to keep her quiet so she cannot scoot and irritate it more....Boy....this has been quite the week......The vet has promised me that within 4-6 applications, we should see an improvement.....I said my prayers in her office bc I am at my wit's end.....Please keep some positive vibes for my little furbaby who is in so much pain :(

Oh Sue ~ so sorry Lexee is having to go through this.  I hope the gel works wonders.  Hang in there!

There's definitely nothing stuck inside there, right? I hate to ask, but did they look? Yipes. Poor girl. I feel for you...

I was thinking the same thing! The thermometer cover or something else?? :-(

I am sorry to hear about this. My first thought would be to get a second opinion. It just doesn't seem normal and it would worry me a lot.

I would be so ticked about the constant follow up and multiple visits! I would probably be asking for a deal on the constant follow up, at least for the services provided and perhaps supplies/medications. 

Charlie had a very irritated IV site due to the blade used to shave his leg. If it were not for that, we probably could have dispensed with the cone. The vet recommended Neosporin and cortisone cream. One caution: if you are using creams and ointments, get them on the skin and not on the surrounding fur! It makes a gigantic mess otherwise. 

Thanks for the advice....she is on a gel right now and it seems to be improving....I think the vet clinic has realized their mistakes and we have been given everything free of charge and all appts free as well....I think they did not look at all the possible causes before the gave me more meds....I also asked if there may be a way that perhaps she was cut when the thermometer was inserted.....they did think that was a possibility....either way she seesm to be on the mend and has only scooting once this morning....the scooting is really what was irritating the bum.....crossing my fingers and saying my prayers that this is the magic solution...Thanks for all the words of encouragement.....



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