Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have been thinking about adding a second doodle for a long time, but with life changes, pending relocations, and Ragley still being pretty young, I knew that the right time had not come along yet. I told myself that I would wait until my boyfriend and I were back in the same city so we could share the duties, I felt financially ready for all of the expenses, and until I felt that Ragley’s training was pretty much complete. In the meantime, I have found a breeder that I really like, met her and some of the dogs, and have placed a deposit to be on a waiting list just to get the process going with a reputable breeder.

Now that Ragley and I have achieved our goal to be a registered therapy dog team, I have moved, and am pretty settled in my new job, I can’t help but wonder if the time is right. Our number is up on the waiting list and I have already passed on a couple of litters, but there is one due very soon that I am tempted to claim a puppy on. Puppies are a ton of work, but I know that with the way our schedules line up, we would have the time to take care of a puppy. My boyfriend, however, is a little hesitant about whether the timing is “perfect” now. Ragley was such a perfect puppy and continues to be so unbelievably wonderful and easy that I think he gets nervous that our dynamic will change with a new puppy. He also doesn’t have too much experience with raising puppies so it is a little new to him. I understand his concerns and definitely have concerns of my own, but I still really think that now could be a great time to add another doodle to the mix. I would love another dog and I know Ragley would love to have a companion. Although I know there are better times than others to make this leap, I’m not sure that there ever will be such a thing as a “perfect” time to get another puppy like he is looking for.

For those of you with multiple doodles—or those who decided against adding another—did you feel that there was a perfect time? Were there any factors that played a major role in your decision?

Family picture for fun :)

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I don't think there is ever a perfect time, maybe some times are just more ideal than others? For me personally I wanted to add my second puppy while I was still in the habit of "police-ing" one dog. I got Moose about 11 months after I got Loki (Loki was 12 weeks when he came home) and I thought I remembered how difficult puppies are and I forgot just how mentally exhausting it can be. I do agree with others that things like potty training and other things will be picked up much quicker with the second puppy simply because they follow each other everywhere. I think you're probably the only person who can know if you're ready for another. I guess I would maybe think about how resistant your boyfriend is to the idea of a dog and consider his reasons. For example is it just that he doesn't have much experience with puppies so he's nervous or more of a scheduling/time commitment thing.

For me personally I don't think I would ever find a "perfect time" but I tend to be a spontaneous person so that's the story of everything in my life :) When the boys breeder called and said she was going to be planning a litter and I put a deposit down my boyfriend was not thrilled (to say the least) but as we got updates and when puppy pictures started to come our way he got very excited and really into preparing for Moose. He too had almost zero pet experience save one dog that was an outdoor dog when he was around 8- lol very different!

Obviously I have two doodles and couldn't be happier so I think you should get a second as well! The logical part of my brain suggests jotting down all the good things and the not so good things and thinking it over.

Good luck :)

Maybe a pros and cons list would be a good idea. I know that Ragley is at a point where she would be a good model of behavior so I think that is a positive. For everyone I have talked with, it seems that adding in a second was not as big of an imposition as the first puppy was. I am not that spontaneous and I think that is what is holding me back hah I know that if we got one, everything would be fine and we would make it work, but I keep trying to force myself to think of negatives because I know puppy fever can be rather blinding! lol

Very blinding! I think the hardest thing about going from one to two is the grooming time. I did all of Loki's grooming and usually it was daily brushing and Saturday mornings were our very complete grooms. Now that I have two, who both have think difficult coats, it takes up a very big amount of time and I have resorted to taking them to a groomer once a month for a really good brush out, nail trim, teeth and ear cleaning. Just to take some of their groom time down on Saturdays.
Super cute picture by the way!

Thank you!

I agree. It is whatever works for you. We just added a girl puppy to the family last week. Our older dog Ollie is 5 years old. He is very patient with her but not necessarily playful. He does seem to like her though. I am loving having two doodles even though I had forgotten how much work puppies are.

My advice would be to just follow your heart.  You have done a great job with Ragley and you now have all that'll be a great "Mom" to another puppy.  I just knew it was time....I had "puppy fever" and my first Doodle was pretty well trained so I was ready for another.

I definitely have a bad case of puppy fever!

I too do not know if there is ever a perfect time, but if you and your mate are on the same page, it will work out just fine. As you know, it is twice the work and $$ - training, grooming, etc My husband was totally against getting a second doodle because Charlie was our dream dog and we could take him everywhere.  But DH did finally agree to second and we are thrilled with Beau.  One thing I must be honest about - I used to take Charlie everywhere he was permitted to be with me and now that we have two, I am more inclined to let them stay home with DH when I have errands etc to run - they play ball with DH or the three of them take naps! LOL    My reasoning for wanting a second was for a playmate for Charlie - but Charlie really is not a player - he prefers fetch with us, but that being said they have become great buddies and I know if something happened to either of them, the other would be devastated.  Looking forward to hearing about your decision and following your process.  BTW - wonderful family photo!

I think that is a big part of the hesitation that my boyfriend is feeling as well- Ragley is and has always been a dream dog/puppy. She was so easy to train and can do anything with us. He worries about how having two will affect our ability to take them places or leave them with someone else to watch if we wanted to go out of town, etc. I worry a little about that too, but I think it will end up being easier than he thinks. Ragley loves to play and I guess I have the chance of the same thing happening, but I think she would love the companionship of another breathing being in the house with her. Thank you for your compliment :)

Being as Ragley is almost 2 1/2 yrs old, it would seem a very good time to get another.  I was pretty ok with just one doodle when our breeder notified me she had a pick of the litter that ended up not being breedable and she offered her to us. Our Murphy was 1 1/2 yrs old and to us just a "perfect" dog.  But he was getting pretty lazy, a little anxious, had separation anxiety, was a bit too aloof for my tastes, and ended up being my DH heart dog instead of mine.

So I agreed to a second one as my breeder assured me that this little girl was a real cuddler and full of personality.  That's exactly what she is too, and she is my heart dog.  Should one or the other pass on, we would need another doodle for ourselves as much as for the surviving doodle. 

No perfect time, doodle fever is a real thing though and there is only one cure!!!

"Should one or the other pass on, we would need another doodle for ourselves as much as for the surviving doodle."

I can't lie- this plays a huge factor in my decision. Ragley is my heart dog and she was there for me during the worst part of my life and has brought me through it. If something was to happen to her and I had no other animal in the house, it would crush me. It isn't reason enough to say yes to another puppy, but it is a factor for sure.



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