Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This was a discussion I started when I first joined DK in the East Coast group. I thought it would be fun for us to have a record of where all our doodles come from here in the GRAD group. That way we will know how many of our doods are related.

Stella was born Nov. 13th 2007
At Old Mill Doodles in Staunton VA
to Kane and Kandy

If everyone could post the same information maybe others can find siblings or half siblings when joining the group.
If you have a rescue just post as much as you know... who knows what could happen.

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Stud muffin.....notice he's smilen.....
This is a great idea!

Katie was born on April 10, 2007 at Old Mill Doodles to Juan and Dolly.

Allison Johnson
It seems my 2 are the only ones on here from Glen Eden, in Berryville, VA
Bridget, Sept2nd,1999 (she might be the oldest on here!), but in those days, she wasn't born at beautiful Glen Eden, but some 'place' in Pennsylvania (I didn't realize this at the time....she was then taken to Glen Eden at 6 weeks, I got her at 8 weeks)
Chloe, also from Glen Eden, and bron ON Glen Eden, on August 23rd, 2006
I would LOVE to find siblings of Bridget....she was so SHY when I got her...bonded to me, EXTREMELY, shy of others....always loved dogs...Of course wouldn't mind finding the siblings of Chloe, too.though her beginnings were more normal. And she was NOT shy (though can display some shyness some people)
Names of their parents can be furnished apon request, but Bridget's Poodle Father is Chloe's Grandfather.
Susan, you must have missed my page one post. Lambeau was born at Gleneden too! His b'day is Oct. 2007. Beautiful place, isn't it?
Annie was born at Glen Eden on Dec. 10, 2006. (to Veronica and Mr. Biggs?? both Labradoodles)
WE GOT CHARLEY FROM "GLENEDEN KENNELS" IN BERRYVILLE, VA. HE WAS BORN ON JUNE 1, 2004. His mother is: Frostys Rosie Fisher, a dark Golden Retriever and his father's name is Fox Meadow's Brilliant Star, an apricot Standard Poodle.
I didn't realize that Gleneden had GD too! Lambeau is our LD and he was born at Gleneden. Charlie has the same birthday (day not year) as my oldest son :).
I think Charley may be the oldest doodle in the group. He's got Penny beat by a year!
The oldest so far in the group is Bridget. Her birthday is Sept. 2,! She will be 10 this year. We need to have a party I think!!
Hollywood was born on 8/12/06 at Stony Point Farm in Sperryville VA.
Annie was born Aug. 12 2005
Parents Heidi and Radar
Harley's parents are Dolly and Parker.



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