Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was just noticing that my dog was bugging me for her dinner an hour early--you know, nudging me, crying, staring at me---LOL! She has such an accurate internal clock, it will be days before she adjusts to going off DST! Anyone else have this problem today??

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LuLu was downstairs barking to go out and eat. I wanted to sleep, but gave in to all three of them. LOL

Carol and the gang
I had to get up early today, so she didn't have a chance to start bugging me about that.
Toby actually slept in longer than usual today. And he hasn't eaten anything yet - not even his breakfast. I guess I'm lucky!
Our girls slept in today as well. Normally they are barking to be let out of their room between 5:00 - 5:30, 6:00 at the latest. Today I actually got up before them and to my amazement it was 8:00 (7:00 with the time change). I was shocked. I never sleep that late.
Yeah Rosco wanted lunch early...but honestly they ALWAYS want their meals an hour early. I think if you stick to your time, they will adjust.
We're in Arizona and they don't participate in DST. Which is very nice. But I agree with Adina. They seem to adjust just like we do.
And mine will eat an hour early anytime too!!!!
Mattie is extremely aware of time. She barks or nudges me to do everything on feeding the cat, going to bed, etc. I have never seen anything like it. So, this will be tough on her! My other doodle doesn't have a clue when its dinner time, but will follow Mattie's lead.
We will adjust her a bit at a time. She ate about 25 minutes early today because she actually started to whimper--oh, brother!
Now that I read this, I was wondering why Lizzie acted "starved" tonight! And she NEVER begs for food and usually doesn't notice that I've fed her for a while. Guess she noticed the hour change!
I can't imagine having a dog that leaves food--I have heard of that before, but have not seen it with any of my dogs--Mattie eats WAY too fast--she gets 1/2 cup of kibble two times a day and eats it in about ten seconds.
My dog leaves food too. I thought he didn't like his food so I've switched twice and I have come to the conclusion that he knows when to stop eating. I could fill the bowl and he would eat only what he needs and leave the rest for later. My dog is lazy too. He sleeps until we wake him up. He's always upside down when we open his crate and he grabs his blanky when he comes out and lays right back down for a little while.
I have one of each. One who finishes her food always although lately not necessarily immediately. She not fat but well padded.My other one almost always leaves at least a little food and sometimes a lot. He's quite thin but healthy. I think of it as the lab versus poodle thing. My experience is that labs eat heartily and poodles graze delicately. It's probably not true of them all though.



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