Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau
  • Female
  • Richland, WA
  • United States
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Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau's Friends

  • Anita Ranade
  • Dee McGrath
  • C&L
  • Sam&Bella
  • Priscilla
  • PAtti
  • Stacy, Winnie,Chewy & Pongo
  • Martin Milewski
  • Nancy best
  • Paul & Ziggy
  • Cheryl
  • Sally M
  • Don Werley
  • Tammy M. Jacomin
  • Laura Caddey

Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau's Discussions

Is today your doodle's birthday?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lori, Daphne, Lucy & Pippa Dec 12, 2017. 13 Replies

Today is my sweet boy Charlie Brown's 7th birthday.  I cannot imagine without his sweet kisses!Happy Birthday you handsome boy!…Continue

AquinoLima_A Service Dog

Started this discussion. Last reply by Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau Sep 26, 2017. 8 Replies

I recently started following AquinoLima_A Service Dog on Facebook.  Sonny Brooks is a veteran who has been struggling with PSTD since returning from the service.  I cannot imagine struggling like so…Continue

Time Flies When You are Having Fun!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau Aug 7, 2017. 12 Replies

Oh my - it seems just like yesterday that this little boy came into our lives:Today he is…Continue

Doodle Holiday Photos

Started this discussion. Last reply by Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau Dec 28, 2016. 31 Replies

Anyone take photos this year.  Merry Christmas from Charlie & Beau!…Continue

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Charlie Brown & Beau's Page!

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Profile Information

About Me:
I was born and raised in Montana, and then moved to Seattle after a divorce. I have since remarried and after retiring, my husband and I moved to eastern Washington and built a new home. We love the sunshine!
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Charlie is a multi-generational Australian labradoodle. He will be 7 on Dec 18, 2017 and we cannot imagine life without him. He is such a gentle soul and loves everyone. In Oct. 2012 ~ we picked up a brother for Charlie - they have same father, but different mothers. His name is Beauregard (Beau) and is now 5. He is an ALD also.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
We had a beautiful black standard poodle who passed away in 2010. We were so depressed and knew we did not want to be without a dog. I started doing research on breeds that were non shedding and hypo allergenic. When we came upon the Australian Labradoodle, we knew that was it.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
We take lots of walks. They walk very well together and it is a joy to take them out in the world! When at home, they both love to play fetch. Charlie is totally fixated on balls - he even takes one to bed with him at night. LOL. Charlie and Beau passed the CGC test when they were 8 mos old - I was so proud of them. They are both cuddle bugs. We are crazy about both of them!
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
I brush them first thing in the a.m. and they go to the groomer about every 8 -10 weeks.
Favorite Doodle Products?
Les Pooches brush and shampoo products. Steel comb.
Relationship Status:
Would you be willing to Dog Sit on occasion for other DoodleKisses members? (You are NOT committing to anything by saying yes - you are just saying you might be willing to do this if you were acquainted with the other member and the circumstances were right.)

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At 9:27pm on October 26, 2017, Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle said…

Hi Linda, I approved your membership in the Atopic Dermatitis group, but what Beau has is very different from A.D. and the symptoms and treatment are completely different. 

At 10:23am on January 16, 2017, Anita Ranade said…
It is so nice to get to know you. You are so kind. When weather gets better we should introduce our dogs for a play date. I have a huge backyard. My son has a old Doberman dog who is in Seattle, they visited me, Mika and she get along with each other just fine.
I usually took Mika for a play time to petco. She gets along with all sizes dogs, she is very friendly.

My cell 2058728 you can text me anytime .
At 8:12pm on January 15, 2017, Anita Ranade said…
Hi Linda
Thank you very much for accepting my friends request. I'm not new to this area, I live here almost 26 years. This is our first dog, so me and my husband are really new to this dodgy world, we really want our Mika to be a well disciplined dog, and of course like all good owners we want her to be very happy. Your both dogs looks very cute. I live in Richland to. Heart stone which is on dupertail.
If you can, would pl give the groomers phone no?
I took Mika to the Pasco, animal hospital for her vaccination. They have a bording but I'm not sure about it. If you can give me that lady's no.
You are so kind, helping me, I was kind of lost.
Mika. Finished her first 6 training lessons with petco . She is doing great, weather is really hard on us, hopefully very soon we will be able to get out and walk my puppy.
Give me any suggestions, I will appreciate them.
Thanks again for your prompt reply .
At 10:00pm on July 3, 2016, Priscilla said…

Hi Linda, Charlie & Beau, Crush is 1 year old as of June. Thank you for the recommending the groups. My photos with my cell phone :-) ! But I do of access to good camera that husband uses for her coral business. 

Thank you for the warm welcome. I just figure out how to respond.  lol

At 8:11pm on June 27, 2016, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

Thanks for the suggested breeders.  When I get home, I will contact them with Charlie's chip number to see if he is one of theirs.  I suspect that he might be from a not great breeder because of the contract stipulations.  We really enjoyed meeting you and thought we'd have more time the next day and at the parade to get to talk more personally and get to know Beau and Charlie better. Sigh.

At 7:25pm on June 7, 2016, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

I really look forward to meeting you and the doods at the romp!  Boy, those chip numbers aren't even close.  Beau's don't have any letters. Charlie may be a ML doodle - only suggested to me by people who can often tell breeders by their dogs.  The owner we picked Charlie up from, was the second owner.  The first was a wealthy lady having her house remodeled and  Charlie didn't 'fit' in with her family. She gave him to the remodler.  I am guessing she didn't give the paperwork.  We are trying to contact her, but so far we aren't having any luck. Charlie's birthday was listed as 11/24/12 but that was from about the 3rd vet so it may be a guess.  That was last July.  When we picked him up the owner thought is birthday was October of 2013.  In other words, who knows?

At 8:19pm on June 6, 2016, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

Yup as to keeping Charlie.  We haven't formally announced it yet because we are still observing him to make sure we are the right place for him. Charlie's chip is from Oregon and we are trying to find out if Manor Lakes is the breeder that bought that lot of chips - probably an endeavor that won't succeed.   I see that Beau is a standard and Charlie is much smaller, but there are similarities between them.  One of my questions for  ML puppies is was your chip registered to Manor Lakes or  was it unregistered?

At 3:57pm on June 6, 2016, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

Uh, I think Beau and my Charlie might be related! Even their tails have the same curl!Charlie is 2 1/2 or 3.

At 9:04am on March 8, 2016, Paul & Ziggy said…

Thanks Linda for the welcome and tips on giardia treatment. I just realized that apparently there are known longstanding issues with my breeder (Manor Lakes Labradoodles) sending out puppies with antibiotic resistant strain of giardia. Ugh!!! This DK site is awesome and I'm just now getting acquainted with its many features, including there actual page dedicated to my breeder. Need to do more research but apparently I may be in for a long haul of experimentation with my vet on treatments for my Ziggy. :(

At 4:40pm on February 15, 2016, Stacy, Winnie,Chewy & Pongo said…
It's just hard cause do not normally spend a lot of money on our animals. By his is the first time we didn't get a dog from the animal shelter. And we wanted the doodle look. I'm hoping she grows into some fluff but I'm not holding a hope. We are already in love

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Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau's Blog

Charlie Brown is 3 today!

Posted on December 18, 2013 at 3:14pm 22 Comments

Today is Charlie's 3rd birthday.  When I woke up this a.m. to his sweet little face on my pillow, I could not help thinking about the first time I saw his face - he was only 4 weeks old.  I found out his birthdate was the same day as we lost our standard…


You Don't Know Beau!

Posted on June 22, 2013 at 5:09pm 25 Comments

 Just a little history – I was adopted by a wonderful family in October 2012.  I have a Mom and a Dad who love to play with me and a big brother named Charlie Brown – I guess because he is brown!  Charlie Brown apparently was one special Dood because my mom and dad compared me to him for weeks on end.  I would hear little things like, “I don’t think Beau is as smart as Charlie B was at that age”; “Beau is not as coordinated that is for sure –when he tries to catch a ball he jumps in the air…


Happy Birthday Charlie Brown!

Posted on December 18, 2012 at 9:00pm 21 Comments

Today was a very special day - Charlie turned 2!  We had a wonderful day and played all his favorite games.  Then we had a special treat - an ice cream cookie made just for birthday boy!  We are so tired and we were just going to settle down for bed, when I thought OMD - I forgot to post on DK.     

Here is a pic I took just before we sent to the doggy store for our birthday cookie!…



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