Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Wanda Klomp
  • Female
  • Driebergen
  • Netherlands
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  • Lisette Palmer
  • linda giorgi
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  • Tina, Tucker & Bailey
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Wanda Klomp replied to Rosalyn Ancrum's discussion First grooming in the group Doodle Grooming
"Ask for a scissor cut grooming with attachment comb 19 mm for the body and all the rest by hand with thinning scissors. This will leave her looking bice and fluffy like a little bear cub AND makes her coat much more easily to handle for you. Best of…"
Jul 30, 2019

Profile Information

About Me:
I am a specialized Doodle groomer and give grooming workshops to Doodle and Waterdog owners. My website and social media activities are all about informing as many Doodle owners as possible worldwide about proper Doodle (coat) care, helping Doodle owners take the wellbeing of their Doodle in to their own hands and teaching them how to groom their Doodle professionally themselves, in a natural, fluffy way, not having to depend on groomers ever again and improving the relationship with their Doodle, while being the best Doodle parents they can be.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
I don't have a Doodle, I have a Barbet (French Waterdog) named Joy, but I work with Doodles every day and seen hundreds of them. All different coat types :-)

The Netherlands has the most Doodles next to America ;-)
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
I chose to work with Doodles because of their lovely, sensitive, joyfull character and fluffy coat, that can be a real grooming challenge for most Doodle owners and groomers. I love working with Doodle owners because they love doing things with their Doodle and want the best for them.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
I love to give grooming workshops, write blogs and articles about Doodle coat care, posting workshop photos online and love to interact with Doodles and Doodle owners
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
I do
Favorite Doodle Products?
Earthbath bath products, ActiVet Duo brush, Pet dryer and the right grooming equipment, like my own special thinning and chunking shears, squeeky toys
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:
Would you be willing to Dog Sit on occasion for other DoodleKisses members? (You are NOT committing to anything by saying yes - you are just saying you might be willing to do this if you were acquainted with the other member and the circumstances were right.)

FREE E-BOOK: 6 Secrets to keeping your Doodle tangle free!

Do you really want to learn all about the coat structure of your Doodle, the right grooming equipment and find out what your Doodle needs to stay tangle free? Then read my E-Book and you will never have problems with tangles again!

I couldn't post it here, but you can download it for FREE on my Doodle Comfort FaceBook page.

Please do so and enjoy!

Love, Wanda

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Wanda Klomp's Blog

The nr 1 way to brush your Doodle comfortably and effectively

Posted on June 28, 2016 at 4:51am 2 Comments

How do you feel when you're grooming your Doodle?

Do you feel at all rushed? Trying to get it over with pronto?

Or do you instead regard it as some quality alone time with your Doodle. Nice and easy?

And how is your Doodle behaving?

Does he trust you blindly?

Does he use his whole bag of tricks to get away from your brush?


Labradoodle brushing


Or does he feel playful, trying to snatch that brush (and your hand) whenever he…


4 tips to find out which coat your Labradoodle pup will get

Posted on November 10, 2015 at 6:30am 2 Comments

This question ‘pups’ up all the time in Facebook groups and the Labradoodle forums: what coat do you think my pup will get?

Will it grow to look Doodle-ish?

And I assume that when the owner says 'Doodle-ish', he/she refers to a fluffy fleece or curly fleece coat.

Now, with all those different Labradoodle types being bred, it's hard to determine beforehand what the coat will look like

(unless you have an Australian Doodle, in which case…


7 reasons why your Doodle is better off with a medium sized groomed coat

Posted on October 13, 2015 at 6:30am 5 Comments

If I browse pictures on Facebook, and listen to the experiences of my grooming customers and the owners that participate in my Labradoodle self grooming workshops, it's undeniable that most people wait too long before they visit the groomer.

The result: tangles, felt and a bare-shaven Doodle a few times a year, whilst looking like a Bearded Collie the rest of the year.

Labradoodle grooming

I know, most dog owners love a long coat.

The longer, the better, right?



Why white is a difficult coat colour for Labradoodles

Posted on October 7, 2015 at 4:30am 3 Comments

I've said it before: the white coats of Labradoodles require the most maintenance.

That is, if they're curly or curly fleece coats (which they usually are).

Not just because white Labradoodles love nothing more than to roll around in puddles, mud, sand, etc.

But rather, because white hair is porous, and tangles more easily than brown or black hair.

If this type of coat gets wet and dries by air (or central heating), it’s very susceptible to…


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At 3:41pm on February 24, 2014, Stephanie and Ragley said…

Wanda- I looked at your website to try to figure out what thinning shears you recommend, but I didn't see anywhere where you state the brand? 

At 12:43pm on February 5, 2014, Joanne ~ Spud* said…

I wont pretend to be a groomer, I just know my own dog. I've done my own homework and have a mentor.  So, no worries about my dog not being comfortable. What he is completely uncomfortable with is that darn Les Pooche brush.   Maybe I have a bad one, because I've stabbed myself and bled many times. He truly is unhappy and so was I. 

I do have a blog from several years ago where I documented my first trail with this practice.

At this time, I dont go anywhere at length with the work as I did that first year.   I just DONT brush all winter.  The dry climate in the winter is perfect for this type of coat.     I have no mats  :)   I think all dogs in the winter snow ( and I live in the top ten snowiest USA cities) will form snow mats or clumps and just need to thaw out for 10minutes on the kitchen rug.    If I do brush, he mats.  So, each coat is different, but I know you already know all the variations of these types of coats. Oh, so many.   With an f1b, it is even more extreme.  My other doodle, certainly, she needed a healthy brush and grooming.  He coat was stunning.

It took me many years to figure out this one coat and it works. NOPE, I dont recommend this practice to everyone. It just works here. 

Apart March, I take a 10blade to him and he is happy then too. 

At 6:13am on January 28, 2014, DonMarie and Picco said…

Your Doodle grooming workshop looked like fun. They all came out great!    Have you ever heard of The Stuff conditioner? I'm curious....

At 2:03pm on January 27, 2014, Joanne ~ Spud* said…

Yes, I know what they are...organized mats. We do it ever winter as this is the only way to keep his coat long in an area that reaches negative temperatures.   His skin is well taken care of, clean, and he is very comfortable. I dont recommend it on most dogs and I had a labradoodle who was never corded. She was beautiful.

That said, she loved the Les Pooche brush were my wire coat goldendoodle's coat suffers from that brush. So, each doodle, is different, of course.

I have blogs written about cording and had a groomer as my mentor.

His are not  forced and form natural.  If there is a snag, those are gently split.  His cords are not thick but he seems to form them rather thin and spiral. 

So you see, he looks okay except for those back hips which do pose a problem.  There truly is NO way to brush this dog  or he does mat. 

At 12:04pm on January 27, 2014, Ann Kendig said…

Welcome to DoodleKisses! : )

At 11:47am on January 27, 2014, Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau said…

Thanks you for the e-book Wanda.  I wish every new puppy owner would read your book.  I may be taking one of your online courses in the future.

At 9:49am on January 27, 2014, Joanne ~ Spud* said…

HI Wanda,

I see you are from Europe.  With my wooley doodle, I dont brush at all. His hair naturally forms soft cords. If I brush, it mats. If I leave him alone to nature, his hair is wonderful.

This is not a common practice in the US, but I know it may still be common in Europe.

At 9:10am on January 27, 2014, Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau said…

Wanda ~ thank you for the friend request.  I wish your free e-book was translated into English.  I would just love that!  I hope you enjoying this site and once again welcome!

At 9:01am on January 27, 2014, Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau said…

Wanda ~ thank you for the friend request and would love to be friends.  I hope you are enjoying this site.  Welcome again and see you on DK.

At 12:00pm on January 21, 2014, Lori, Quincy & Frankie said…

Welcome Wanda!  You have joined a wonderful group of Doodle lovers and I know you will be a great new addition! 



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