Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

February 2013 Blog Posts (56)

Angry Birds!

Our house is under attack.  I can’t say for sure how many attackers are out there, but I am fairly certain there are at least two angry birds involved.  I am pretty sure I could identify them in a lineup, although one cardinal looks the same to me as another.  I just know that two of them would have ruffled feathers and blockheads. Every year, for as long as we have lived in this house, we have had one or two angry birds banging on our windows and it has got to stop.  A couple of years ago a…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on February 20, 2013 at 8:30am — 64 Comments

Lyric's Pups are 13 days old!

Lyric's pups are now between 2 and 3 pounds and are just starting to walk (well, it is really more like staggering...) and hear things. The eyes will be open in a few days--can't wait! they are very good--they eat and sleep with hardly a peep out of them in between--of course, the credit goes to Lyric who has been a fantastic momma so far--she takes care of them so well and when they are sleeping, she goes over to the corner of the room and sleeps too--good girl, Lyric!

She loves the…


Added by Ginny Nightingale on February 19, 2013 at 6:35am — 36 Comments

Happy Belated Valentine's Day!

As you might recall, I love the holidays!  Valentine's Day is one that I have always enjoyed, mainly because it is a silly lovey dovey holiday resplendent with chocolates and flowers.  Growing up, Valentine's Day would fall just before or during our winter vacation, and my family would always be somewhere hot, sunny, and tropical!  Our trips, and this holiday, hold fond memories in my heart.  Likewise, for years now my big sister, Heather, has mailed me a Valentine's Day box complete with…


Added by Heidi & Milton on February 19, 2013 at 4:09am — 5 Comments

Puppy Photo of the Week

I know you are probably all thinking, There's that blogger, Heidi, in her fuzzy pink bathrobe again!  Is that the only thing she owns?  Well, I really enjoy the early morning hours, and I will wear one of my fleece pajama sets and bathrobe as long as humanly possible.  When I return home in the evenings, I cannot wait to get it right back on!  Here is a shot of Momma, in her pink bathrobe, of course, and her Milton enjoying a little quality time during a quick break from…


Added by Heidi & Milton on February 18, 2013 at 4:33am — 4 Comments




We have been truly blessed thus far this winter (hope this doesn’t jinx it!), with no serious snow accumulation. But in Mr. Snow’s absence, we have had some really frigid days. I’m talking about bitter, raw, neck biting cold that penetrates right through you. Cold that lingers and takes up residence in your…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on February 17, 2013 at 8:51pm — 2 Comments


We are planning to move from California to Hawaii in June. We were there for a two week vacation/business trip to determine if this would work out for us and the answer is decidedly, "Yes". 

My DD and I have chronic daily migraines. Hers are significantly worse than mine. For almost five years she has been unable to work or even live on her own due to daily excruciating pain. For some reason we both feel better in Hawaii. It just so happens that the company my DH works for has a…


Added by Bonnie and Kona on February 17, 2013 at 8:52am — 38 Comments


FINALLY…it has been a long 10 months but finally I can come up for air and say that Gracie Doodle is back to her old self, healed and happy!!  YAY  It has been a long tearful journey but now the light at the end of the tunnel is burning bright and our sweet, silly, goofy, loving and happy girl has returned to us.  We are now down to 5 mg of Prednisone every other day for the next month and then she is off the medication completely.  The vet said that she has a 70% chance that the…


Added by Nancie & Gracie Doodle on February 16, 2013 at 10:07pm — 39 Comments

Peri & Taquito's Shenanigans

As I have said before, the dogs are adjusting well to having a human sibling (Charlotte). 

I went back to work about 6 weeks ago and I think that's been harder on them than the baby being born! 

They stay in the playroom and kitchen area during the day - they have 6 huge windows to look out with views of the front and back yards, as well as the driveway. They can really be on guard for us :)  They like to sit on the backs of the couches and sleep, bark at the neighbor's dogs…


Added by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on February 15, 2013 at 8:00am — 12 Comments

Holly is at it again

We are fostering, Jaqui, a young puppy who was ravaged by a large dog of some kind.  She has lost one eye and we are fighting to save the sight in the other eye. 



When Holly met this puppy for the first time tonight, she was in her sweet darling Auntie Holly mode! Holly walked slowly up to this little girl, smelled her and kissed her gently. …


Added by Richard Crowe on February 14, 2013 at 9:00pm — 21 Comments

The Gift of Time!

I make a point of calling my mother almost every morning.  She is 86 and lives in an efficiency apartment in a Retirement Community.  She usually starts out our conversation by telling me she has been up since the crack of dawn trying to get all of her work done.  Right now she is going through pictures and despite the fact that all of her daughters have told her not to get rid of any pictures and to wait until we get home to help, I can just see her sitting in her chair chucking one after…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on February 14, 2013 at 5:12pm — 41 Comments

Milton's Fortress

First and foremost, Happy Valentine's Day!  Make certain to eat some yummy chocolate and sniff a rose or two.  Jeff and I are not celebrating today (more on that later), so I will write about that next week.  For now, here is our weekend adventure!

Pop and Momeaux arrived back in town this past weekend, which means stuff got done.  In particular, Milton's fortress was begun. Pop came to Dallas anticipating completing our entire fence in one weekend with his apprentice's help, of…


Added by Heidi & Milton on February 14, 2013 at 3:15am — 6 Comments



February 14, 2013

Harleo's Adventures

Roses are red

Violets are blue…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on February 13, 2013 at 10:47pm — 6 Comments

Yay, I Am Now the Official "Doodle Pack Leader", I'm Excited!

Do you guys remember that website that Nancie's (Nancie and Gracie Doodle) daughter made for dog lovers? Well I'm excited to say that I was accepted to be a "pack leader" for Goldendoodles and Labradoodles. What this means, is that I'll write weekly e-mails with fun photos, videos and Doodle gifts that I scout out during the week. I'm really excited to do this. Seeing as I spend way too many hours a week scouring Pinterest, Etsy and other websites for fun dog stuff, it seems fitting. I am so…


Added by Camilla and Darwin on February 12, 2013 at 5:00pm — 80 Comments

Dolly had puppies!!!

Up most of the night at the breeder's house helping with the delivery of 11 new puppies. Dolly did great.…


Added by Jeanne, Tura and Dolly on February 12, 2013 at 9:25am — 18 Comments

Myth Busted

One of the main incentives that inspired us to purchase a goldendoodle was the "fact" that doodles do not shed.  A doodle is part poodle, so there should be enough poodle genes mixed in to prevent that annoying side effect of dogs.  Since Milton is an F1 (cross between a golden retriever and a standard poodle), we were aware that he might shed a "little" unlike a F1b (cross between a standard poodle and a F1 goldendoodle) who supposedly does not shed "at all."

When we acquired…


Added by Heidi & Milton on February 12, 2013 at 3:54am — 11 Comments

Guess Who's 7? Updated with Burger Pics

Rosco turned 7 years old today.  Went out with the kids to buy him a birthday treat. …


Added by Adina P on February 11, 2013 at 10:30am — 78 Comments

Puppy Photo(s) of the Week

Is your dog ever really, really bored, and you need a cheap thrill?  Well, grab an old cardboard box (We tend to use our leftovers.), put a few tasty treats inside, and then tape it up nice and tight.  Now let your doggie at it!…


Added by Heidi & Milton on February 11, 2013 at 10:04am — 4 Comments


t’s another great day filled with doodles and fun.  
A few hours to meet – to play, romp and run.


OTPR said, “come back” use our space. 
We barked with delight, cause it’s just the right place.…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on February 11, 2013 at 8:00am — 4 Comments

Lilly and Lolly

We brought Lolly home a few weeks ago. She is an F1 goldendoodle and the cutest little snuggle bug. We were going to get a puppy from our breeder but Lolly's hips were a little off for breeding so Tera asked us if we wanted her. She is a month younger then Lilly and even though I missed the puppy was nice to have a girl already house broken and passed the chewing.  Lilly has not been around many dogs and Lolly grew up in a pack.. so what Lilly lacked in dog manners , Lolly has…


Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on February 11, 2013 at 7:00am — 18 Comments

Snow Balls have a different meaning!

It felt like Christmas morning!  the first real snow storm for Quincy, and it is a doozie.  We got up early and looked out the window to find about a foot of snow covering the hill-so much that the waterfall is merely a lump of snow hills.

 I decided to be proactive!…


Added by Lori, Quincy & Frankie on February 9, 2013 at 5:48am — 21 Comments

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