Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

April 2014 Blog Posts (28)

Puppy Photo of the Week

Milt Dog still enjoys climbing up onto our furniture, which I will discuss in further detail in an upcoming post...  This time when I "caught" him on our recliner, he was a little wet from the rain; I didn't have the heart to kick him off, so I acted as an accomplice and covered him up with a towel.  We both figured that perhaps with this careful disguise, Daddy Doggie would not notice that the Milt was on the furniture yet again...…


Added by Heidi & Milton on April 28, 2014 at 3:00am — 6 Comments

Bruin is getting so big!

Hard to believe it's been 2 1/2 weeks since we got Bruin.  He won our hearts on the first day!  He is such a sweet puppy. Don't get me wrong, he has a little devil puppy in him too!  We have been working on the typical nipping and biting.  So far he is getting the idea that nothing tastes good with Bitter Apple sprayed on it, even yummy fingers and pant legs LOL.

Crate training is going well.  He is sleeping much better in his crate at night but does prefer to sleep in our bathroom…


Added by Elizabeth, Bailey & Bruin on April 25, 2014 at 7:38pm — 27 Comments

Some Dog!

Recently, I have come across a few pretty adorable doggie videos.  This one I heard about on the news, but essentially it is a boxer who became just a little bit irritated when her owner went shopping for a tad too long and left her all alone in the car.

Boxer Dog Sat in Car Blasting…


Added by Heidi & Milton on April 25, 2014 at 3:30am — No Comments

Pups are 4 weeks old--and fit in an Easter basket!

OK--I know I have too much time on my hands---but its fun for the new owners to get these "holiday themed" photos--and fun for me too! Here are some of the best from yesterday!…


Added by Ginny Nightingale on April 24, 2014 at 9:03am — 23 Comments

Terrible Twos

On April 7th, our beloved Milton turned TWO!  Yes, two.  It is incredibly difficult to fathom that this little man has been such a major part of our lives for so long.  Did we celebrate with a massive party just like last year -- 24 humans and 13 dogs?  Sadly, no.  Things were kept much more low-key.  We didn't want Milton to expect "spectacular!" for each and every event in his life although our little man does deserve it.

Milton's birthday celebratory night began with a few…


Added by Heidi & Milton on April 23, 2014 at 4:00am — 5 Comments

My friend Cora offed the Easter Bunny!

I was invited to an Easter hike & lunch party. We hiked up a hill and then my paw started stinging..oh so much pain. Mom doused it with water and couldn't find any pinchies but she saw these big black ugly ants all around us. One of them must have bit me! So we went back to the party house and more water and gooey stuff in my paw then mom made me wear her sock. It started feeling oh so much better. We napped till the hiker peoples and doogie friends came back. I was much better then but…


Added by DonMarie and Picco on April 22, 2014 at 6:55am — 11 Comments

10 weeks and already a BIG girl... (ugh oh we may have purchased a polar bear...)

Since my last blog post, Lacey has gotten big, and I mean really big. I don't know when this happened. I guess we don't notice as much being with her every day but our friends and family were shocked when they saw her again on Easter. Some of them have only seen her pictures, while others met her the first weekend we brought her home (about three weeks ago.) On Friday, Lacey had her second vet appointment with Dr. Amy. When she hopped on the scale, I thought it was broken. They even double…


Added by Kristen Eric Lacey and Paisley on April 21, 2014 at 7:27pm — 18 Comments

Puppy Prodigy Reese at 18 weeks old.

Reese has had the last set of vaccinations. So our socialization can now sky rocket!

He still knows all his commands ... so we will keep practicing them until they are 99.9%. :)

Reese now weighs 31 pounds. He is still very tall and thin ... great lean weight! That is so important for hip development.

Once Reese is 6 months old I will begin a more advanced…


Added by Darlene S Bentley on April 21, 2014 at 5:00am — 13 Comments

puppies in hats--yes, again!!!

Its a tradition now--when the pups I am raising are three weeks old, they fit into some hats I have from a teddy bear collection! So, my friend Doris Gearing (a fellow DK-er) comes over and we take some glamour shots! First a shot without and then with a HAT!

Some pics will be added to the comments--for some reason I am always limited to a certain number of pics--can anybody help me out with that?

Anyway, Enjoy!

Raven-without a hat will be in the comments...…


Added by Ginny Nightingale on April 19, 2014 at 5:14pm — 22 Comments

Just Right...?

One of Jeff's absolute favorite things to do, especially when I am out of town, is to make a little trip to his preferential store, Costco.  Really, Costco, you might ask?  Yes, Jeff positively adores this mega bulk food store, and I, personally, think it has a tad bit to do with all the free food samples.  It's just a guess, but I think I may be spot-on with that one.

Although Jeff is usually not quite as attune to the needs of Milton as I am, recently he was rather…


Added by Heidi & Milton on April 17, 2014 at 4:02am — 7 Comments

Puppy Photo of the Week

Despite the cold, hard fact that our little boy is no longer a puppy (Note the Happy Birthday bandanna -- official birthday post is coming up soon!), Jeff still enjoys hauling Milt Dog up onto his lap for some quality male bonding.…


Added by Heidi & Milton on April 14, 2014 at 3:00am — 6 Comments

It's been 2 weeks... has it really only been that long?

This past Saturday marked the two week mark for how long Lacey has been home with us. It is safe to say, the honeymoon is over! Lacey is now 9 weeks and is just a hyper ball of fur. Don't get me wrong, we love her dearly. She has instantly become part of our family and we have so much fun with her. It is just a lot to get used to.

We have finally established some of a routine for her. This has helped quite a bit with potty training. Its been a week since she has had an accident…


Added by Kristen Eric Lacey and Paisley on April 13, 2014 at 6:47pm — 16 Comments

Yay For Spring!

Hello everyone, just wanted to give a Darwin update it's been a while! He is getting fluffy again and he's so ready for Spring - because it means we are outdoors a lot more! Here are some photos of our recent adventures. 

In January he  we had fun playing out in the snow, looking back at these I'm even happier that Spring is here!…


Added by Camilla and Darwin on April 13, 2014 at 2:27pm — 37 Comments

I am Now Officially Called "The Crazy Doodle Lady," in Photography Class!

Last week, John and I started another Photography class with the same teacher, Bob, we have had in the past.  When we last left off, it had clearly been established that my fondness for taking pictures of my dogs had labeled me “over the top” by my teacher.  It isn’t that he doesn’t like dogs, but rather that he thinks dog photos are…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on April 11, 2014 at 6:00am — 51 Comments

The Cadillac of all Rides

Milton loves, let me put a little emphasis on loves, my Toyota Corolla, which until just recently had duct tape holding on the bumper.  My boy, however, thinks his Momma's ride is just as nice as, well, let's say a Maserati Ducati...  It is a proud moment for Milt Dog when Momma drives down the street with his big head, hair slicked back, ears whipping in the wind, poking out the window.  Don't worry -- Milt only gets to act like a hood ornament on local…


Added by Heidi & Milton on April 11, 2014 at 3:30am — 16 Comments

More puppies at my house!!

Yes, I am at it again--another momma dog--one that was born at my house two years ago---is here having her first litter--they are now just over 2 weeks old and she is one terrific momma! Thought you puppy fans would enjoy some new pictures I just took--and I will continue to post new ones each week to give you a lift! 

Today, their eyes were pretty wide open and as I held them and spoke to them one by one for the first time, their little tongues would come part way out, then all the…


Added by Ginny Nightingale on April 10, 2014 at 6:25pm — 25 Comments

Max loves his bully sticks

Mom said if I wore this goofy costume she would take me to get a bully stick. 

Here I am waiting to walk to my favourite store to get one.

Here I am leaving the store with my stick.…


Added by Julie and Max on April 9, 2014 at 3:36pm — 20 Comments

3 Months Already?!

It's hard to believe that Spike is already over 3 months old. We've had him since Feb 8. Two months yesterday. Wow. Time flies! It's still hard to believe that I get to go home every night to that cutie. So much has changed in such a short period of time. He's growing sooooo fast! I've had to let out his collar twice already. That's when his growth really hits me.

We've been through and graduated puppy kindergarten. Spike did amazing! We are teaching him new tricks as much as…


Added by Tracey & Spike on April 9, 2014 at 9:30am — 6 Comments

It's that time again - Walk MS Philly!

Once again, Duncan and I will be participating in Walk MS Philly! It's so hard to believe that this will be the third year that he and I take this walk together. I love the opportunity to bond with my pup and to know that it is helping to make a difference. People love coming up to Duncan for cuddles and to take pictures of him in his team t-shirt, and I am glad we can create some smiles :)

If any other DK members are participating with their doods, let me know so we can… Continue

Added by Theresa & Duncan on April 8, 2014 at 8:05pm — 5 Comments

It's been one month already...

I can't believe it has been a month since I picked Dexter up from the breeder. What a month it has been! It's amazing to see how much a puppy can change in just a short time.  It took 3 weeks to break him of his early morning wake up calls. Now he's a second shifter just like his mom and is happy sleeping in every morning. No more waking up with the sun!  He no longer cries when I wake up and now patiently waits for me to let him out of his crate and take him outside.  



Added by Crazy Doodle Lady on April 6, 2014 at 7:42pm — 11 Comments

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