Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

March was an important month for our household with both Ned and Clancy celebrating their 4th birthdays AND the second anniversary of Clancy's adoption. 

Ned and I got our first glimpse of Clancy when we participated in our local no-kill shelter's fundraiser Walk-Around-The-Park.

It was love at first sight for us, but since we really were not looking to add a 4th dog to our household we tried to find someone to adopt Clancy.  I posted him on websites and sent e-mails to all my friends.

We waited a week but no one came forward to adopt this cutest of doodles so we adopted him ourselves.  Clancy, Ned and our old sweet lab-mix, Simon immediately settled any differences and became fast friends.  It took longer for Clancy and our Springer to settle their differences, but after a few months all was fine and peaceful.

We took Clancy to training and have continued to learn new things about our chunky dood.  Of course, when the Walk-Around-The-Park came around the next March, we attended and walked our dogs.  People oohed and ahhed over our gang, especially our rescue boy.  We had many people offer to take Clancy off our hands since we had several dogs!  A day late and a dollar short, we told them

This is the picture taken of our boys at Clancy's first adoptaversary.

March rolled around this year and we got ready for Ned and Clancy's fourth birthdays.  Of course we were going to celebrate with the Pet Adoption Walk-Around-The-Park which was scheduled for March 17 - the boys very birthday. In honor of this, we ordered special Irish leashes from KANGARUA! However, sadly the weather did not cooperate and it was pouring so the event was cancelled.  The boys were very disappointed.

Good News!  The event was rescheduled for May 19th.  Obviously, the boys could NOT wear their special St. Paddy finery so I contacted Dori and she made us beach-worthy leashes.  This time however due to my stupidity in experimenting with cutting the boys short, I was able to also get them collars to match!  Since Ned and Clancy's cousins, LeRoi and Sam would be celebrating with them, Dori made them summery collars and leashes also. Colorful stripes that remind one of beach umbrellas.

Look at our fabulous fabrics!  Ned has the little hang ten footprints which is perfect for Ned's dancing feet; Clancy has the tie-dye (Dori told us the fabric pattern is actually a peace sign) which is perfect for his calm, surfer dood image.  And Gordie has the retro curves and swirls - just right for a springy, groovin' doodle  dog Springer.

Finally the big day arrived and our guys went in style.  As ever, the boys were oohed and ahhed over!  Surprisingly a young woman came up and gave Clancy a huge hug. She remembered Buck Clancy from his first walk two years ago because she was the volunteer walking him.  She said she was also at the shelter when we adopted him.  I was surprised that she still remembered him, but Clancy really is one of those dogs who get noticed. We call him our Disney dog.

We are so lucky to have our chunky guy! And I think he feels the same way about us.  Definitely a match made in Irish heaven.  March is just the best month - even if it happens in May. 


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Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on May 28, 2012 at 9:56am

Thank you.

Comment by Frances Pendrous (Horan) on May 28, 2012 at 9:51am

Super cute Nancy. YOU are so talented and your furkids are so very lucky to have you as their mummy. Looking forward to the next meet up. Love and hugs...Frances and gang xxxx

Comment by GBK on May 22, 2012 at 11:14am

Happy Happy Adoptaversary Clancy and Ned!!!  We are sending our Love, Wags and Sloppy Kisses in celebration of our friendship, we miss you all :P Buddy, Kona and Gina

Comment by Doris, Knox & Flash on May 21, 2012 at 2:21pm
I'm attempting to catch up too! This blog made me smile! Happy happy adoptaversay to a very lucky (and gorgeous!!) dood!
Comment by Nicky, Riley & Boris on May 21, 2012 at 12:38pm

I'm just back from being away and catching up here.  What a great post and what beautiful pictures of all your boys.  Special Anniversary wishes to Clancy from me and my Irish Riley XXX

Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on May 21, 2012 at 12:29pm

Thanks so much, especially those of you who followed Clancy's adoption and your support to me in regards to his little 'faults' like marking.  Two years ago - how can it be that long????  We most enjoyed the re-naming 'contest' on dk. Clancy knows that he would love to meet Ned's East Coast twin, Duncan, but could Duncan promise not get him into mischief like Ned does? Yes, Jarka, we have a multi-dog household and what one doesn't do, another does!  We took Ned on a trip to Tucson recently and the little guy was perfect as the others probably would be when singled out. We are still hoping Monty will teach them a thing or two rather than their mischief rubbing off on him.

Comment by Camilla and Darwin on May 21, 2012 at 12:11pm

Happy anniversary, your boys are all so cute. 

Comment by Jarka, Monty & Auggie on May 21, 2012 at 11:37am

What a great story. I guess I did not realize you have more dogs. How great is that!  Can't wait to meet all of your pack. Happy adoptaversary!

Comment by Sally on May 21, 2012 at 8:57am

Happy Adoptaversary! Duncan (a.k.a. East Coast Ned) say enjoy many more years of togetherness. Peace, Love and Springer Doodles=)

Comment by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on May 21, 2012 at 7:21am

Yay!  Happy Adoptaversary!  I remember when you got him.  What a lucky find for you (and Clancy is a lucky dood for sure).


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