Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This has nothing at all to do with dogs but is such a cute and true story that happened to a friend of mine a few years ago.

My friend went out one evening leaving her young son at home with her DH. While she was out her DH spotted a mouse and like the good husband he was, he did his very best to catch it before his wife came home. The mouse ran behind the fridge and there was nothing else to do but pull out the fridge to get the mouse. His son was right there with him on the great mouse hunt. When DH tried to pull out the fridge he could only get it out a few inches before it would hook in a piece of the flooring and slide back again. This went on for some time until DH finally gave up. When my friend came home her son excitedly told her the story of the mouse and his version went something like this. Mom, Mom, guess what, we saw a mouse and it ran behind the fridge, Daddy tried to pull out the fridge but everytime he pulled it out the mouse pulled it back again... Oh to be able to see things through a child's eyes.


Another true story, this one a little closer to home.

When we were young and foolish my husband had a pet snake. The snake lived in a little homemade cage with a front door that opened by sliding up. We would feed the snake once a week and he would only eat live mice. The snake was such a novelty for our friends that they all decided to come over and watch the snake being fed. My DH went to the pet store and bought a mouse to feed the snake, DH gave the box the mouse was in a whack to stun the mouse so he could put it in with the snake without it running out. He then sat in front of the cage, slid up the glass door and threw in the mouse. To the delight of our friends the mouse ran out of the cage and right up the leg of my husbands jeans. My husband jumped up madly hopping around on one leg smacking at the leg of his jeans. The jeans were so thight at the knees that the mouse could get no farther and stayed there scratching and clawing madly trying to get up the leg of his pants. Someone yelled take off the pants, take off the pants, which in his panic my husband did bringing with them is his underwear as well leaving him standing commando in front of our wide open front window. By this time everyone was laughing hysterically, our dog had the mouse cornered, I whacked it with the broom and the snake had dinner. This is an episode my DH will never live down.

 Then there was the time the pet store had no mice so they sold DH a gerbil.The gerbil was not to the snakes liking and lived in the cage with the snake for a few days until we took pity and took it out. Another trip to the pet store and we were now the proud owners of a pet gerbil with a brand new cage all it's own. 


All true, I couldn't make this suff up.



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Comment by Maryann,Roo and Tigger on April 11, 2011 at 8:53pm
Comment by Lorraine Bromley on April 11, 2011 at 1:50pm
Isn't funny what real life can bring to us! Thanks for sharing.
Comment by Camilla and Darwin on April 10, 2011 at 6:23pm
Loved all three stories, but the second one has me cracking up!
Comment by Deanna & Desi & Cori on April 10, 2011 at 12:07pm
Great mouse stories!  Someday, I'll tell you all of my frog adventure...
Comment by Dori & Rua on April 10, 2011 at 10:07am
OMG Donna!  Thanks for the laugh.  Do you still hang around with the same friends???? LOL
Comment by BG and Gavin on April 10, 2011 at 9:57am
Thanks for my lol moment of the day.  DH had to come see what I was laughing at (he should know by now!).  Great stories all!
Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on April 9, 2011 at 10:34pm
I loved reading Mouse Tails.
Comment by Pat and Traveler on April 9, 2011 at 10:18pm
Oy, our pets!  My daughter brought a mouse home from school one time--it had gotten its feet stuck in some glue on a piece of cardboard.  As she was showing me this treasure, it pulled loose and scurried off behind the refrigerator.  I created a humane trap by making a flap sort of like a doggie door in the lid of a mayonnaise jar and then stretching a big rubber band around the length of the jar so the 'door' could only be pushed inward.  Added cheese, and hoped for the best.  I'd hear it at night, trying to get into the trap--the flap banging against the rubber band, over and over.  We never did catch the mouse.  :) 


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