Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This may be a personal question for some of you, but I'm just curious.  For those who allow their dog to sleep in their bedroom, what do you do when you're "in the mood"?? 

We've had Bentley for a couple of months and he sleeps in the kitchen with a dog gate.  We love having him with us so we decided to let him sleep in our room last night.  He did sooo good. But when I woke up this morning and was, uh, "in the mood", I realized I couldn't do anything because there was Bentley in bed with us.  I don't like the idea of a dog watching, and I don't like not having freedom to be intimate.  It seems that if he's going to sleep in our room, I'll have to put him out whenever we want to have sex.  Or we just have him sleep in the kitchen which he's been happily doing since we've had him. 

Thoughts?  Feedback?  Am I crazy or overanalyzing, as my fiance thinks. haha! 

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Well, this is an interesting post!!! Altho I have wondered myself if it's just me that doesn't like eyes watching the "event". and at our age and house, it is an event!!  lol.

Murphy has to get between us whenever we hug or kiss outside of bed, and in bed he gets his kisses in and then leaves us alone. Guess he gets that he's not invited. He does stay at the foot of the bed where he usually is then. Bella just ignores us. She's always busy doing her Bella stuff.

We have always had dogs and they have slept in our bedroom.  They have their own mats (memory foam) on the floor and get into bed in the mornings.  They wait for their invitation (a slap on the bed) and will stay out of bed otherwise (unless the bed is unoccupied by humans).  Actually, I think dogs understand the alpha system for sex and know they are not included in that because they do not have status.  Our dogs usually just walk out to the living room and crawl up on the couch to wait patiently for us to be ready for them to join us in bed (with some coffee).  Hasn't been a problem for us, but "the mood" isn't around all that much either.  An advantage of age??
Our dogs sleep on the floor...ONLY.  So we haven't had problems.  Rosco doesn't 'watch' nor does he bat an eyelash.  Boca..well...I think we've kicked her out into her crate at those times because I worried she might get more interested than Rosco :)

My husband and I agreed before getting Trix that she would not be allowed in the bedroom for that reason (amoung a few others).  So we block off the hallway outside our room and that's where she sleeps and she likes it!  I would keep him in the kitchen, if he's happy there.

I am cracking up here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peri sleeps on the floor and Tacky sleeps in the bed, so usually I make them leave the room and they wait outside the door...really.  It freaks me out having them in the room.

I'd say give him a gentle nudge....if he won't stay on the floor then you may have to go back to having him stay in the kitchen.   As for an "audience" ..... Banjo seems to recognize the "commotion" and takes it as his cue to sleep.    I thought it would be weird to have him only is when I roll over "afterwards" and sometimes find him on his "sleeping chair" looking at me like "WT_"?
I have been musing over this very issue and for the first couple of months when Riley was a real baby I was getting up at 6am to get him out of his crate and that was it, game over.  My partner was complaining that life would never be the same again.    Now he is six months old he sleeps on the floor at the end of the bed and when things get hot! we notice he creeps under the bed lol  We do lift him onto the bed when we are just having a lie in but we get to choose when he is at the end of the bed.  Our Maltese Snowy who is now at my ex hubby's used to climb off the bed and retreat under it when we started to move around in the bed (without too graphic a description)  he always stayed there for as long as necessary!!!
Monty gets nudged off if he happens to be on the bed.  He doesn't care about it.  What he does do.......he steals underwear! These are the only times he can get them, when we aren't paying attention.  We actually caught him sneaking up to the bed and slowly, quietly pulling them off with his teeth.  We wont discuss how many pairs have been lost this way!



Rooney & big ol Stuart both sleep on the bed, which works great till dh shows up on the weekends and then the king bed isn't very king enough.  When, as the commercial says - "the time is right" (no we aren't using any of that) - we just shove them over.  Rooney has never paid any attention - Stuart once took all the activity to mean he could help daddy out by licking my toes - after way too much laughing - Stuart had to nap for a while on the floor!   
Darwin sleeps in his crate. That is all. LOL!



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