Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Jarka, Monty & Auggie
  • Female
  • Commerce City, CO
  • United States
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Jarka, Monty & Auggie's Friends

  • Sam&Bella
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  • Valerie Herrman
  • Delfina, Harley & Luna
  • Shoney & Ruby
  • Beverly, Zoey & Nygel
  • MaryJane & LillyPearl
  • Sam, Risa and Archie
  • Lauren and Kona
  • Malenie Piscetelli
  • Jenny, Aidan & Argo
  • Karen Murray Boston
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Jarka, Monty & Auggie's Discussions

Please vote for my shelter

Started this discussion. Last reply by Amy and Annabelle Mar 12, 2015. 10 Replies

I volunteer at the Adams County Animal Shelter and Purina has a cat competition going on. One shelter and one cat volunteer is nominated from each state. The winning volunteer gets $25,000 for the…Continue

The HDA award made it to Colorado!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jarka, Monty & Auggie Jul 16, 2014. 50 Replies

I have always loved dogs, but since we lived in an apartment when I was growing up, having a dog was not an option. I had a canary and a guinea pig growing up. But I kept my parents amazed by knowing…Continue

San Diego, we are headed your way!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie May 17, 2014. 21 Replies

Hi San Diego doodle friends!We will be traveling to San Diego with both Monty and Auggie. We should arrive on June 13th in the afternoon and stay through the 19th. I have a conference to attend on…Continue

In-glass doggie door?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie Apr 3, 2014. 2 Replies

Does anyone out here have an in-glass doggie door installed on their sliding patio door? If so, how do you like it? Can you actually slide the door open all the way? I'm trying to decide on a doggie…Continue

Gifts Received (1)

Red Ribbon From Jared McDonald

Jarka, Monty & Auggie

PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers

PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers

Jarka, Monty & Auggie's Photos

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Profile Information

About Me:
First-time dog owner. I've always liked dogs, but Monty turned out to be the love of my life. I'm sooo happy I went with a goldendoodle. I can't believe how much I love this dog.... I love him so much that we've decided to add Auggie in July 2012. He is Monty's "step" brother from the same breeder in Colorado. They share the same dad.

Thanks to them, I started a pet photography business in spring of 2014. They are the best models a photographer can ask for.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We've got Teddy Bear English Cream Goldendoodles.
Monty was born in March 2010 and is as adorable as can be. He passed the AKC Canine Good Citizen certification at 9 months and passed the Pet Partners therapy dog evaluations at 2 years of age. He knows when he is supposed to behave, but he is just a silly puppy. He makes us laugh a lot.
Auggie was born in May 2012 and we brought him home on July 17, 2012. He was a crazy busy puppy, but is starting to be very calm and loving.
Both boys love to play with each other a lot.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
First I fell in love with the way they look, but once I did more research, I found out how great their personalities are.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Being with them every day is the best thing that I can ask for. I cannot imagine my life without my boys. We go to a dog park every day and play a lot. They also teach me a lot about photography.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Paws for Spa in Brighton, CO
Favorite Doodle Products?
Kong Genius food dispenser: life-savior for the times when the dog does not want to eat his food from a bowl

Natural Balance roll for treats: the dog would do anything for those.
Chuck-it balls.
Relationship Status:
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:

Jarka, Monty & Auggie's Videos

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Jarka, Monty & Auggie's Blog

Oh, how fast the time goes by!

Posted on June 7, 2016 at 11:42am 12 Comments

Two weeks ago Auggie turned 4! It's so hard to believe!

My "trouble" child, my itty-bitty-buddy-boo (well, not really itty-bitty) is an adult doodle. At least physically, LOL.

So what has he been up to in the last year?

Since his older brother Monty was out of commission most of 2015 thanks to his knee surgeries and rehab, I got to spend a lot of time with Auggie alone. Those of you with multiple doodles know how hard it is to have a dedicated one on one time…


Oh My Doodle, it can't be true!!!

Posted on May 22, 2015 at 7:22pm 22 Comments

Where does the time go? My baby Auggie-doggie is three today! Seriously?!?

Those of you who remember my early struggle with him as a second "child" would love to know that he is such a great and goofy doodle. I love him to pieces. And no, I don't compare him to Monty anymore. They are both different in a wonderful way. After Monty's knee surgery, I got to spent more time alone with Augustus. He grew into a happy silly and sweet boy. I think he is one of those dogs that never fully…


A Happy End (of a year) to all

Posted on December 23, 2014 at 8:06pm 20 Comments

Some of you who are my friends on FB know that I volunteer for our local animal shelter taking pictures of the dogs.

I have been doing this since April and even though I feel bad for all the wonderful dogs suck at a shelter, I managed to keep my cool. Until early November 6th, when I noticed a small poodle mix was brought to the shelter as a stray. I was there the day after they checked her in, and for some reason I just had to see her. She was in the "found" area waiting for somebody…


Auggie is 2!

Posted on May 22, 2014 at 10:12am 29 Comments

Where did the time go, right? I'm still exhausted when I think of our first few months together.

Those of you who were telling me 2 years ago that the difficult puppies are always the ones who will make you smile later on, were completely right. He is one of those eternal puppies, a never-aging dog. Very silly, playful, and just a love bug. He does not chase balls, unless there is a ball he can steal from his brother. His favorite game is a chase. I want to put a collar on him…


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At 6:02pm on September 10, 2014, Tanya Warpula said…

Thank you! I have submitted to the calendar. I'll go ahead and join the photography group, thanks!


At 12:01pm on November 24, 2013, Deb's Yarrow and Schatzi said…

Thanks.  I'm just figuring out how this site works and I'm glad to have found it.  Your Monty and Auggie are such handsome fellows and look like the best of friends.

There are only two registered Bernedoodle breeders in Canada.  One in Ontario and one in Alberta.  The breeder in Alberta has been producing to quality Goldendoodles for years.  She had one litter of Bernedoodles in July of 2012 and this second litter born September 10, 2013.  I hope some of her littermates will show up on this site.  It would be fun to keep in touch with some of her siblings. 

At 5:01pm on September 26, 2013, Hazel & Chester Wayte said…

Are you still Dehydrating for the Boys? any new recipes? I have been attempting Jerky but would love more ideas ..Chester isn't too keen (like Monty) about sweet potatoes dehydrated.

At 7:06pm on September 13, 2013, Donna K & Quincy said…

I hope you are all staying safe and dry. 

At 8:48pm on August 25, 2013, Bonnie and Kona said…

Hi Jarka,

I didn't want to take over Jane's discussion so I thought I would answer you here.

I do feel Owen's reactivity has something to do with the move. Both of the dogs have been anxious for quite awhile after moving. In fact I feel like they are still not quite themselves yet. Whatever the reason for Owen's behavior, we have to get it under control.

I'm so glad you said that you agree the training fee for the cheapest service was crazy. I was afraid people would think I was a bad doodle mom for not hiring her right away. :(

Seriously, I don't know how to find a good trainer. I don't even know how to find a good pizza in this new place. Moving is hard even if it is to paradise. haha.

At 12:01am on July 5, 2013, Cathy, Fozzie & Shaggy said…
Jarka, I noticed in a comment to one of your posts, spell check changed your name on me:( Sorry I didn't catch it before posting!
At 4:35pm on June 13, 2013, Cheryl and Finnegan said…

The brand is Henry and Clemmies.  I got it at a local pet store but I'm sure you can order it online.  They're located in Colorado :) Finn weighs 50 lbs so I got him a Large (40 -65 lbs)

At 6:39pm on June 11, 2013, Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty said…

Hi Jarka, thanks for commenting on my profile, sorry I'm only getting back to you now. I'm doing great and the doodles and kitty are great. I miss DK a lot but I can't be on here without getting completely sucked in. It really is an all or nothing addiction and I am working long hours these days so all my time outside of work is spent on the doodles and whatnot. The doodle shower is on hold, I had to fire the sketchy guy that I had hired to work on it, then the plumbing got out of control, and I ran out of money. So far it has cost me 3 times what the original guy told me it would. Anyway, I'll finish it eventually. How are adorable Auggie and Monty? I hope all is well!

At 1:21am on June 3, 2013, Karina and Billy said…

Dear Jarka,

dobri den (I tried to learn czech for some years, but with very limited success).

Monti and Auggie are adorable - I am sure when Auggie gets older they will look like twins...

Billy really misses meeting other dogs at the dog park - there are no dog parks in Europe, which is such a pity, it used to be his most favourite part of the day...

At 2:41pm on May 21, 2013, Caleb Chun said…

tobi is 14 wks today :) i'd love to meet at the dog park... but not until he gets his last set of vaccinations... not that i don't trust you... i just don't trust everyone else lol....



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