Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Annie Starlight Dancer Hovis
  • Female
  • Roswell, GA
  • United States
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Annie Starlight Dancer Hovis's Friends

  • Kate, Mel, Tenley & Harper
  • Patty Fabian
  • Cyndi, The Boys & Callie
  • Traci -Bexter & Maggie
  • Joan, Louie and Mila
  • Oliver's Mom
  • Shelley and Shaggy Doodle
  • Julie & Wrigley
  • Sherri Halvorson
  • Dan Gray
  • Toni McCann
  • Taylor & Huff
  • lyn cederholm
  • Shelby and Kev
  • Bev loves Mac and Lucy

Annie Starlight Dancer Hovis's Discussions

How many horse and doodle lovers are really on doodlekisses?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Annie Starlight Dancer Hovis Mar 7, 2011. 8 Replies

Snuggies 4 Dogs!!!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Karen & Lucy Nov 8, 2009. 7 Replies


Annie's Weather Forecast: 64°F and Partly Cloudy

Profile Information

About Me:
I am now a stay home mom. Spending some good times with her Labradoodle Annie!!!!!!!!! I am also a the owner of the magna wave business Set2Win, make sure to check out our website for more details!
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We have a Multi-gen Australian Labradoodle. She is a light cream with very cute apricot ears. She has a Rose colored nose and paws with adorable Hazel eyes. Her name is Annastasia Starlight Dancer Hovis (we call her Annie) She has had 2 litters of yummy chocolate puppies. She had 9 in her first litter and 2 in her second. One of her puppies is now 2 years old and standing stud at Southern Charm Labradoodles, his name is Champion. We also have a four year old horse named Elli (Elita), she is a bay RPSI, 16.3hh (and growing), with 3 white socks and a blaze. We are so grateful to have these two wonderful girls in our family.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
We chose a Labradoodle because my husband loves labs but i am allergic to dander and we need a non-shedding dog or at the most just a tiny bit.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Right now snuggle. She just melts in your lap. and play outside.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Relationship Status:
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:

Annie Starlight Dancer Hovis's Photos

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Latest Activity

Trish Sweeney joined Annie Starlight Dancer Hovis's group

Cream and White Doodles

Where Cream and white doodle owners can chat about there doodles.See More
Apr 16, 2019

Annie Starlight Dancer Hovis's Videos

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Annie Starlight Dancer Hovis's Blog


Posted on August 8, 2011 at 10:58am 17 Comments

Our little annie is about to have her first litter! She went in for her ultrasound today and the vet said at least 8 puppies! I am so excited and nervous! She is going into week 4, the puppies will be mediums-large mediums!


Hero (daddy)



Annie (mommy) …


Sweet Video of Labradoodle and Horse :)

Posted on May 9, 2011 at 3:42pm 8 Comments

This is a very sweet video of a labradoodle and horse encounter :)







Annie's 2nd Birthday!!!

Posted on March 22, 2011 at 6:06pm 12 Comments

Annie turned 2 today!!!!! Along with 5 other siblings from the Dancer/Cooper March 22, 2009 litter. Happy birthday to all!!!! Cupcakes and presents for her along with great playdates with doggie friends. Happy birthday!!!!!



Annie. Mom or Dad?

Posted on December 16, 2009 at 12:30pm 3 Comments

Does Annie look more like mom or dad?

The apricot one is mom and white is dad.

Annie went hiking!!!!

Posted on November 22, 2009 at 7:52am 1 Comment

We took Annie hiking up at Red Top Mountain in Georgia. She loved it we described it as Disney world for dogs. LOL!!!!! There was lots of fallen logs that Annie loved jumping, there is a lake with beaches, and lots of leaves for Annie to play in. There was a " Leaf Storm" . Annie tried to catch all the leaves. We saw lots of dogs , and Annie loved seeing them. We took her down to the beach to see if she liked water and......... SHE LOVED IT AND

WOULDN'T GET OUT. We finally got her out and… Continue

I am the super dog! :)


Comment Wall (130 comments)

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At 4:35pm on February 27, 2012, Jennifer,Chloe & Myla said…

At 11:02am on February 27, 2012, Ann Kendig said…

At 6:41pm on February 26, 2012, Julie, Izzie & Max said…

At 3:06am on February 26, 2012, Kemp Rader said…

We just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday!

Kemp, Ripley, Shiloh, Oliver & Truman

At 9:18pm on August 18, 2011, Adina P said…
I've never even stepped foot in Texas =)
At 6:51am on May 26, 2011, Judy Ingram - Oliver & Cooper said…
Yes, of course. I think we are members of the group, but this nose shot turned out really well. THANKS!
At 4:33pm on March 18, 2011, Shelby and Kev said…
Yes, you may use the photo and we are pleased you asked.  Can I be apart of the group?
At 11:54am on March 12, 2011, Shelby and Kev said…
DSCF1308.JPGHere is Shelby for the Cream and White!
At 8:21pm on February 27, 2011, Camilla and Darwin said…
At 6:09pm on February 27, 2011, Ann Kendig said…
At 7:14pm on February 26, 2011, Donna K & Quincy said…
At 4:44am on February 26, 2011, Kemp Rader said…
We just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday!

Kemp, Ripley, Shiloh, Oliver & Truman
At 12:59pm on January 21, 2011, Shelley and Shaggy Doodle said…

Annie is adorable,  I love her name  ( my middle name is Anne)  and her picture in the snow!

Does she love the snow? I can't keep Shag out of it, he goes crazy. Currently his nose is a bit large  and  pinkish towards the back, but it's mostly black.  It seems as if his nose stretches out and then he grows to to fit into it!  Enjoy your winter weather. We just received 6" yesterday and last night.

At 6:34pm on January 13, 2011, Oliver's Mom said…
Thanks so much for the welcome message!
At 10:24am on January 13, 2011, Julie & Wrigley said…
Annie is very cute too! Thanks for the friend request :)
At 7:36am on January 13, 2011, Julie & Wrigley said…
I can't find the group, can you send me the link. I must be crazy this morning! Unfortunately I don't know the dad of Wrigley (and yes they look alike) but hopefully I'll find out today since Wrigley is having some digestive issues so I need to try and track down his breeder!
At 3:30pm on August 7, 2010, Jeanne, Tura and Dolly said…
Hi I see you are a guardian family and I think I am about to embark on this same adventure. Can you tell me how its going? Any words of advice? Any pros and cons to this decision? Thanks so much
At 7:38pm on April 25, 2010, Camilla and Darwin said…
Here is my submission for the cream doodle group:

At 12:09pm on March 23, 2010, Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey said…
A bunch of are getting together this Sunday at the Lieta Thompson dog park from 2 to 4. Hopefully the weather will hold nice for us.
At 5:04pm on February 26, 2010, Ali & Sonny D. said…
Hi. I saw that someone had asked you about Angel Eyes. Since Annie and Sonny have similar coloring I was wondering if she had any problems with staining around her mouth. Did you ever try the Angel Eyes or anything else that worked/ Thanks!!!


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