Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Rachel and Ollie
  • Female
  • Auburn, IN
  • United States
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Rachel and Ollie's Friends

  • Jay, Lola and Colonel Esau
  • Emily and Sophie
  • Stefan
  • Laura Bogar
  • Holly, Jack & Jill
  • Patti Golden
  • Tina Rushton
  • andrea (Mitzy)
  • Geoff & Mico
  • Jennifer
  • Ron Crouch
  • Christine & Macey
  • D+E & Reagan!
  • Rachel Felcher
  • Anna Gritsai

Rachel and Ollie's Discussions

sting or bite advice

Started this discussion. Last reply by Rachel and Ollie Mar 16, 2013. 4 Replies

Hey all, So Ollie and I went hiking today and he was in and out of a lot of brush and trees (we all were). I bathed him. He thought it was a good idea to lay in mud :) Then I went and grabbed dinner.…Continue

Groupon for furry friends!

Started this discussion. Last reply by F, Calla & Luca Jan 26, 2013. 4 Replies

I'm not sure if this has been shared yet, if so ignore me.But check it out, groupon for furry friends

Heartworm med timing

Started this discussion. Last reply by Christine & Shelby Dec 9, 2012. 4 Replies

Hey all, do you give the heartworm med every four weeks or every whatever of every month (every 12th in my case, which could be more than four weeks)? Continue

Fighting sister dogs

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lorraine Bromley Oct 19, 2012. 8 Replies

So a friend just texted me saying the two girls (dogs) are leaving their household, followed by three pictures of dog bite wounds. I asked her what happened and apparently the girls (sisters) who are…Continue

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Welcome, Rachel!

Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
I have a 50lb "mini" goldendoodle ;)
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Why wouldn't I choose a doodle?
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
I love it when he gives me hugs, cuddles with me on the couch, and his joy for life. He makes me laugh everyday. We love going on walks, hanging out with our doodle buddies, and being lazy together.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major, Nope!
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Favorite Doodle Products?
My food, antlers, fruit, and anything I will throw.

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Rachel and Ollie's Blog

"Thank you" after walk

Posted on November 21, 2012 at 4:18pm 18 Comments

To start off, like most dogs, Ollie loves walks. Now that it is cooler out (under 100 degrees) Ollie and I have been enjoying our (admitedly, almost) daily walks. I live in a valley in the middle of Texas, so the pollen count is ALWAYS high. If it is too hot I have a hard time breathing, but lately it has been pretty awesome outside. Since it gets dark so early now, to avoid mosquitos (yes i know, it is crazy that mosquitos are still active in November. As an Indiana girl, I'm completely…


Ollie the Wild thing

Posted on October 22, 2012 at 7:11pm 22 Comments

So Ollie had another opportunity to visit church this week. He was so excited. Since I knew it would be with preschoolers and babies, I wanted to make sure that we got some of that energy and initial enthusiasm out of our system before all the people showed up (It was a MOPS - Mothers of Preschoolers family fall activity night...costumes encouraged...). 

Ollie ran around what we call "BiG House" for a couple minutes and then seemed to be pooped (or maybe just hot...he did have…


Ollie comes to work

Posted on October 17, 2012 at 6:28pm 18 Comments

So yesterday I received notice that they would be testing the fire alarms "sometime after 11am" (what does that even mean?) in my apartment complex. Well, being that Ollie stays home (crated) while I work, and that he has never heard fire alarms before and he is a scaredy dood, I decided that Ollie needed to go on an adventure to my office. Most people in my office were going to be gone today and so it seemed like a perfect time to test it out. :) He did great. He barked a couple times when…


A girls best friend - gotchya day came and went

Posted on October 8, 2012 at 8:42pm 17 Comments

Our "gotchya" day year doodleversary was about a week and a half ago and as I sit here with Ollie boy cuddled up on my lap, I think back to our first week together.

This dog drove me crazy. Did I love him? Yes. Was he adorable? Yes, but it was not an easy start. A year ago I had just moved 20 hours from my family and started my first grown up job in a position that was "difficult" (to say the least) and I was extremely lonely. It's crazy that it has been a year...what a huge year it…


Comment Wall (51 comments)

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At 7:10am on June 10, 2013, Lonnie & Libby Lu said…

Happy Birthday Rachel!  Hope your day is wonderful and filled with love, fun, celebrations and big Birthday Doodle kisses from your adorable Ollie:)

At 5:28am on June 10, 2013, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

At 6:42pm on January 23, 2013, Stefan said…

Hi Rachel. Thanks for introducing me to this group. I'm sure we will be seeing more of you and Ollie around the neighborhood!

At 5:08pm on January 18, 2013, Jarka, Monty & Auggie said…

Aww, that's just cute! Thank you.

At 2:49pm on December 18, 2012, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

Rachel, Thank you for the Christmas card. Ollie and you look very happy with Santa. Have a great Christmas!!

At 9:50pm on November 6, 2012, Rae said…
Hi, what I'll do after December 1st is make up the lists with a max of 50 members on the main lists. But I will also make up a large list that has everyone on it. The reason for having 50 names on each list is because most card orders are for 25 or 50. I make up the lists by when addresses were entered. For whatever reason the members aren't listed in the order they join.
At 9:01am on November 6, 2012, Rae said…
Hi and welcome to the Holiday Cards group. Please go back into the group and then to the discussion ADDRESSES GO HERE & enter your address. We don't want you missing out on all the wonderful cards! Thanks
At 6:23pm on November 5, 2012, Rae said…
Rachel, Welcome to the Holiday Cards group. Please go back into the group and ten yo the discussion ADDRESSES GO HERE & enter your address. We don't want to risk you not getting all those great cards! Thanks
At 3:28pm on October 2, 2012, Joanne ~ Spud* said…

Okay, I expected about 1,000 pictures by now.  Where the heck are they ?   :)

Just joking, of course. You must be busy at work.

Happy Clicking! 

At 10:22pm on June 10, 2012, Doris, Knox & Flash said…
Happy Birthday, Rachel!! I hope you've had a great day!!! 


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