Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


Mini and Medium Doodles

For anyone who has, breeds or is interested in Doodles that are smaller than standard.

Members: 504
Latest Activity: Aug 6, 2019

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Discussion Forum

And before there was actually one, there suddenly were two......

Started by Christyn Unzueta. Last reply by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie Mar 25, 2019. 15 Replies

How big will my mini goldendoodle get?

Started by Christyn Unzueta. Last reply by J and Riley (and Luna) Apr 8, 2018. 10 Replies & Parents' Size

Started by M Kol. Last reply by M Kol Sep 23, 2017. 8 Replies

F1bb-- our new puppy..doodle or poodle?

Started by Tanya. Last reply by Jane Parrish Aug 30, 2017. 8 Replies

Weight at 10 weeks and adult weight

Started by Allyson, Peri & Taquito. Last reply by S & Charlie Jan 13, 2017. 13 Replies

When to neuter a medium gd?

Started by Lori watts. Last reply by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie Dec 22, 2016. 5 Replies

Mini goldendoodles and short legs...

Started by Joann Valerio. Last reply by Helga, Nimbus, Sierra, Clooney Oct 20, 2016. 1 Reply

Mini goldendoodles and short legs...

Started by Joann Valerio Oct 20, 2016. 0 Replies

Anyone give nexguard to puppy?

Started by Lori watts. Last reply by TYoung Aug 9, 2016. 4 Replies

Are minidoodles more hyper?

Started by Nancy & Echo. Last reply by Lori watts Aug 7, 2016. 10 Replies

Anyone have a picture of a 16 pound labradoodle?

Started by Andrea, Belle and Honey. Last reply by Lori, Daphne, Lucy & Pippa Nov 13, 2015. 6 Replies

Luxating Patella Scare

Started by Jennifer Tramell. Last reply by M Kol Oct 10, 2015. 7 Replies

mini and medium doodle haircuts

Started by M Kol. Last reply by M Kol Aug 31, 2015. 8 Replies

Australian Labradoodle Growth Chart

Started by Kate, Mel, Tenley & Harper. Last reply by M Kol Aug 15, 2015. 13 Replies

Hi! Size question

Started by Kyle. Last reply by M Kol Jul 22, 2015. 10 Replies

Hello there! :) I'm new.

Started by Laura. Last reply by Laura Sep 22, 2014. 9 Replies

Tell me the truth....I can take it (I think)

Started by Monica & Quincy & Charmin too. Last reply by Monica & Quincy & Charmin too Sep 7, 2014. 26 Replies

Full grown age and coat change

Started by Christina. Last reply by Gwyndolyn Morasko Jul 17, 2014. 4 Replies

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Comment by Linda And Callie on September 2, 2014 at 4:56pm
I too have an extremely picky eater, but I finally found a homemade food that she'll eat whenever I put it down. She's had Honest Kitchen which she tolerated but wasn't thrilled with, she'll eat Orijen 6 fish on rare occasions, been through the whole list of foods with no success. Homemade is the only way to go with mine. Time consuming, but since she's only 17 lbs I can make a bunch and freeze it for about 10 days. The things we do!
Comment by Gwyndolyn Morasko on September 2, 2014 at 2:43pm

Silly dooodles indeed.  There doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason to when my puppies eat except that they don't seem to eat a thing if I'm not physically in the room to witness it.  

Comment by Gail and Bailey on September 2, 2014 at 2:34pm

Bailey has her kibble (Acana) down all the time and she usually eats most of her food at midnight!  I hear and feel her jump off the bed and go to her bowl and eat kibble, drink water and come back to bed.  She will eat a hard boiled egg and some cottage cheese and some sweet potato during the day but the kibble is only consumed in the middle of the night!  Silly doodle!  She is 28 pounds and three years old. 

Comment by Gwyndolyn Morasko on September 2, 2014 at 2:06pm

Yeah....I don't know how he reaches it on the back of the counter.  I swear that he can fly sometimes!  He is only 16.5 inches tall!

Have you tried keeping some homemade chicken stock on hand to add to her kibble to see if she likes the chicken flavored "gravy" that it makes when you stir it up with her food? Both of my puppies (the white one is an American Eskimo/Briard sheepdog mix) devour their meal when I do that.  And they both are not food motivated for other things.  Just butter (stolen and dragged outside) or roasted chicken with chicken stock added to their kibble.  It's the only thing that triggers quick eating

Comment by Veronica Z. on September 2, 2014 at 1:59pm

@Kate, Mel & Tenley - Thanks so much for the tip. Unfortunately M.J. has always had crazy high levels of pickiness and has successfully turned her nose up at Stella & Chewy's as well. :(

@Gwyndolyn Morasko - Ha! A butter fiend. Yikes indeed! :p

Comment by Gwyndolyn Morasko on September 2, 2014 at 1:50pm

I would agree that MJ is pickier than Kona, but sounds like she is managing to maintain her weight.  Kona is a Double Doodle (half Goldendoodle and half Australian Labradoodle), so he has both the Golden and the Lab in him with those tendencies.  The only thing he will overeat is when he somehow manages to sneak into my butter!  Yikes!  The boy LOVES butter!

Comment by Veronica Z. on September 2, 2014 at 1:40pm

@ Gwyndolyn Morasko - Yeah, I think M.J. is actually even worse than Kona but even so I totally agree with you. I definitely would rather she knows to eat when she's hungry rather than stuffing herself constantly because I know too many pups whose owners are constantly struggling with controlling their weight. I hope this means M.J. simply will not have these problems, since I was warned that both Golden Retrievers and Labs (M.J. is 50% Golden) tend to be very into food and have problems because of it when they get older.

Comment by Kate, Mel, Tenley & Harper on September 2, 2014 at 1:35pm

For picky eaters, try crushing a Stella & Chewey's freeze dried patty over the top of their food. Works like a charm. 

Comment by Veronica Z. on September 2, 2014 at 1:33pm

@Michele Kiss - Fenway totally sounds (and actually looks a lot) like M.J.. M.J. will reject 90% of treats but she has some that she loves and absolutely never turns down. Unfortunately she doesn't eat kibble because I've tried them all and she just hates them. Once in a while she'll nibble on some of her Orijen but it's once in a great while. We have her on The Honest Kitchen at the moment but like I said she needs to really and truly be hungry to eat it (and it doesn't lend itself to any games) but I have resorted to feeding it to her with my finger and pretending it's an airplane coming into her mouth for a landing (definite signs of desperation). I feel M.J. is the same as Fenway, definitely more interested in her interactions with people and dogs than in food. BTW, I just realized we follow each other on Instagram (recognized the profile pic). :)

Comment by Gwyndolyn Morasko on September 2, 2014 at 1:30pm

Veronica, Kona is a snacker and it is very common for him to not touch his breakfast until dinner.  Yet he recently gained 3 pounds in a few months, so I know that his lack of eating a full, regularly scheduled meal isn't an issue.  My little 24 pounder is now consistently 27 to 28 pounds!  If I need him to eat a full meal because I'm dropping him off at an active day care, or he needs to take flea medication, I just add a little cut up roasted chicken and a little water to his kibble, and it is GONE in 2 minutes flat.  So.....I don't worry about him.  I like that he isn't a typical dog that will eat until he is sick if he finds an open bag of food.  I've seen that before with my siblings Labs!  I prefer Kona's habits.  (Kona will be 2 years old Sept. 30th, and he's been like this since day 1)


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